The Smiths or Radiohead?

The Smiths or Radiohead?

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don’t care for either of them

The Smiths, but both are pretty average groups that are vastly overhyped by art hoes and male baristas

tricky, I grew out of both phases a long time ago

Let's go Radiohead because objectively better discography I suppose (even tho I'm not crazy about their music anymore)

Both have cunty frontmen, Jonny Greenwood's image is a bit cuntier than Marr's

Obviously Radiohead



the fucking smiths obviously
if you listen to radiohead past highschool you are 100% a fuckin gay retard

The Stone Roses

>Jonny Greenwood's image is a bit cuntier than Marr's

how so?

Unironically solo Morrissey

Kid A and Amnesiac were better than anything the Smiths did, but the Smiths were way more consistent. At the end of the day, though, they're both just British pop bands.

more pretentious, look it up.

look up jonny greenwood you mean? i've listened to all his soundtracks, several of them multiple times

he just seems like a lad making music, i don't see how it's cunty or pretentious

The Smiths

Why do all their pictures look they they were taken in the 40s?

lmao retard

most recently him and Yörke dodging the Rock and roll half of fame induction and just letting the bassist and drummer go and represent the band? Also that haircut at 40 something? Plus a whole host of other things—seriously, go through the archive NOW

he's probably the most hated man on Yea Forums user, not even kidding

Don't tell me you're a newfag..?

>green text
t. 12 yr old zoomer listened to Asleep twice favourite film is Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Based. 90s Moz is height

I don't even know why they sucked that song;a dick so much in that movie it's not even in Smiths top 10

lmao retard

The true best band, R.E.M.

>Had the jangly indie alternative vibes of Smiths and early Radiohead
>Got into electronic stuff later in career
>Spans genres Radiohead and The Smiths delved in and then some

Seriously, why haven't you listened to R.E.M.?

Attached: murmur.jpg (1000x1015, 278K)

Smiths. Reddithead sucks.

they fucking suck post Automatic

It's definitely not in their top 10 worst songs but it's undoubtedly in their top 5 best, I agree

>>Got into electronic stuff later in career
Care to post some examples? Don't think I'm familiarized with that part of their career.


gonna make a thread to test your hypothesis

I can give you that for maybe 2 or 3 records post Automatic, but they still held their ground as being good. Monster tour was their biggest tour ever, and Up and Accelerate are pretty good.

Their records from 1998-2004, Up, Reveal, and Around the Sun feature some drum machines, synths, and weird electronic instruments. Up is definitely the best of the three, but Around the Sun is by far their weakest album.

Here are some good tracks from this era.

have sex

have sex

Suedehead by Morrissey

The Smiths easily.