What the fuck was no wave's problem?

What the fuck was no wave's problem?

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It was the original soiboi response to punk.

>What the fuck was no wave's problem?
garbage new wave music in conjunction with the brutal collapse of hippy fantasies about peace and love

Punk had the pretense of overthrowing the rock establishment, playing music that was more deviant, uncompromising, and avant garde than what was acceptable.

No Wave called bullshit. The No Wavers pointed out that the punks talked a good talk, but in reality the Ramones, Blondie, The Dictators, Patti Smith, etc. were really just playing conventional 3 minute rock and pop songs, just like every other act since the 50s. The No Wavers said, let's take punk's artistic pretension seriously and make music that's REALLY avant garde. Lydia Lunch wanted to be the anti-Patti Smith, shrieking, and banging on her instruments to make sheets of noise. James Chance had been classically trained, but he rebelled against that by imitating James Brown and directing a band of complete non-musicians. Mars had no idea how to play their instruments, so they'd just make weird noises with their instruments until they came up with something interesting, then recorded it. DNA created their own musical language, a kind of musical cubism with each instrument portraying a different aspect of a certain idea or concept. The drums were untrained, the guitar was used percussively but was also influenced by Brazilian music (not that anyone could tell). Glenn Branca wanted his music to "fuck people up." Lizzy Mercier Descloux was into the Beat poets and the Velvet Underground, which brought her to New York, but she was also obsessed with Afro-Caribbean music, so she felt no loyalty to rock music. They'd all been inspired by Suicide's dismantling of the rock format, as well as Voidoids guitarist Robert Quine's Ornette Coleman-inspired free jazz guitar. I also wonder if they were aware of the krautrock groups like Can and Faust. I'm also curious about the connection between them and industrial (which was mostly based in the UK, Germany, Australia, and California at the time).

More succinctly

but punk already is soi

No wave had a lot of problems. It's biggest one was probably Christgau.

>DNA created their own musical language, a kind of musical cubism with each instrument portraying a different aspect of a certain idea or concept

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I dunno, but it was awesome.

who's the junkie in OPs pic?