Yo, bro

I can do triplets at 230 bpm.
what can you stick?

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Other urls found in this thread:


the drum gets no love


who cares

do you even brah, brah?


>Picking up a low IQ instrument.

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emotion instead of technicality.

>using cat gut to sound worse than a cat

About 265 heel toe

did I say this is an emotion thread?
no. this is a bpm brah thread

I haven't clocked my foot . . .

how are your emotional chops coming?

I can stick ur girlfriend coz i play guitar lol

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my gargantuan forearms will break your pencil fingers and your pansy arpeggios

cope harder

my coping is sufficient.

>emotion instead of technicality.
you really made a statement there mate. full stop and everything. it's too bad the statement in question is wilfully ignorant of a perfectly valid aspect of music, if not all art.
why create the dichotomy? it doesn't exist. in order to express deep, nuanced emotions, a musician uses deep, nuanced harmony, rhythms and melodic lines, and that invariably takes technical skill. maybe you'll understand once you actually pick up an instrument.

I'm just trying to say that there's more to music than being a fucking virtuoso. A lot of times, songwriters barely have any fucking idea how to play their instruments, but instead conceptualize it or turn it into a medium of emotion. I'm trying to say that even though yes, technicality is great in music and an understanding of theory helps you connect with listeners, that means nothing on its own other than something to go "ooh aah" at. It doesn't hold up on its own. If somebody has no fucking idea how to play music but manages to create serious emotional connection, that shit will last a lifetime. Just look at The Shaggs. Shitty instrumentation, shitty lyrics, super fucking emotional and sad as shit.

girlfriend left u for guitarist confirmed

she left me for a musicless physically inept white glove lawyer making bank who left his wife and laid his wealth at her feet


steve gadd doesn't care about your post

Even funnier

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it is what it is.

its indecent proposal

I'm not your original correspondent, nor have I listened to the Shaggs, but I think an important thing to mention here is that while technically garbage music can feel, to the artist(s), as if it represents the intended emotions, it may not evoke the same in the audience. For example, Stockhausen, when listened to properly, evokes a very interesting mental state, but if not listened to properly can be scary or annoying. I've felt both. [In the course of writing, I have now listened to most of "My Pal Foot Foot."] I don't know what the intended emotion is, but the emotion I get from it is just oddness, awkwardness, and or the sublimity of an infant's thoughts. Also, the technicality isn't bad on this track per se, it's just a discordant 2 or 3 part polyrhythm with simplistic harmonies, I think.

One thing to remember is that, since the artist's intention is often unknown, we as critics must apply the Principle of Charity, in a way, and assume that everything was intentional. With this assumption, technicality thus does not simply affect artistic merit. If, however, we can assume that the product was in large part unintentionally made or that the ideas or emotions conveyed by the product are both unpleasant and banal, then we may condemn the merit to a degree. Of course, unpleasantness and banality are subjective.

death of the author
no charity required
all artists worth their salt know how and when to grab the accident (and they most assuredly all have - Leonardo looked into the fire and at shadows of the walls for images)
and for some a woman by de kooning is as emotionally well received as a Leonardo

this is of course a frequent topic of Damon Che threads . . .

First of all, well-spoken. Second of all, a lot of the time when we're talking about specifically music of garbage quality but incredible emotion, the artists' story is very much involved. There's almost always a balance between emotion and technicality and in my opinion emotion stands alone better in the way music is generally utilized (as a social or emotional tool). I understand that most of the time music that focuses on the emotional element when consumed in the incorrect mindset doesn't hit well, and that's a problem excluded from music that focuses only on the technical or complex element. My point is most of the time highly emotional music is spurred on only by a sudden realization of true feeling, and most people want to make music to express that; and in a lot of these cases, the artist only knows how to make basic music or doesn't know at all. I highly recommend reading about The Shaggs' story.



rec me similar?


sounds like fucking JK's GOD band at 32 min . . . which I guess means it sounds like Ornette . . .

fuck it


more fuck it



secret damon che thread

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