It's not even ambiguous anymore: Fantano fucking sold out

It's not even ambiguous anymore: Fantano fucking sold out

Attached: Fantano.png (320x471, 265K)


You’re right! As punishment for selling out, we should stop ever talking or posting about him on Yea Forums!

You first

we know
delete your shitpost

sold out to who?


>to (((who)))



Corporate interest and other third parties

He's just another cog in the machine now.

He sold out to what would give him the most views on YouTube

he will say and do whatever he thinks will get him views and subs

idk he seems pretty genuine in what he says, and he manages to mention at least a few negative aspects about even the things he enjoys

lets try and ballpark how much a label would pay him for an 8/10 review. I feel 100k is about right


It's been clear who he panders to since day 1. Let's argue alone shows you how much he panders to views.

can no one even read emotions anymore? fantano even thinks lets argue is retarded. its sad to see him go out like this.

Ridge Wallets


hed only cost half that maybe even 30k at most

I don't care that he sold out. I'm irritated by people who think music means "postmodern American popular music" and are unable to approach the medium without the framework of albums, bands and genres. Fantano is hardly a "music nerd" because he employs more conjecture than real learning.

he was a legitimate music reviewer at one point but normies don't give a shit about that, they just want someone to tell them which brand new hip hop album they should like

t. people who care about "movie critics" and "album reviews"

Attached: Blank+_e3190fdf567d2abbb059a5a22a7513d1.jpg (625x481, 55K)

Get over it, faggot, he needs to also make a living and provide for his wife and child.


Might be true. Listening to it right now ans holy fuck does it blow

The flogging will continue until he apologizes.

He knows he is aging out of his "cool" authority. It happens to every critic. He's coming face to face with the reality that he will very soon not make the money that he does and he needs to pivot his career in some way. Unfortunately, rather than use his brand to start some sort of web-site, critics mag, something, he's decided to try to appeal to 13-16 year olds to bolster his dwindling numbers. He has the brand, he needs to step back and let it do the work for him.

I bet you watch reaction vids and unbox therapy you fucking faggot

I'll give you 1 (one) advice: just enjoy the music. Don't listen to anyone for their opinion on anything

Only use this to find recommendations and get the fuck off this board... if you care so much about a youtune reviewer that you keep track of his scores you are no longer in it for the enjoyment

thx for reading my post. Fag

OP why don't you wait until your balls are closer to the ground than your taint before having an opinion on music you fucking embryo

sold out with the billie eilish video

>Only use this to find recommendations
that's literally the worst thing you could use this board for. All Yea Forums's recommendations do is take everything organic out of the process of discovery and and thrust upon your records devoid of any and all context, fuck that. This board is for music banter and that's all.


he's an important part of Yea Forums lore

The funniest part of this post is the part where you typed this all out thinking it was either funny or clever, and god forbid both.

>there are people who fall for this kind of slapped together facade of "balance" and "fairness"
I mean I guess there would have to be for him to have viewers. But I really hope you're still in high school.

friendly reminder that Anthony Fantano has a BMI over 30 (morbidly obese)

Attached: Anthony Fantano.jpg (1080x1920, 454K)

wait... I've seen those legs before..... guys....I don't feel so good...

Attached: 90421.jpg (720x1104, 131K)

he didnt sold out, its late veganism

Attached: 17889DB4-28FA-4CEB-84C9-B262C3D75A3D.jpg (640x835, 241K)

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I was actually going to suggest the same thing. How long has he been vegan? Like 10 or so years? That's usually when a lot of people start to hit a serious wall and have mental health issues. Lot of people have issues much earlier but around 8-10 years seems to be common for the people whose bodies able to do it for longer.

how is it possible to be this obese while vegan?

sugar and wheat. he probably binges and then cries on his kitchen floor.

If you manage to eat enough calories veganism is super fattening. Lot of vegans get super skinny because they focus on high fiber vegetables that are perceived as "healthy" and it's impossible to get a reasonable amount of calories that way. The alternative is to pack loads of carbs, which is the most fattening thing you can do.

>Lot of vegans get super skinny because they focus on high fiber vegetables that are perceived as "healthy" and it's impossible to get a reasonable amount of calories that way.

that's precisely why I quit and started eating fish
