Back then, in the old days, poetry was from and for them peoples on the streets. Now, rap is made for college boys who care about the opinion of some bespectacled white boy on YouTube, wear salmon shorts and go to college, and idolize any ignoramus with face tattoos and whack rhymes. It makes me sick how far we done fell
Back then, in the old days, poetry was from and for them peoples on the streets. Now...
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what the fuck does people from "da strurtz" even mean? i gotta mooch around on a fucking corner all day to be authentic or what?
Working class, people who understand the struggles of real life, not some bitch-ass wh*te boy browsing Yea Forums
>people who understand the struggles of real life
poorfag cope
You ain't real, no matter how much rap you blast at that apartment your mom is renting for you
rap is for subhumans, AND you're poor
>t. white boy who goes to college
i'm the guy you originally replied to and i don't listen to niggers slurring out retardisms. However the other guy is right if you are poor (even generationally so) you are the LAST person who understands "rurl lurv" you and your compatriots are simply retards. No doubt your failure to empathise with people who come from different backgrounds to you has a lot to do with your situation. You can be poor and not live and act like a wild animal and millions of decent ordinary people do it every day all over the world.
I'm pretty sure this is ironic but it is true.
Rap became a way to express the struggles of the life in bad districts, but now it's lost this meaning. Like Yea Forums rap lost it's culture and elitism, and now is full of shit. This is the destiny of every new genre
>No doubt your failure to empathise with people who come from different backgrounds
Yeah he didn't check his priveledge, the fag!
This wave of hip hop is legitimate protects music on the same level as punk
he is real. he actually fucking exists you pot smoking spastic
At least I won't ever be unoriginal like you
the fuck does that even mean? hahahahahah. A black kid who likes rap and doesn't like white people holy fuck what a trailblazer!
Brief reminder that Eazy's biggest crime before cozying up to Jerry Heller and becoming a record executive was low-level marijuana dealing, and that he was never broke a day in his life.
reminder you're far more likely to get aids from anal sex than any other cause
At least Eazy wasn't a studio gangsta who used to make dance music
The only thing that matters is the hood, you will never understand what getting this money is like
the fuck does this even mean? Why won't i understand what "getting this money is like"? is it because i don't care about material wealth and petty possessions or what?
>real struggles
t. lazy poorfag
best part is him describing people from the hood as WORKING class XD
>People who were perpetually put down for centuries and nowadays have three jobs to get by don't work hard
You will never understand rap
The day i hear a rapper bragging about working three jobs instead of "gangsta hustlin" i'll believe that
>Back then, in the old days, poetry was from and for them peoples on the streets.
people make art and are inspired by the most salient part of your lives.
for niggas in the ninties it was the reality of you your family or your friends sitting out on street corners living in gang terrjtory keeping head down or slingin just to get by.
in the current era its about niggas watching youtube videos and black twitter.
its not about nostalgia its about whats going on right now in your life.
even that shitty diatribe aint even about the feeling of back in the day. its about being sad becuase you see that is missing in your life now.
nevermind asking why its the case, or if it is wrong. nope its just you're sad and you think its becuase things aint the way they used to be.
and that is a satisfactory explanation
and now its a justification for your shitty fuckin outlook on life.
just taking it for granted, takin it for true.
when in reality you decided it was right without even more than a thought.
I don't understand... do you want other people (specifically black people) to live in abject poverty dealing crack, getting shot, going to jail... just so a couple of artistic niggas who grew up in that fucked up environment write music for you to enjoy?
read the thread. If you don't live in absolute shit (and contribute to everything being shit) then you aren't "real"
Nice one brother - HH
>. Now, rap is made for college boys who care about the opinion of some bespectacled white boy on YouTube, wear salmon shorts and go to college, and idolize any ignoramus with face tattoos and whack rhymes
yuh yuh (skrrrt skrrrrrrt)
Man... things have changed since the 80s and 90s you no longer can or have to sling dope and get shot fighting over turf...
these people have been lifted out of poverty so now they make music to appeal to their new young audience...
sounds to me like you would rather these people go back to the slums just so you can masturbate over the nostalgia for things you never had
Go fuck yourself
>Money Rap
Notorious BIG (really it was Puffy)was the worst thing to happen to hip hop. He's responsible for the culture shift from tales from the street to being a braggart about your leased lavish lifestyle.
1995 changed everything. Now there are multiple reasons for this, far too long to get into. But know, it's a critical year when it comes to the economy and major cultural shifts in the US and globally. Compare the state of rap music and the culture surrounding it in 1994 to that of 1996. Night and day difference.
One of the best examples of this was the Roots video for "What they do", the video was then edited. "They", didn't like the message it presented.
Edited version: uploaded 2009.
^Looks to be a pretty standard rap video of the era. Nothing exceptional or exciting, just the typical fare.
Original Video:
You'll note, it fits in with videos, because it's a parody of what rap videos had become in 1996. Without the captions, the video is meaningless fodder like every other rap video.
Rap was real way back when
>The principles of true hip hop have been forsaken
I agree with that... for real
I still remember the days when rappers were honest communicators