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No Discord Trannies
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No Fun
No Core
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No Discord Trannies
Old: FAQ:
Typical burzum fan
Don't be gay, or Faust will take your life away.
Why can't black metal fags into good riffs and good vocals?
homophobia isn't cool or funny
because iron maiden is gay lol
Not trve kvlt enough
nothing's off limits for comedy
Do you have a favorite metal album from the Yea Forumscore chart? Also how would you rate the metal selection presented here?
nigga u gay
everything on that chart is gay
Name my band
Favorite metal album represented on the chart is Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
As for how to improve it
>Replace Blood Fire Death with S/t or Under the Sign of the Black Mark
>Replace Human with Leprosy
>Add Venom's Welcome to Hell or Black Metal
>Add Judas Priest's Stained Class, Screaming for Vengeance, or Sad Wings of Destiny
>Add Motörhead's Overkill or Ace of Spades
>Replace Outer Isolation with Voivod's Killing Technology
>Slim down on the experimental, post-genre, and drone stuff
>that sword replica
Gastrointestinal Distress
t. death-core fan
nope, worse: melodeath
I remmeber when this release came out in 1989 Massacra was definitely one of the best death metal bands. No stupid gutturals and bree bree shit just classic death metal.
Opus Satatas
Hey guys I made a song today :)
Best Death albums
1. Human
2. The Sound of Perseverance
3. Individual Thought Patterns
4. Spiritual Healing
5. Symbolic
6. Scream Bloody Gore
7. Leprosy
Nothing wrong with melodeath
>Do you have a favorite metal album from the Yea Forumscore chart?
Probably Transilvanian Hunger
>Also how would you rate the metal selection presented here?
It's decent I guess, entry level albums representing every major sub genre, could use a little more OSDM though.
1. Scream Bloody Gore
2. Leprosy
3. Human
4. Symbolic
5. Spiritual Healing
6. Individual Thought Patterns
7. The Sound Of Perseverence
Scream Bloody Gore
Spiritual Healing
Individual Thought Patterns
The Sound of Perseverance
1. Symbolic
2. The Sound of Perseverance
3. Human
4. Individual Thought Patterns
5. Leprosy
6. Spiritual Healing
7. Scream Bloody Gore
1. Leprosy
2. Scream Bloody Gore
3. The Sound of Perseverance
4. Symbolic
5. Individual Thought Patterns
6. Human
7. Spiritual Healing
this picture smells like weed and Yu-Gi-Oh
1. Human
2. The Sound of Perseverance
3. Individual Thought Patterns
4. Spiritual Healing
5. Symbolic
6. Scream Bloody Gore
7. Leprosy
How do i go from entry level to proper metal?
>satanic imagery
>edgy makeup and armor
>killed people
>dirty, raw production with few takes
>sound more like Venom than Burzum sounds like Venom
>play BC Rich instruments
is motley crue black metal
>trve kvlt
You realize this is just a synonym for bad right
1. Individual Thought Patterns
2. Human
3. Scream Bloody Gore
4. Leprosy
5. Spiritual Healing
6. Symbolic
7. The Sound of Perseverance