Attached: Dj0AWWuU4AAO1gY.jpg (2000x1333, 304K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kookie grape

Attached: 1554227999403.jpg (2048x1365, 313K)

cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: 55759513_632736097169710_950212511104075672_n.webm (640x1136, 483K)

which song should I stream on my mom's Apple Music account?

i have to be spoonfed everything desu

why do i feel miserable after fapping to an idol

Gfriend in flac is literally 1000 times better than you could ever imagine with a good audio setup. Same with Mamamoo, the difference is night and day


Attached: 1539413606975.png (1200x801, 1.53M)

Article: Hitomi - Jang Wonyoung, Korean-Japanese beauty battle

1. [+662, -45] She slaughters her...

2. [+627, -48] Total landslide

3. [+411, -36] Shows how important height is for women too ㅋㅋㅋ look at the difference in proportions. It's like looking the difference between a stuffed doll and a Barbie doll ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+28, -6] The photographer screwed her over ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Attached: 3E802E72-F02F-415D-B72F-FDA2F8F11ABC.jpg (610x877, 103K)

Attached: 1534614081791.webm (608x1080, 2.89M)


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Attached: 1531268924618.jpg (632x1349, 521K)

>faker red velvet
>rekkles this kqt
>dopa some psycho bitch
if you want kgf you must be good at league of legends

Attached: 544535.png (562x588, 601K)

word I also like to pay for things I don't get to keep

can you believe I'd never had soju in my life before I went to korea for the first time last year.

shit is so cash and its cheap af from the corner stores and you can drink in public. drinking from the banks of the han river looking at namsan tower at night was a whole ass mood, yall should try it sometime

Because they didn’t train for 4 years to be fapped to

you can get a free trial in less than 5 minutes

of course you actually need a good audio setup to take advantage of that. most people don't though


Who is that

mamamoo is honestly the group im most curious about in flac

Attached: 1554007564912.jpg (738x485, 53K)

that gaze
that mouth
that expression
and then the grape

please jungkook, please let me live

it comes with hulu though

Attached: persona packaging.jpg (1024x7437, 361K)


just downloaded spotify to make sure I have something specific to complain about and the search function doesn't even work

They are faker on their vlives than purepops

me on the right

Attached: blchd.webm (1440x1080, 2.1M)

her real speaking voice is actually ozzie english.
knetz will point every once in awhile that rosie isnt actually fully fluent

Imagine not having a good audio system

Do it dude, you won't regret it. I can't stress enough how good those 2 groups in particular sound.

works fine for everyone else
your device doesn't work



Attached: 1506205037339.jpg (1500x1000, 434K)

boring cover
it's too pink

that's the chinese translator girl tho

picking on izone japs is easy, twice japs would mog wony hard

where do you get them from?

thinking about SinB...

i'm deaf

atleast you know who a lizard is and who isnt

you just gotta be more unironic about reptilians and then ill be like yes man

good boy

Attached: 6AF6431A-F1CF-4571-986E-A0CA4B9E1A41.jpg (1468x2048, 356K)

i swear only like 2 people ever post her

this is actually what its gonna look like?
man so low effort, along with those same-y concept photos.

based concertgoer patrician

i'm blind

Attached: DqRjCetUUAESAVb.jpg (2048x1364, 243K)

word i love grapes

Attached: 1554227813537 (2).jpg (646x1598, 248K)

yeah I feel bad for poor wony


Attached: DrZQ-IlUcAAoAmA.jpg (1200x900, 170K)

everyone that posts here

Attached: bbh.gif (420x548, 3.77M)

Attached: giphy.gif (480x480, 2.57M)

Did Sojin have a nickname here?

Attached: sojin9m.jpg (500x508, 39K)

not sure I'll get banned for this but here user, just for you.


Attached: 55336973_121079765704703_6981323384107948428_n.webm (640x640, 218K)

her iq is small
she's clearly a homo
you guessed right
it is twice's momo

Attached: momo_ball.webm (1280x720, 2.08M)

I like to imagine sinb as an iljin

russian roulette is the best kpop song ive ever heard

and i'm glad someone is dumping because i need more pictures

word but Senorita


Attached: strongjin.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

if you work hard, you get to eat delicious things

I dont think we've had a bleached thread in a while
should we do something about it?

Attached: bwc stare.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

it unironically got me into kpop

twice jline mogs the whole industry (sans tzuyu)

Attached: jline.jpg (744x618, 61K)

>not sure I'll get banned for this
the fuck? we have a whole board for torrenting pirated content on Yea Forums

what would be good Mamamoo and Gfriend FLAC releases to start with? I actually don't know that much about either of them accept that mamamoo actually have vocals


Attached: 1551063581935.jpg (1364x2048, 391K)

whos this with rekkles?


Word but rookie


Attached: 50728216_389295445140701_792122313049899008_n.webm (640x640, 1.33M)

They don't even mog jeongyeon

not that guy but if i downloaded the flacs I'd listen to funky boy first

a lot of people have said this
for a friend of mine it was the first kpop song he ever heard and even tho he didn't explore that much outside RV and doesn't listen to it anymore he told me he watched the video every day and it unironically helped bring him out of a depression.

anyone have webm of izone's flossing?

three 100% korean beauties

also people called her alienqt sometimes

Attached: 1549506515871.jpg (1000x667, 552K)

Attached: 160821 인천 팬사인회 나인뮤지스A 겨� (954x800, 2.93M)

irene, jennie, seulgi, joy, and nakton aren't japanese and they mog all of them three nips

theres this one girl in 9 muses that im still subscribed to on youtube from like 7 years ago and she gets like 300 viewers

forgot her name she still makes videos though

ryu sera

Attached: D2biPizWwAEp4O6.jpg (2048x1612, 330K)

based rv. i haven't listened to it myself either in a while but there's definitely just something about it

Attached: D3J2vVVVsAA0C_L.jpg (1930x3430, 1.07M)

Cucked by that webm

If the Russian Roulette video were released today, with all the hype and buzz that kpop has right now, I genuinely think it could viral or something close, it's such a good track and video and so much more interesting than the "blackpink swag" vibe they're pushing.

pyjamas in a minimalist house concept

Attached: D3J5A3nVAAYQ035 (2).jpg (1772x2480, 408K)

>good music
april fools was yesterday

who is this qt

I'm personally a Buddy, but I've listened to all of Mamamoo's Discog once or twice, so I can't say for sure on them. But for Gfriend it's Snowflake and A Time For Us.

are you sure😂

she isn't really there. that's AI cgi


Attached: doyeon_101.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

but honestly I like gidle a lot
Blow Your Mind and What's Your Name were both better than tracks than senorita.

she kinda is

Attached: sinb threat.webm (720x720, 2.94M)

make it more believable next time

1. Literal Goddess
2. Nutty Supermodel
3. Kim Doyeon

Attached: DjSRKDxUYAAxHTM.jpg (2184x3276, 2.32M)

the other user was correct, she isnt even korean. her name is candice.
she works with the lpl and she usually shows up at international events

Attached: D3J49WgU0AAOwT8.jpg (3543x2480, 829K)

le no ass meme

better believe that koreans are real

Attached: 1508366946244.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)


>jennie mogging anyone
good joke


is that the one in weki meki?

been staying at my uncles for the last few days, and a couple days ago i discovered that my zoomer cousin (15) can't do his shoe laces. are all zoomers like this? he's upstaris now, playing fortnite, and hasn't left his room since he took a shit this morning, had breakfast, and asked my aunt for money

also white penis enthusiast

no u

>Jennie, Joy, Seulgi
based blindbro

the new iz*one sounds lieka more exciting wjsn song

Attached: slugEE.gif (500x500, 3.07M)

we postin lizard queens in here?

Attached: 88ee67435697282719b9826e603181cf_taXmJyH8sfXnvpvzyGa.gif (245x350, 2M)

Attached: 160226 상해팬미팅 기자회견 나인뮤ᄌ� (528x800, 2.89M)

Sounds like he has shit parents

no u

Attached: image (3).jpg (720x1080, 196K)

our cf queen

Attached: 51421185_317725725615758_4695724380787834880_n.webm (640x640, 556K)

we sure are

Attached: 1549389334521.jpg (1080x1352, 461K)


you niggers are the ones joking if you think Gfriend and Mamamoo can't sing. Also what the fuck kind of music do you listen to?

Hello, I’m looking to purchase 1 Seulgi please

is this your first day here?

Attached: 1548704340350.jpg (1014x1280, 229K)

Attached: 171202 김포공항 간사이공항 나인ᄆ� (656x800, 2.87M)

Who the fuck said anything about singing?

>be a cf queen when your group is dead as fuck
how'd she do it?

yeah, she's the "savage" of the group.

Attached: 1553191509182.webm (962x541, 2.86M)

she seems kind of sad
clc were neglected

they don't even listen to kpop
just shitpoet about idols all day

wrong group

I can’t tie my shoes the correct way, I do that bunny ears thing. I just can’t comprehend how it works...

Attached: 41212793-28C4-438E-BC6B-06E8BBD99237.gif (326x326, 3.12M)

by being a lizard

Attached: tumblr_oj866tLaxI1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)

literally me

Attached: 1553381984472.jpg (1000x1500, 499K)

Attached: clc SeungYeon talk 190210 씨엘씨 승연 멘트 BY 147Company ᄎ (554x800, 2.92M)

Isn't that how you're supposed to do it?


i want sinb to step on me

Attached: 8C-6222.jpg (900x1439, 275K)

I wonder how's kiwichad

and then there's yerin who' this...

Attached: 1549261487926.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

post red velvet and loona friend

Attached: 1547585590037.jpg (1080x1350, 124K)

pot more confused twice instead

just realized that dreamcatcher siyeon looks like the lead backup singer from vitas - 7th element

what is cf

lmao who is it

Yea Forums would praise me as a patrician if they saw my taste but I’m just fascinated by the world of idols

Choi Yena
Jo Yuri
Kang Hyewon
An Yujin
Lee Chaeyeon
Miyawaki Sakura

lewd mijoos



>dreamcatcher siyeon

sounds like a ripoff of everglow sihyeon

my waifu

you better believe shes my new avatar once she gets more pictures

Attached: DyUBXB3V4AAxyZI.jpg (1080x608, 27K)

why is she a lizard?

9muses kyungri/gyeongree


it's the opposite actually

i mIsS iTzY sO mUcH bRoS

>make a webm
>your image contains an embedded file

ask any actual visual

Attached: 44072860_128712961431577_2294820830498523401_n.webm (640x796, 445K)

kill yourself my man

Attached: 1546384865384.jpg (3000x2000, 498K)

rip sihyeon posting

I miss Itzy so much bros

Attached: D1SK748UcAERLWR.jpg (2694x4041, 940K)

Imagine making two loops like the blue lace and tying them together, that’s how I do it. Although looking at this it’s made it a lot easier to understand.

Attached: 0B0D8F9B-424D-4203-8A74-63A6CE6A22DF.jpg (984x627, 93K)

>irene, jennie, seulgi, joy
you cant be serious
idk whos the last one is but base on your taste she probably doesnt mogs jline either

no one knows who that is

Attached: 1548112974044.jpg (960x960, 91K)

cute panda ape

Why does it always feel like Yea Forums are the fags that shitpost the most? Is /metal/ doing it?


You post yeji more than me

Attached: D1yOVVqUkAI-f96.jpg (1356x2048, 250K)

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Attached: jihyo.png (619x715, 878K)

>no cubpost

you are thinking of different slugman
there are many of us you see

Attached: 1546973655953.jpg (1043x1043, 76K)

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Attached: D3AdgK-U8AAAh4X.jpg (1200x1800, 153K)


Attached: 1551311975265.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: 160507 봄 사랑 가족 축제 나인뮤지스 � (456x800, 2.64M)

Attached: 1548249433075.jpg (1000x1500, 880K)

mental illness
thank god

seulgi will always have the last laugh on all of us though


based, i do that too
i know how to do the regular way but it never turns out well and i only do it if someone's looking

I am not mentally ill

Attached: D1yOiWKVYAEb31m.jpg (1147x1950, 219K)

Attached: 1554091510749.webm (926x926, 2.62M)

>cute panda

Attached: clc SeungYeon talk 190210 씨엘씨 승연 멘트 BY 147Company ᄎ (554x800, 2.9M)

can we get some lewd ones in here

Attached: 3298472897435.webm (608x1080, 2.93M)

Attached: 171014 OH MY GIRL (오마이걸) (아린) Coloring Book (컬러ᄅ� (636x800, 2.92M)

i keep telling myself CLC is a dead group but i still watch produsorm and squeal like a girl every thirty seconds

Doyeon looks like THAT???
You guys told me she was uggo but she's actually a literal goddess


bring perks back

I know there’s no way of that not sounding narcissistic but it’s true. It’s pretty formulaic - post this you’re patrician, post that you’re not. Kpop is definately beneath them, but I like it for the theatrics, and the music when it’s good. Plus I love 80s pop so it’s not like I have high expectations.

Missing Kyungree

RIP in pieces 9 Muses. They had some nice songs and they looked great as a group as far as visuals. RIP though

get in the bin

based slugji friends


Attached: 1552056154714.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Attached: 1553959737946.jpg (749x1015, 98K)

omo kookie

Attached: D3J47-DVAAYLLp7.jpg (4096x2730, 1.7M)

sorn is pretty likeable

that's fucking gyeongree

imagine yeji doing this

Attached: 160813 여의도 팬사인회 나인뮤지스A 겨� (786x800, 2.65M)

no one calls her this

no one cares

stellar's hyoeun playing with siro

Attached: 55390818_421060788458133_7988765124770922496_n.webm (480x360, 2.73M)

a natty supermodel one at that

Sorn is actually good at youtubing and does it all herself which is cool.

Attached: 19.gif (400x348, 2.79M)

Thoughts on Sunmi and The Wonder Girls?
When I first got into kpop that shit was a treat coming from Yea Forums to /kpg/.

thanks for all the kyungri webms


if i wanted to listen to assmusic from girls who are only good for blasting i'd listen to nugucatcher

as a slugman i also love yeji

Attached: D2_x921XgAEneQ8?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (674x1024, 84K)

shitty management, saved by sweetune music

Attached: 170609 이숙영의 러브FM 공개방송 오마� (532x800, 2.96M)

Attached: MOMO_BABO.webm (1280x1046, 1.03M)

Shut up



i am the only slugman here

imagine seulgi doing this

good for you

Attached: D1rKWxHWwAAh0sq.jpg (683x1024, 77K)

they both have great discogs idiot

i have no idea why she changed it. it's annoying to spell.

Attached: clc SeungYeon Reaction 190209 씨엘씨 승연 리액션 BY 1 (824x800, 2.91M)

Good but I don’t really listen to sunmi’s stuff

>pale white skin
>long dark hair
>sharp facial feautures
>husky voice
>noona complex
>a cup
Yeji is literally the perfect waifu

>some dude literally posted a 320 gb torrent of flacs earlier and there are people in this thread linking to shitty blogs
y i k e s

>Replying to kfappers

Attached: 32.gif (500x317, 3.46M)

that makes three of us
we are many

Attached: 1546930870247.jpg (1280x1920, 217K)

that dog looks like it has momobrains


we don't care about your torrent, user

it's all placebo

>9muses will never drop another ultrabanger
aaaahhhh identity was so good bros
i've been jamming to this lately

Attached: 51363182_624728894654209_7971220290740944896_n.webm (640x480, 449K)

ok last couple thread have made me want to start downloading some FLAC.
what players do yall use these days?
sorry ive been on spotify and youtube the last few years and forgot everything, do yall still use winamp and foobar?

i do the bunny ears too
i mean i haven't even tried since i was in elementary school, i don't even think about it except once a year when someone mentions it

Attached: 1553138152291.png (1280x720, 500K)

Attached: 160226 상해팬미팅 기자회견 나인뮤ᄌ� (528x800, 2.69M)


Absolutely nobody is seeding it


you are just a slugkid

yeah I don't really care about CLC but her videos are fun

I’ll remind you next year too

i can't believe i'm posting with literal retards who can't even tie their shoelaces

this is one of my favorites

my heart

Attached: aEJ0Mz0.jpg (2000x1335, 396K)

Yeji is actually kinda yellow, Chaeryeong is way paler

Attached: D3IhuNVV4AAngXx.jpg (1000x1500, 177K)

I am the slugchad
I am also the rvchad

Attached: 1551127088194.jpg (439x1048, 394K)

very true friend

Attached: 29.gif (500x503, 3.42M)

is this one the based dancer in clc?

They finally got their one way ticket

that's retarded

Not if you only listen to FLAC, with a high quality setup, trust me I can tell the difference very easily between 192-320k and FLAC
mpd+ncmcpp/emacs or foobar

>one thread everybody is praising something (eg. flac)
>the next thread everybody suddenly hates it
love it when this happens

Attached: D3Ih79NUcAEnrnt.jpg (1000x1500, 147K)

Russian Roulette is the best song-mv combo from any 3rd generation gg

when all you needed was a gun

Attached: 1497729120064.jpg (1500x1000, 846K)

post more of her

i need to sleep but fuck it

Attached: 7Fo3EIV.jpg (900x1687, 187K)

Attached: 160805 뮤직뱅크 나인뮤지스 경리 직ᄏ (814x800, 2.86M)

Attached: D3Ih79NVAAA5YSc.jpg (1000x1500, 153K)

i swear she has her tongue out every 10 seconds omo

what constittues a "high quality setup" I have good headphones but I dont have a soundcard or a dac or anything like that.

Attached: 1553042091651.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

damn i miss the perks that shit was fun

Kpop is meant to be listened on YouTube

i want to sleep because i woke up at midnight but it's noon

wtf I love lizardpeople now

Attached: D3E3FiCUYAM61SK.jpg (2730x4096, 1.13M)

stupid pedos, nako wins easily💢

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

sorn will probably make more money youtubing than from CLC

Attached: 1552834314687.jpg (1000x1500, 88K)


Attached: 180309 씨엘씨 clc 승연 SeungYeon 리액션 BY 철� (518x800, 2.93M)

based and word

Attached: 1548473427267.jpg (1200x800, 145K)

your mom was meant to be fucked in the ass but then you happened

>listening to gfriend
>not just watching their fapcams on mute

based seabro

>kpop """"""""""audiophiles""""""""""

now that's what i call yikes

it's all placebo guys
now if you excuse me, i'll go back to listening to my 128kbps download on my ipod earbuds

Attached: D3ExiAlU4AI77eY.jpg (2925x4096, 889K)

lol he cries at worlds ever year because he throws the game every time

Attached: 44Oj0Ee.jpg (1200x1920, 269K)

fucking whore

freakin cute

absolutely demolished

dallah dallah played at the gym earlier. in addition to lifting for my girl momo I can now lift for my itzy girls

Attached: 1553800100909.jpg (3000x1746, 516K)


unironically this

Attached: 170729 나인뮤지스 콘서트 RE -MINE 경리 어머 (870x800, 2.92M)

strange because i think russian roulette is the worst rv song


Attached: D3Ec8DBVYAANBOQ.jpg (3500x2337, 1.04M)

what the fuck is a rekkles

Attached: cncTmnm.jpg (1000x1500, 154K)

kyungri isnt sexy

Attached: 1548087715205.webm (504x896, 1.05M)

giving chungha my genetic material for her extraterrestrial overlords to research, if you know what I mean

ugh it's called minimalism
maybe you're not smart enough for bts

some zoomer slang I think

see /hpg/ for that, I got banned last time I started talking about that kinda shit here.
I originally did it for the fuck of it, and then started doing it unironically

based twitzybro

Attached: CheeryAjarHorsemouse.webm (1918x1080, 2.12M)

i fucking love that move

Attached: 1532892372771.webm (608x1080, 2.38M)

its not usually rekkles fault dbh

post more of this extremely beautiful korean woman

a white beta who cries when he loses a video game against stone cold killer gooks and chinks

joy looked good in blonde

FLAC is just a lossless format
A 50 x 50 pixel PNG is lossless but still shit
On the other hand, you can hear a difference between 128k mp3s and 320k mp3s
FLACs are just usually higher, because why bother otherwise; it's nothing to do with the FLACness of the FLAC

ok rekkles


yeah ur gonna need a soundcard at the very least
you haven't unlocked the full potential of your headphones if you're using the default on the motherboard

Attached: bpm6Brp.jpg (500x753, 54K)

There had been much worse songs. I don't like Happiness at all for example

Attached: 1546159971398.jpg (1000x667, 417K)

oh well, not my problem
jps still exists and you should be using it if you're not giving spotify your money

wendy looked so different here

I was thinking of buying one, I have a spare slot on my board and they aren't too expensive

Attached: 1550263078744.jpg (680x614, 104K)


what does a sound card do that an equalizer can’t?

they all look way too different except for slug
is that supposed to be wendy on right?
if not then...who is that? lol

happiness is horrendous and whoever thought that was a good song for a debut was fucking stoned

Attached: 160813 여의도 팬싸인회 나인뮤지스 경 (664x800, 2.91M)