So have you guys started catching on?
So have you guys started catching on?
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But they aren't selling the record, they're selling her.
its april 2nd why is he still doing the joke?
That he's a corporate vehicle driven by Complex as a decisive tastemaker? yuh
Kill all wiggers.
He is so obviously being paid for this
I liked billie the first time I heard her. dont need melon to tell me she's good
How so?
who in the fuck uses the word slaps anymore besides KTT or people from the left coast?
Because he was talking trash about the same songs he's now praising
it is nowhere near consistent with his previous stuff
>Gives yeezus a 5
>Gives MBDTF a 6
>Gives 17 a 2
>Gives Come Over When You're Sober a NOT GOOD and accuses lil peep of having fake depressed lyrics
>Gives Billie Eilish an 8/10 and praises production and lyrics despite it basically stealing production from yeezus and 17, while also having even worse lyrics than lil peep
people say it, but they don't say it the way he says it. it's like he wrote this tweet, then decided he didn't sound young enough to be talking about billie eilish so he replaced what he said before with a bunch of shit he found creeping on teenager's instagrams.
it's like a little kid who replaces every word with the biggest synonym they can find in the thesaurus, but sadder
This. It's not surprising considering the insane hype she has been getting. They probably paid him a fuck-ton of money too. I don't necessarily blame him for taking it though.
hahah, fader article genuinely fucked him up and turned him into a safe, pandering machine. gets the upvotes, though.
great point
also being very inspired by production from joji of all people
note the similarities to billie's "xanny" with the bass and distorted vocals
Billie can sing Wuthering Heights in the original key and will do so while on tour with her SoundCloud boy toy just to prove to you uncles she’s genuinely talented and NOT an industry plant:
>thirty something white guy still thinks talking like a 13 year old girl is okay
Keep this creep away from your kids, why is he so into music for children?
it is so fucking obvious this dude sold out. he isn't even trying to hide it.
Literally reads like something a record label paid him to say
Fuck this faggot
He’s bought
Hey since we know he’s sold out and has abandoned any actual reason, can we maybe stop talking about him? Finally? No, we can’t, because you guys love talking shit about him even though it shits up this board. We know he sold out. We know his opinions are bad. We know the fader article changed him. Stop fucking talking about it everyday. Am I the only one who’s tired of hearing all of this obvious shit? The amount of times I’ve read a post declaring him changed by the fader article is absolutely flabbergasting: we know, it’s obvious, no need to continue pointing it out as if it’s some kind of new idea. It has to be newfags or something, because there’s no way regular Yea Forums browsers DONT know all this shit by now. Fucking hell what’s the point? Do you all like talking about it THAT much?
thank you
>catchy af
>good beats
This guy makes money doing this?
If she could she would have demonstrated her abilities.
Theres a lot of people on this board who claim to hate him yet still watch his videos, also im pretty sure he still posts here or has someone post about him. So yeah no, no ones gonna stop, especially when he keeps giving people fuel
I stopped watching him completely shortly after the Fader thing personally. I didn't really love him but I thought his videos were "okay" at the time and I occasionally watched them. Since then though, he's become way more inconsistent and really annoying online and I don't know how anyone stomachs him anymore.
fucking based as fuck.
im saving this as a pasta, do you mind? fucking facts
he talked shit about lana, lorde, and sky ferreira and suddenly shillie payolish gets a "strong 8"
he have ultraviolence a 2 and somehow billie's shit is an 8 now? it makes no sense at all
YO guys listen YALL this album HARD AF it fucking SLAPS and its DOPE AF FIRE. YALL DEADASS if YALL think otherwise
Ok I guess it really is too hard to tell he’s fucking around
This man is 33 and has a child, and feels the need to share his opinions about a 17 year olds corporate music. Let that sink in. What a sad sack of shit.
i don't usually cringe at melonhead but yikes
33 isn't even that old you zoomer nigger
How much money did the melon get from that review??
Not a zoomer. But it's old enough that you should realize this shit isn't made for you anymore, you're not it's target demographic, and trying to "relate" to the experiences of teens is fucking weird at that age.
This was only funny the first time
>gave Billie an 8 and Narkopop a 2
What happened to him? He lost any edge he ever had.
The dude makes a living by reviewing music on the internet. The problem isn't that he's reviewing an artist who is 17. It's his inconsistent and insincere opinions.
Nobody needs a fucking music reviewer. You get a streaming subscription for 30 cents a day if you want music and you no longer need to rely on other people telling you whats worth your time. It's utterly pointless. Market doesn't need curation anymore. If you want to talk about music you need to have a bigger broader critical approach and vouch for an idea or current or something. He's just giving you an amazon review for something that costs you next to nothing to listen to anyway. He's a fucking clown.
Yeah, I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge.
The kids are coming up from behind.
I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge to the kids outside the retirement home.
But I was there.
Come on grandpa, time to go see anthony.
kill yourself
he has a kid? sauce me
Billie more like Shillie
get yourself in the know. Everyone who knows knows.
A melon has to pay his mortgage somehow.
fantano fucking SUCKS
I will listen to it
this guy is a fucking joke
>Yes, the production on the Billie album slaps, but don't forget the tunes are catchy af and the vocals, while very hushed throughout the album, are pretty dope. Don't just sell the album merely as a record with good beats on it. There's more to it than that.
since when has he commented in one of his reviews like this?
stupid tripfag
He even calls himself "melon" now. It's getting kinda sad.
calm down, I will just listen to it to see what the fuss is all about. I hated him for giving Arianna Grande an 8 but I listened to it and it turned to be a 6, not so bad
im calm
you are stupid
everything is normal
That's old and I see no problem with it. It made a memetic addition to his brand, so Zomby actually benefited him by sperging against him. Still, Fantano is a faggot for not reviewing Zomby again and giving him a 2/10 or something. Then again, Zomby's exposure probably also suffers from Fantano completely ignoring him
Imagine hating a dude so much you forge a fucking tweet just to make up shut to be angry about.
I don’t likw him or Billie either, but can you guys stop bitching and grow the fuck up! At least make a general, or put Billie or Fantano in the post so it could be caught in my filters.
Also, if you’re posting in these threads, remember to sage.
go back
gb2twitter underage retard
>forged tweet
>one of his favorite tracks is "wish you were gay"