Ok, lets see how smart Yea Forums is.
You get to choose between:
>$10.000 worth of VST "synths"
>$10.000 worth of Hardware Synths
Which one do you choose?
Ok, lets see how smart Yea Forums is.
You get to choose between:
>$10.000 worth of VST "synths"
>$10.000 worth of Hardware Synths
Which one do you choose?
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't tell if this is somehow a joke or just retarded but hardware, obviously. Save up and spend $400 on UVI Falcon or something similar and you have all soft synth bases covered completely. For 10k you could put together an incredible set of hardware synths.
>I can't tell if this is somehow a joke or just retarded
wait and see.
hardware lol vsts are more less the same
but I can already pirate the software for free
Hardware. VSTs are worthless on the second hand market and dont appreciate in value either way
Obviously spend the 10k on hardware and pirate anything else you need.
>Imagine paying for VSTs
Hardware. Some sucker is gonna pay me double in a few years.
I can get synth1 and dexed for free. I don't need any other software
considering most DAW's have already a ok to great sounding native VST, I find hard to imagine someone buying more than 2 extra VST. Any iZotope, Xref or Spectrasonics will do the job complementing what it's already on the DAW and that's not counting sample based to which then some might prefer a good orchestral and piano type of plugins.
Also with the hardware, I think 10 k in hardware is a better choice for me. Also, it will be interesting what hardware synths are you planning to get!
10k in hardware synths, sell them on ebay and pirate VSTs
I would buy a OP-1 and have all my based covered.
what's the difference
I can’t afford hardware so I’ve conditioned myself to believe it’s crap and only idiots buy it. see how smart I am!
I have no use for either as I already have the exact gear and software I need, but if those are my only options, I guess I could resell the hardware to gullible hobbyists who waste money on that stuff.
i literally don't know what the difference is. it seems like the type of shit that would be hard to google and understand without knowing the basics of the two things, so i'm asking here.
are you literally retarded
VSTS. there are much more capable VSTS than there are hardware. Omnisphere, Serum, Keyscape, Soundtoys, Trillian, Nexus, Guitarrig... If you still pick Hardware after understanding what VST's are capable of, you are simply a troll or some deluded "aficionado"
>t. hobbiest
unironically this. all you need is a good set of speakers and a midi keyboard. and you arent constantly reminded how much of a failure you are if you are evertime you see dusty keyboards and synths layering around. Doubt any of you even have 'hardware' though, bunch of fucking larpers
>spending 10k on software
post your setup anons
Software makes hardware redundant in this case.
doesn’t anyone gig ? goodlord
I remember being there. programs that run on software "in the box" versus dedicated machines. external hardware usually is more user friendly as an instrument, i.e. physical knobs and sliders versus point and click. hardware can also generate or process sounds with digital software (i.e. numerically) or with analog components (i.e. physically). if you're asking about the difference in how they're used there's more overlap than some people would like to admit but I think it's a preference. some people find one vs the other to be more inspiring for their art.
a lot of VST hardware clone synths end up sounding really cleaned up compared to their hardware counterparts. also they add extra functionality that doesnt need to be there and it tends to be difficult to make them not sound like overproduced shit. VST effects are pretty passable though, just a lot of the time too flashy. most ideal situation is buying hardware that suits your current needs for your music and also finding vsts that do as well and using them in tandem .
this desu
Here's a rack I'm working on. 16U of rack space and a shelf for my midi controller. This case alone cost me over $300 in parts and accessories, so I can see why a poorfag would get all sour grapes at the idea.
sick workshop user. where do you source wood/hardware?
Looks solid, you the user building his studio right?
Five dollars for a yamaha pss, fifty dollars for a four track and the rest goes into tapes for my dungeon synth bandcamp (I say 10 copies only but always print more)
you don't need to spend 10k on software
with $500 and a midi you can do more with vsts than you can do with $10k worth of hardware
Not what OP asked
thanks, it's my uncle's shop. The wood is select pine (no knots) except for one board's worth, which wont be showing, and the majority of the hardware is Reliable Hardware brand off of Amazon. The drawer rails were hardest to pick out, ordered them directly from a company called Ryadon
thank you
Looks like good tonewood
what does $10.000 mean? ten dollars?
No, must be another guy. This is going in my bedroom. I built it to match a few other racks I have
This is a great question and I think it is really interesting that everyone is saying hardware for the most part. I work as a recording engineer and: 1. Every producer (and engineer) that I work with has easily more than 10k in software (I would guess I have roughly $25k on my laptop) and 2. The few people I know that use hardware have no less than $30k in synths.
At the end of the day its all about what comes out of the speakers. Just interesting to hear a different perspective on it.
any pics of your finished racks?
You bet! I even made it seafoam green to better accentuate FM synthesis
I'll have to search through my phone, not home currently. They're two 4Us, a 2U, and a slant rack for modules and whatnot. Entirely too much, really, but I like it.
How do you do this? All of my projects when the work are just a mess of wire
Unless you're an analog autist that pretends to be able to hear the difference between digital and analog, there's no good reason to pick hardware over software other that the gimmick of it
Who makes better music?
Looks fun, how’s the op-z
Software is harder to use
>teenage - chiptune only for 600 dollars - engineering
A couple of these, a patch bay, and line mixers. And a mio4 for midi i/o
How could you possibly amass 10k in software? Hifi sample packs?
did you going to post your setup?
why no volca fm?
Not really. I mean, sure, if you're a beginner you might feel suffocated by all the possibilities and not really knowing where to begin, but it's more of a mental block than actual difficulty.
>3 voice fm
Maybe volcatards love playing marimbas
In general, doesnt matter
>3 voice FM
newsflash, guy, FM excels at bass
It’s my main instrument now desu, it’s easy to use in bed for the days I don’t leave my bed.
>he can’t do anything but chiptune with te stuff
Ahh, everything is just a spaghetti after like 5 minutes of use for me. I tried cable management but idk it just never ends up sticking around.
I got the 3 original volcas bc the person I live with had them and we just stared using them after his parents moved and gave home stuff he had at their house. Then the sample was just bc I wanted a sampler, so idk I just never got any other volcas
Idk, it’s always seemed harder for me. Like hardware just is more immediate and I’m retarded
FM excels at new age pads and plucks
yes, and hard bass like latelybass
Off the top of my head:
ProTools 1000
Ableton 800
Melodyne 800
Waves Mercury 3000
Fabfilter 1250
Logic 200
SyncPro / Techtool stuff 250
Plugin Alliance stuff 1500
Komplete 1300
Diva 200
Serum 200
Auto Tune 300
Izotope Bundle 1000
Valhalla Verbs 200
Soundtoys 300
Various Softtube bundles 1000
Metric Halo bundle 300
GRM tools 1200
Eventide stuff 300
Dune synths 300
Im sure I have forgot some stuff, but thats what came to mind. Didn't even add it up, because Im sure I have more.
And you use all of that? Seems redundant
Obviously the hardware since I can just pirate the software.
Yes, over the years of working with various artists and various workflows I ended up buying all this to be able to easily interface with them. I agree, it is redundant, but everyone works differently. Obviously when I make my own music on the side, I don't use it all, but its good to have a working knowledge of it.
lmao what kinda synth you think you getting for 10 dollars? retard
What a stupid question
I feel like you have a definitive answer but don't want to share it.
ill download the vsts for free and buy hardware only to sell it after a few years for double the money ;)
Honestly I don't. The bulk majority of people that I work with (aside from the occasional rock band) use a hybrid of both. I can't say Ive ever worked with an all hardware artist desu.
already posted slowpoke
I wouldn't buy analog hardware at the peak of its current meme inflation. Some digital stuff maybe. Wish I bunkered some multitrack recorders to rip hipster trash off.
so youre building that redundant shit to put more redundant shit in it just to brag about the fact you can afford it? interesting.
That doesn't surprise me. Analog purists are almost always hobbyists anyways.
Upvotes are one hell of a drug
now we got a patrice right here.
im almost the same, but with my pss790 for truly awesome lofi crunchiness.
>moronic comment based off the assumption something was said that simply wasnt
classic. I'm building it because I have a big leaning tower of the sort of thing you get asspained over other people owning.
>using hardware is a "gimmick"
mcfucking kill yourself
it is
there's literally no advantage in using hardware over software other than looking cool to retards that know nothing about producing
This isnt a production thread, it's a synth thread.
so people dont even gig here lol
whats this place even
I have to disagree with you user. Depends on the skill set of the musician. I have seen people play things on a synth in a 30 sec pass that might take me 6 hours to program. I have also seen people make a beat on a laptop in 15 minutes that are literal masterpieces. One size doesn't fit all.
Why not just play synth through a computer software?
>beat on a laptop in 15 minutes that are literal masterpieces.
stop the fuck right there user. what the fuck is a "masterpiece beat", learn and listen to some proper music you brainless retard.
i dont like to do things poor people do :)
The only thing that matters is what comes out of the speakers, no one cares how you got there.
Well I guess you can classify midi controllers as hardware.
waste of time and energy
>using a laptop onstage
low energy zoomers need to go away.
I personally don't, but no it's not cringe, it's pretty much standard these days.
the standard is trash nowadays. people want to see fuckers perform not see someone press play on a tracklist.
People want to see a good lively show. They really don't care how the sounds are being generated. In fact most don't even care that much how everything sounds. People are plebs, if you look the part and the presentation is there, that's what gets them coming back.
>They really don't care how the sounds are being generated.
people really, really hate being lied on live performances. they hate playback.
lol no have you ever seen one of those skrillex concerts on YouTube? they all freak out over him twiddling knobs on a midi controller
If all he did was press play, why wasn’t the motion sequenced?
there's no point in gigging other than for the hell of it, grandpa
the only people that attend are friends that have no real interest in the music anyway
>if all he did was press play
did i say that?
oh I’m retarded, sorry
>Memeage engineering
I wonder who many people around the world has some sort of combination of these products
waiting for The Legend crack on OSX . .
>I wonder who many people around the world has some sort of combination of these products
they also own the TR08 and that "plugout" system garbage roland invented.
i have a monologue and a volca
is it that bad?
it's just easy to use and fun for a beginner like me
A very large amount of people. desu having hardware nobody uses sucks, since there’s no support for it.
so they settle with that shit to not feel alone? where did "finding your own voice" go? aaaaaaaaaa
also whats some music for this horror?
>also whats some music for this horror
Volca and minilogue into a strymon bigsky 'ambient'
software for sure
hardware is only good for putting stuff on top of
Hardware comes out with bugs/ missing features that are fixed through firmware updates. If nobody bought the equipment, why develop firmware updates?
Why buy buggy crap in the first place? (Asking every waldorf user in this thread)
It’s inevitable. Think about how many testers you can feasibly have for a hardware synth, do you think they can catch every bug a brainlet like me can cause?
I suppose you're a bottom?
Nah, it's not bad but it's just a very overused combination of products. I own an MS-20 myself.
>VST "synths"
there's nothing fake about vst synths, they're just software that makes your PC process sound, i.e. makes it a 100 times more powerful hardware synthesizer that simply has a much more flexible program part, you must understand that all those revered 1000+$ virtual analog synths from 90s were just shitty computers with unchangeable corporate firmware, a keyboard and a couple of knobs attached, your modern laptop with midi keys and a synth vst is a much better, user-friendly synthesizer overall.
what hardware can I get for $10 dollars?
What made you go with the metasonix drum machine/how do you like it? I'm sure theyre hard as fuck to find now but is it worth the price point?
why the mellotron? it's all samples anyways (even on the original) and there are many awesome vsts that cover the whole range of mellotron sounds
VSTs generally sound like shit. The software programs which render them aren't very good duplications. That's why VST production always sounds like video game music.
love it, great as a drum machine but any of the three oscillators can also be used as a band pass filter when you feed them audio instead of triggers, so that really opens things up. D2000 is similar, but behaves a bit different and doesn’t sound identical. I’d say get the D2000. Eric just tweaked the vca circuit for the new models so maybe look for secondhand D2000 popping up for sale soon. The euro modules are same circuits as D2000 but again they behave a bit different and will be more expensive in the end with power etc. if you try to put together a “euro 2000”
but yeah, D1000 is worth it if you can live with its quirks.
needed a portable solution
what a shitty bait post
Don't tell me you think those mellotrons actually sound good. I had a listen to them and the price of these things is absolutely preposterous. My 50 dollar casio keyboard sounds better.
...which you can pirate. I'd rather have a mini moog tbqhf
Hardware for the resale value if nothing else.
But also for the immediacy, fun factor, and cool factor.
What's the juiciest reverb pedal I can get for synth between Big Sky, Space, and Empress?
I'm relatively new to synths in general and reverb in particular so I'd prefer whichever sounds the best without much tweaking.
Hardware synths please I can allways resell later on and make a proffit and pirate VST
I’m sure you would be happy with any but I’d say go for a real spring unit, tubed if you can swing it
I mean, I kinda think I should start with a VST befo-
Yeah, gotta go with the hardware.
>hardware always has firmware
imagine being this guy.
fuckin eric
so between you and hainbach i get theres no quirkier hardware than ciat lonbarde and metasonix? how so? theres hundreds of guys making shit, these 2 cant be the most interesting ones.
This poster gets it
that poster is a mongoloid.
Maybe, maybe not, but his post is spot on.
have you played any of Peter or Eric’s instruments?
You put it off stage and rub a long cable. Midi controllers make it do what you need
still would.
I know right
Behringers Neutron and Model D with custom overlays and knobs. Wanted something different looking
hows the deepmind?
why haven't you ever produced anything worth hearing with that setup?
What happened to synth general? That was comfy.
all i need is a spinny chair with no armrests and i'm eternally comfy
and to answer your question OP, hardware without a doubt. only for the fact that every single parameter is at your fingertips, ready to be twisted and fucked around with. no wasting time with midi mapping, running out of macros, having to make note of interesting parameters to modulate, and absolutely NO DRAWING AUTOMATION. everything at a moment's notice. fucking beautiful.
the bragging rights and sound quality are just nice bonuses.
yeah modular is the best desu
And here I always thought guitarists were the insufferable faggots of bedroom “musicians”
is there something wrong with your brain
OP had a freakout
get a drummers throne
(If you really have a hardon for analog stuff) All you need is one decent poly analog, maybe a decent monophonic analog. Then you get yourself a decent FM soft synth, a decent wavetable soft synth, and a decent subtractive or specialty soft synth.Then you are covered. Spend the other 7.5 Grand on hard drives to fill with your pirated kontakt libraries.
Where do I get a synth gf to play music with on our dual-serge?
Give me a midi retrofitted Prophet 5 and I could die a happy man.
Got one of these arriving tomorrow for my studio. I'm very excited as it was a gift.
>no back support
i spend way too much time at this desk to be sitting upright all the time
hmm I guess it works but I was thinking something more like this. the wheels would come in handy since I'd be switching positions a lot, and it's comfy enough for general use
Stay away from women into synthesizers. They are either formerly male or unstable in other ways.
inside :)
MS20 mini, Moog Grandmother, vintage Morley pedals, and one of those Hello Kitty toy keyboards my mate has, I wanna mod the fuck out of it
New solder station would be nice while I'm at it, rest of the cash I'm gonna blow on the entire Siúil a Rún paperback set and various drugs
But I literally can, is the problem with your argument. I got that good ol' perfect pitch at an early age and regularly get pissed at my mate who likes to make virtual patches that simulate my hardware and then tries to tell me it's exactly the same. I gotta give it to him, he's much more proficient at making patches themselves than I'll ever be, but the pitch, timbre and general depth of most of the VSTs that simulate hardware is always gonna be off, not to mention there are some abnormalities in analogue sound synthesis that create a significantly different sound texture that a digital machine could never dream to replicate, because a digital machine is just too perfect.
youre doing it wrong. this would only work if your friend was a perfect sound designer and was using the "right" plugins. the way to test wether you truly can tell vsts apart from analog would be to play patches you don't know and without you seeing what they are played on obviously.
listen to these Sound demos (bottom of the page) for example Juno 60 vs vst. Theres literally no difference:
the emulation is good but there are pretty significant differences in some of those examples, especially the PWM and resonance2 clips.
Man, I don't know. I do gotta say that this VST is spectacular, it captures the essence of the Juno almost perfectly. But, it still feels like something's missing, like some sort of harmonious depth that just can't be created on a VST like it can be on analogue hardware. It's also quite possible that I'm retarded and it's in my head. But still, thank you for your concise, cohesive argumentation.
It really depends on your type of work, if it's intended for production purposes at all. There's pros and cons for both and ideally, it shouldn't be an exclusive choice. Spend some on software and some on hardware, as needed. You can go a long way with a 5k budget for VSTs and libraries only.
It's good. Solid build quality, good sounds and most of the important stuff is easy to access. The only downside I guess is the simplicity of the oscillators. Could use some more waveforms
Because I don't need to. I'm enjoying the process.
I just wish I had gone for the DM12 instead of 6. I guess I could get the DM12 desktop and polychain them to get 18 voices.
Why is hardware expensive anywho?
Hardware. The only reason I use computer synths is because I'm poor.
Hardware synths and just torrent the vsts i use
Those electribes run on the same engine as the king korg. Wish they would have put a rack version of that one out, the filters sound really nice.
>pirate the 10k vsts
>spend the 10k on sex dolls
$10,000 of hardware and then I pirate $10,000 of software for free
Gee Billy, your mom lets you have TWO Electribe samplers?