Official thread to pray for Poppy and send her our love
Official thread to pray for Poppy and send her our love
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Fuck Off Titanic
go get a job
Imagine thinking the name “Titantic Sinclair” is cool lol.
It's cool enough to live in your head rent free
what is the deal with her and prayers anyway? and what is the illuminati endgame in all that, seems a little reckless
She also just assumed the role of mommy for all of her fans
Hardly. Only when the shill threads pop up and it makes me remember how stupid the name is.
How is this a shill thread but someone making a thread about a K-Pop star isn't?
Fuck off, Tit
I want to fuck Poppy until she breaks, real talk
>hurr they do it why cant i
ever read the kpop threads? they arent selling anything, its a circle jerk
So what is a thread on Yea Forums that is shill free then? Never naming an artist, only genres?
I'm kinda indifferent about Titanic but I still want her to work on her own
>MMMMMom! My name isn’t Corey anymore! It’s Titantic! Stop calling me Corey!
yea the mommy thing, I don't get that either. she's not my mom. wonder what real moms think about that.
I just think it's hot but it's just supposed to make lost teens be drawn to her more
>hurr they do it why cant i
take your 2.0 retard and go
how the fuck is that hot? she never birthed anyone
Kek it's always you. There is a Poppy thead once in a blue moon and you instantly come running in to spam Titanic hate. Unironic obsession
>hurr anonymoose is out to get me
more likely everyone just hates you
>29 posts
>5 posters
Snickers is on a shitposting spree again huh. The NEET she is now, she sure has the time for it.
She adopted us
Poppy is garbage. Only sad virgins and 17 yo arthoes who space out their exclamation points act like they're hot shit for knowing titanic listen to her.
oooo so spooky
lame shit
Poppy is my mommy
Everything about her is fake. Her social media and church is under total control by a third party, and the fans are buying Illuminati propaganda as intended.
Seriously, don't do this to yourself.
downs must run in the family
sure, you fucking maggot
uh oh, corey is angry
I want to fuck that version the most
Wow really, Poppy is not sitting at home moderating her website 24/7? I feel so betrayed
lmao but I actually like eating snickers while mars is disgusting so i'd prefer to keep saying mars
I like it. not sure why because by all accounts it should be really cringey but for some reason I still think it's kind of cool.
She really does need players. Have you seen how skinny she’s gotten? She’s going the way of that Cooney chick