Why is leftist music so much better than right wing music?

Why is leftist music so much better than right wing music?

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At least post Transient instead of this elevator tier music

there are literally hundreds of albums you could post from Luigi Nono to my album. The point remains

cause rigtwingers are incompetent subhumans who cant make good art

my nigga

I think you mean fellatio music

Stereolab is garbage. French people suck at music

le fuck you

Good music generally requires empathy and compassion to create. There's a reason you see so few good right wing artists.

>fellatio music

You're referencing this, right?



Stop being malicious. Music and film are objectively the only things French people can do scrub.

everyone knows the best music is apolitical.

*blocks you're path*

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Left-wing people are more open-minded and thus creative.

Same reason true polymaths are so rare

who are those fags is that screwdriver? lol

I'm right wing

Hello friend :)

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well so are leftists

dgaf if the album is 70s European movie soundtrack tier+lounge music, it's a fucking 10/10. the way the tracks flow onto each other its absolutely perfect. I know technically Stereolab has 'better' albums, but fuck me, Dots and Loops is just so silky smooth

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lol wtf. That sounds hysterical

Its more common than you think

*unzips dick*

yeah more open to bullshit LMAO

How many pizza places have they shot up?


You need empathy and real human emotion to create good art.

it's ok, i used to be a brainlet libtard too. you'll grow up

>le superior rational centrist fedora man has logged on

>people ITT think "empathy" means letting shitskin subhumans flood your country

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This whole meme is just a leftist cope anyway. "No my team is the only team who can make music!" It's fucking laughable. Some of your favorite artists are secretly conservatives, and some are even secret fascists (oh no). If you children understood the music industry, you'd understand that it's nearly impossible to be openly right wing and get promoted at all.


No such thing.

*Surpasses leftist "artists"*
Heh, nothin' pursonell partner

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Probably the same reason why leftists sucks at economics and building a prosper civilization

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Right-wingers lack emotional intelligence and empathy and are thus incapable of producing great art. Seemingly their only purpose is to impede the advancement of humanity by means of their hateful and regressive ideology.

>emotional intelligence
Stopped reading right there

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But Magma is pretty good

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I'm a right wing musician, and I'm doing fairly well. It's hilarious how lefties just want to force the idea that we don't exist. Well, I do exist, and I'm better than you, I guarantee it.

*makes better post-punk than leftists*
Nutin' personall ya bloody wanka

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Based Striker poster

imagine having one good song

Based high self-esteem user.
Keep it up buddy.

that image is cosmically retarded

Thank you. It's not easy in clown world.

lol butthurt

a local left wing group shidded and cummed their pantaloons and its a little epic XD XD

this but inironically

literally who?

more proof leftards are low IQ and possibly niggers

>implying incompetence is mutually exclusive to one group of people

>better than me
sure I don't make music
>better than the history of classical, electronic, ambient, post-rock, post-punk, folk, far-left musicians
hmm I don't think so bub

Why would you post the worst Stereolab album as an example of good leftist music?

damn I can't believe people think right wingers are thoughtless faggots


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Dumb libtard trolled epic style

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its literally the most critically acclaimed album in its genra

Do you realize that every artist before 1960 would be considered a nazi by modern leftist standards?

do you realize classical music is more than just le bach and mozzart user?

>not even understanding that Peterstein is a lefty
Yeah, this is why you lose. You know so little.

Literally who are you? Are you worth discussing outside of a quick SoundCloud sharethread? I doubt it.

>appeal to authority
Not very leftist of you user

except for all those artists who aren't lol

Yes, and to believe classical is in any way far-left shows a complete lack of understanding for the genre

you're right we should arrange the albums in order of how much you like them

>Are you worth discussing outside of a quick SoundCloud sharethread? I doubt it.
According to many people, yes. They likely don't know about my politics though.
nice cope

can you name a right wing contemporary classical artist other than Wagner?

Because right wingers just don't get into music.

I don't believe you can meaningfully distinguish between leftism and liberalism

>contemporary classical artist
wha? not the guy you replied to, is wagner considered contemporary?

I think so? he was alive in the last hundred years which is the window for contemporary

he isn't, he just says he is to deflect criticism

my fav right wing jazz musician

It's not important to at this point. They inevitably lead to the same place. I'd actually have some things in common with leftists as I see conservatives and liberals to largely be in the same camp, but I'm probably further right at this point than many people are comfortable with.

You have it backwards. He says he isn't, but he's a fullblown socialist/globalist. You're showing me what I've already learned: that lefty sources leave you intellectually impaired. You have to go deeper.

if you're not joking (it's impossible to tell on here anymore) just listen to what he says, whether you agree with him or not it's pretty obvious he's right wing

But the world has become more leftist over time and clearly civilization is at its most prosperous

You've misunderstood him entirely. He believes in a globalist view, which is the view he takes of abandoning identity and nation for an individualist perspective. The new right is the right that fights for identity of a nation. Peterson is essentially another Jewish puppet who wants every nation to become homogeneous.

Funny coming from someone who believes all the lies the Jews tell him


I love trumptards conflating largely incompatible parts of the left together

wanting whites to survive and have a future is nothing but empathetic and compassionate

Leftism as a whole is just a collection of Jewish lies fed to dumb goyim, giving a thousand names to the same lie is a classic Jew move

Because Americans are retards who don't understand the political spectrum and everyone who believes in basic human rights is a socialist to them.

So the jews that love to manipulate the population into becoming rampant consumers to the point that only care about themselves and not the community, and thus bring the down fall of the white race, those jews according to you support a far left economic system that would make people productive members of a community and destroy consumerist culture that was caused by jews?

That doesn't make any sense.

White people starving is most definitely in the interest of the Jews, yes

do you make pop country or more old-school country?

lel i get it cuz blumpfrstards only le listen to le country epic joke comrade XDDDD

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>i used to be a brainlet libtard too
your fault desu

Fuck off Ted

right wing music is pretty cool
>joy division

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read Mark Fisher

it's worth noting that a lot of magma's appeal comes from the same place where people find appeal in fascism, gladly I'm a fan so I can let out all these feelings while listening to their music and not ever take it to real life. it would surely help many people here as well, so many angry gamer boys lol

do people really hold this opinion? both of those albums are far from their best, you're aware, that they released 2 (actually 3) much better albums in between? and 3 after, and impossible underrated peng before them

>That year saw Shostakovich again turn to the subject of anti-Semitism in his Thirteenth Symphony (subtitled Babi Yar). The symphony sets a number of poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the first of which commemorates a massacre of Ukrainian Jews during the Second World War. Opinions are divided how great a risk this was: the poem had been published in Soviet media, and was not banned, but remained controversial.

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The left attempts to reject tradition, while the right attempts to preserve it.

Unfortunately, both are incredibly incompetent at their goals, which is why the worst musical stereotypes of both instantly come to mind without me having to say which

Take the breadpill

leftwingers make art
righwingers make civilizations

yeah sure lmao
kys dumb faggot larper

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Trump definitely fucked kids on Epstein's private island

Exactly, both sides are stupid.
edit: reddit gold? thank you kind stranger!

boy you sure showed right wingers by posting a bunch of symbols of postmodernism and asphalt culture that they don't like

Fucking kill this thread already.

>Bringing politics into music


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This. Most music is apolitical.

>symbols of postmodernism
fuck off lobster faggot

why is is that only racists and right wingers can make good black metal and when leftists try to make black metal it's just shitty postrock/indie rock with growls?

not an argument
keep seething lmao


I don't pay attention to the political undertones of that album I just think it sounds very delicate and clean to my ears

Why is Yea Forums so shit

Everything is political.

Left wing politics are centered around the idea of punching upwards, towards supposed oppressors like capitalists.
Right wing politics are about punching downwards. Right wing music and art is like watching someone kick a homeless kitten around, isnt very deep or engaging.

Think before you post next time, dog(gie).

literally all music and everything is pollitical

What do you listen to? Like just scrolling through my recently played I can count one album that isn’t obviously political

I was listening to Sigur Ros right now. Recently Played:
Stairway to Heaven-Led Zeppelin
21st Century Schizoid Man- King Crimson
Fade to Black- Metallica
Satellite of Love- Lou Reed

So, you do listen to mostly political music


>everything is political
babby's first philosophical thought

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hmmm today i will listen to joy division OOPS I COMMIE NAO

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Marxism has an inherent groove. Much sexier than punching down with a stiff posture.


le backmasking
>21st century schizoid man
do I even need to go into this one
>fade to black
le metal makes children kill themselves
I’ll give you that one

yeah cause its so obvioulsy true that even babies and retards realize it

progressive music is generally better than music that relies on tradition

overtly political music sucks no matter who makes it

If these can be called "civilizations" then fuck me, humanity deserves to vanish.

not a single lie here

ITT: butthurt fags

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>right wing music
all of the masterworks of the Western canon

>leftist music
some three chord pop music bs lol

>Implying Peterson is a new
>Implying Peterson is a lefty
You need to go outside sometimes user, Im worried about you

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So right wingers here trump now?


taking Yea Forums back from the nazis one post at a time

>virgin right wing music
“Drunken thoughts of runes and men”
>chad left wing music
“As a child I knew that the stars could only get brighter”

Right wing artists

Left wing "artists"
>Lady Gaga
>Lil Peep

based and redpilled

right wing artists
>stuff i've never listened to and would call effeminate

left wing "((("""""((("artists'")))""""")))"
>top 40 shit that i resent the cooler avant-teens for pretending to listen to