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Other urls found in this thread:

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first for fx

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roy kim always gave me weird vibes so i'm not surprised he's a confirmed jjybro

>Contrasting with Lee Chae Yeon’s comments, Choi Ye Na drew laughter with her thoughts about her older brother Choi Sung Min, who is an actor and former idol. “Photos of me show up on my brother’s social media once in awhile, and we usually take those with cute poses while acting like we get along. I think that is just for social media.”

>She continued, “At home, we fight over the remote control and fart on each other. We are just typical [siblings].” Choi Ye Na concluded on a nice note by assuring that he is actually very proud of her.

what the FUCK YENA

Attached: yena honk honk.webm (422x524, 453K)

intercru with nice kpop thighs


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whats the appeal of nagyung imo she gets giga-mogged by almost every other fromis

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>9358 days without an azn qt gf
just give me one (1) single reason to keep going
at this point, i want off this clownworld ride

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aw shit yeah

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dubufag only likes her because she looks just like sluggo. same thing with yeji

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is it just me or all releases are shit lately?
violeta was good until the chorus then it got annoying and impossible to listen

Just listened to the second album by red velvet after a recommendation and liked it quite a bit. Any other good artists/albums?

so roy kim was arrested and questioned about the chat rooms

they found 23 more chatrooms with various male celebrities on

>ywn have a brapp battle with yena

i lost my vcard to a hapa and asian girls used to like me a lot more before i developed an asian fetish lol

If this is a fake emotion, dubu is the best actor I've ever seen

he's shitting out ceo cummies

i bet they do dutch ovens

was only cub featured?

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Attached: 1544357114087.webm (406x800, 2.94M)

>there are people using emoji on 4channel
can't wait for this place to die already

no clue user, but post more Jiheon.

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They are 100% fucking

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pink tape by fx

listen to ++ and xx

>he doesn't have the rainbow perk
get a load of this loser🌈

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why would an idol say "i fart"
idols aren't supposed to do that ever
now she'll be forever known as the brap bitch

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for Yena's character it makes sense though
like Wonyoung or Yujin wouldn't say that shit though because they could pass as models

But user...those are the exact same thing.

>ur a girl group trying to hit daebak
>these niggas are blocking the door
what do

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is Kai copping a feel?

>tfw the only 2 asian girls in my entire social circle were both into me
>at that point was still attracted to white roasties
>now that i have yellow fever they dont want me anymore
fuck my life

Attached: erhrh.jpg (480x480, 44K)

upgraded dayoung

cute blonde

>At home, we fight over the remote control and fart on each other.
lmao based

i kinda want her everything

wonder girls - reboot

Attached: 1545675536222.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

yeah i can't get a chink bitch now that i have yellow fever
girls used to throw themselves at me when i was a narcissist and didn't want them
but now that i want them i can't get any
that's how girls are i guess

she's actually pretty cute in motion
>IZ*ONE sings this as their last song when they disband
I think I am going to quit Kpop once IZ*ONE is done. I already quit once.

i watched her kpg poster base halve in real time when this happened

Attached: 1548412634193.webm (606x768, 871K)

dont worry no qt will ever make you come harder than your hand does

seoyeon is low-key hotter than saerom

>have asian gf for years
>no longer have to know this feel

Attached: 151203-2.jpg (1920x1280, 1.17M)

why are so many kpop fans mentally ill?

It would probably be
the piano at the start already gives me a pavlovian response to feel my eyes get a little moist

different body types, both are hot af

Attached: 1546063141310.webm (1080x1920, 1.62M)

wait 2 years when those niggas drop in relevance

exactly the same for me , bro.
when i acted like a sociopath girls wanted me, now that i am (hyper)aware of my surroundings i automatically act nice and girls despise this.
i turned from chad to incel and i dont know how to reverse it, i just cant act like the insensitive asshole i was anymore, because i am too conscious

Attached: evehzj.jpg (640x640, 61K)

Nice cope virgin

did someone cross tzuyu and jennie??

best 2

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Today is the 1-year anniversary of SOTY 2018.

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why can't kpg have a spammer that posts an attractive girl?

>the piano at the start already gives me a pavlovian response to feel my eyes get a little moist
You mean this right?

Attached: 1552713541166.jpg (540x810, 66K)

no, as we dream left me permanently scarred from PD-48

because spamming a hot girl makes the point of spamming, to piss people off, moot


i just saw fancams of the guerrilla concert prank
yena kept calling for wizone and no one answered and you can hear them get increasingly choked up

its raining inside rn wizbros

who spams to piss people off?
seems like a massive waste of time

i wanna see her getting stretched out by a black guy so bad

Attached: wonqt.jpg (1365x2048, 335K)

just everyone who don't stan loona

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imagine typing that

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lots of idols have said that desu, gooks seem to be pretty open about body functions like that

chaeyeon is pretty based

i don't think arin makes anyone mad. i'm pretty indifferent to her.

xx on spotify has only the new songs so

according to HKT48's profile on Nako
>Hobbies: Watching movies by herself, karaoke, stretching out her short neck
>stretching out her short neck

imagine not stanning loona

Attached: 1552713541166.jpg (540x810, 208K)

OMO she's... healthy

by sucking lot's of dick?

because kpop happens to be a good form of escapism and we mentally ill people need that

>>stretching out her short neck
I'd like to do that (from the inside)

Just need to give her the ol' Ring Dinger.
She'll feel that all the way down.

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Koreans are generally ugly pls stop thinking asian qts exist because u see SOME good looking idols

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chaefrens doing gods work

there's worse
like sports fans literally killing each other in the streets before a game
or anime fans creating tulpas of their 2d waifus
or bronies doing whatever they do

they did a demonstration on idol room

there she is

Attached: 1546087196639.webm (1678x720, 2.91M)

But idols exist

i'd do anything to her except her homework


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having a nice date with jiu-hime

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But idols wont date u :(

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yeah until she chokes you out and steps on your balls

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don't forget to bless your ears today

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hurray i can skeleton post now

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>when i acted like a sociopath girls wanted me, now that i am (hyper)aware of my surroundings i automatically act nice and girls despise this.
same bro same
>i turned from chad to incel and i dont know how to reverse it
fucking same! i felt guilty and bad for being a chad and wanted to be good and beta.
girls like you if you're evil because they're evil

what happened with me is i lost my social status
girls are stupid, they think what everyone else thinks, want what everyone else wants and copy other people

i don't really have any hard feelings about it anymore, since i want knowledge and immortality more than i want love or sensual pleasure. if i ever get status again, i'd get girls. in the meantime, there are always hookers lol

i just feel disappointed in women, that they aren't in fact equal to men and that man is alone. you can be sleeping next to your girlfriend in an intimate relationship and still just have anxiety and feel bad and alone because she doesn't understand you

she may be beautiful but she will never assuage the void at the centre of your being. two people recognizing said void is true intimacy. but women are just animals seeking to reproduce

also sorry my internet cut out

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>yena calls for wizone
>no one answers
>she very sadly says 'we failed' 3 times
>starts saying even though wizone didn't come today, she's thankful and they'll work harder and practice harder
fuck korean prank cams Yena and Izone didn't deserve that


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go back to trash, faggot

they really like breaking people's spirits don't they?

were not wizones but we are 24 year old wizard virgins

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I'm on mobile. Did they keep perks but remove likes or do both still exist.

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Oh izone #2 on melon btw

this is you

Attached: aryan_queen.webm (270x480, 2.14M)

>two people recognizing said void is true intimacy.
maybe you and the guy you’re replying to can fill each other’s voids

Attached: Jiheon10.jpg (1247x2048, 233K)

damn you got me good

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I've seen some good looking Korean tourists

How do your organize your kpop pics?

Attached: 1553665117394.jpg (1366x2048, 261K)

>you can be sleeping next to your girlfriend in an intimate relationship and still just have anxiety and feel bad and alone because she doesn't understand you
>she may be beautiful but she will never assuage the void at the centre of your being. two people recognizing said void is true intimacy. but women are just animals seeking to reproduce

stop it, i didnt need these redpills right now bro

Attached: clownquote.png (680x425, 42K)

The likes are gone but important parts survive

dont ever say the name wizone again tinny

Attached: laughing nose.webm (448x482, 2.94M)

it's gone

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me after hanbin goes into the bathroom

where the fuck is the part where they take their blindfolds off it cant stop there man

a couple group specific but other than that it's controlled chaos and muscle memory guiding the way

lmao i did notice that that phrase sounded kind of gay ... borrowed it from slavoj žižek...
no but for real, sex =/= love

Attached: 52130326_426269061275211_8601796401750493278_n.jpg (1080x1080, 89K)

did my yuri gf go to bed already?



Attached: yeo24.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

some emojis still work naybe👌

most of my pics are dubu, and i recently sorted them by hair color (see filename)

Attached: violDubu05.jpg (1200x1800, 246K)

im a virgin still because i never had sex with a woman

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good taste user, this song is easily top 10 for 2019

Looks like fortunes are gone but emojis stay

any sharkman in

fucking army
they cry immediately

Jesus christ. I think i am going to go into depression when they disband.

you committed literal sodomy and have secured your one way ticket to damnation

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no lie, I thought I would be ready but thinking about it now makes my heart hurt a little
I feel like their disbandment would be the catalyst for me just giving up on kpop completely

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gorgeous but the nails are kinda slutty...

ppl are only there to see sakura btw

they're going to be crying oceans when they disband. eunbi will probably cry the most

Attached: 1554089136544.webm (324x563, 566K)

lmfao that pic
it's not bad like you can love women for what they are, i'm just saying that man is fundamentally alone

Attached: 53713924_367906537269021_3102499243456604414_n.jpg (1080x1080, 88K)

disbandment mentioned

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yeah same
I legit dont know what I'm going to do when they disband, they're my main group and I genuinely all 12 of them.
i wasnt even supposed to become a wizone because i knew if i got attached i wouldn't be able to say goodbye when the time comes.

it'll be her or chaeyeon
without IZ*ONE they would have never seen the good side of the industry after being fucked around for years

Attached: jgYIqkeh.jpg (1024x683, 89K)

the b&w filter too tho

do you have a program do that for you or do you hand type it desu?

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is it really that bad dude

i hate straight alpha males more than gay people if theyre nice and not like threatening in any way


i know god probably disagrees with me

the worst people are straight alpha males who have egos or , roasties.

Attached: DC6A91B5-5736-4FAA-9E37-41F7EA70D620.jpg (720x960, 199K)

>picking up a reality show group with a 2 year expiration date
i hope you just got into kpop recently because you should have learned from ioi

it's april. where's that twice comeback we were promised?

ioifags had it much easier
they had ioi's final line up for a total of 8 months, and even then, some of them left the group early to go back to their companies

being attached for 2.5 years and then having to say goodbye is going to be 10x harder than saying goodbye after 8 months

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thoughts on nancy's new white whore makeup?


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Maybe it's just me, but I love to sort pictures by hand - just looking through them calms me down a lot

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I dunno what you are talking about man... IOI hurt a lot but the journey was unforgettable

It's like having a pet, you know one day you are going to have to say goodbye but you have to enjoy it while it lasts

what about rolls

these weren't a thing when i first got into kpop and ioi was already disbanded by the time i started keeping up with it again. i'm still not really fully committed to izone though.

I wonder if anyone out there has emotional attachment to UNI.T like people did for I.O.I lmao

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i don't save kpop pics i'm not autistic

wony stroking your bony

Attached: wony stroking your bony.gif (307x307, 3.31M)

>Sana started crying during her speech about how much she loved the group and fans
I love her so much

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>they cant beat gaypop they said

Attached: theshow.jpg (1707x932, 389K)

elegant and sexy in a hipster way

who the desu is this desu?

Attached: yeji_is_cute.png (617x715, 327K)

i didn't get into ioi for the explicit reason that they're a temp group
but i somehow got into izone after trying my best to not get into izone


Pentagon is a flop without E'Dawn

basically chads and staceys are the worst people

just based on their character

gay people dont really trigger me

Attached: D2biPizWwAEp4O6.jpg (2048x1612, 330K)

that titile is for nature girl

Attached: 456.jpg (2730x4096, 1.28M)

damn who took their time to make this

Get out of my board

Attached: tzuyu.webm (664x1080, 3M)

everglow got robbed

same here

Attached: blondeDubu11.jpg (1080x1350, 93K)

pentagon isn't exactly a high barrier

wtf ptg had a comeback???

it was actually pretty close for everglow and momoland wtf

Attached: kpop.png (1214x867, 1.84M)

All groups are temporary lad

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I thought I was done when SNSD had their Jessica incident. And that actually hurt a little. This one is going to hurt like a bitch.

Attached: what.webm (1120x800, 1.09M)

which music show wins are the most prestigious?

not in the same way that izone is though
I followed IOI casually. Really only getting into their stuff due to Very Very Very. Even then watching this hurts, and then i imagine that is IZ*ONE and it legit hurts.

she loves all the smelly 40 year old korean men who listen to candy pop in their free time


Attached: D3ABdkPU8AA1WOP.jpg (867x1200, 134K)

like 3-5x the length though
even turbonugu flops like 9muses lasted almost a decade

>All groups are temporary lad
no, this is not true TWICE is forever and Dubu will always be there for me

Attached: blondeDubu10.jpg (1080x1350, 130K)

listen to Max & Match instead

>even newly debuted girlpop rookies beat pentagon
jesus christ it just keeps getting worse for those guys

>TWICE is forever
They said the same for SNSD.
And that only made it hurt even more.

there are 3 basic tiers

T3 - worthless attendance awards on cable tv

T2 - still on cable TV but have a bit more prestige and are treated semi-seriously
MBCMusic Show Champion
Mnet M Countdown

T1 - public network TV shows that are treated as the big 3 of shows
KBS2 Music Bank
MBC Music Core
SBS Inkigayo

based white fags who listen to kpop

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I hope they end with a happy song, not something sad. Like a song to end their run with a smile.

yeah but you most times have at least 5 years with a group if not the full 7 of their initial contracts

izone is 25% of that

Honestly as sad as IZ*ONE's demise will be i'd rather them go out with a bang and not a flicker

my favorite group is almost 3 years old and has a fraction of the fans they had on debut and are just a pale imitation of what they once were

abril fool XD

izone will be constantly good these 2 years while other groups that last longer will be put in the basement in their later years

Wanna One did that sorta

usually /Group>/Girl>/Date /Webm or /Image or /Fancam

We together and I really like you might be their goodbye songs
Both of them work extremely well as goodbye songs, especially Yujin's closing verse in I really you

they shouldn’t have made that FUCKING frog song🐸



The big three are all pretty even. But I'm just going to say Inkigayo for laughs anyway. It's the last in the week, and seems the most serious in presentation. Can't really win inki while being a nobody.

so how flopzone is doing so far?

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extremely rude and very cute teasing desu please tell me

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IOI’s latter half was abysmal

best profile in kpop?

don't laugh they are in the shitter right now

wow fromis hellspawn is such a cutie

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guys i think i'm going to switch to /classical/
kpop is just for waifus and fap

Attached: 49622755_363679221075988_3116298511037328891_n.jpg (1080x610, 127K)

don't lose faith, gugudan is a great group and still have time left

who's your gugufu?

this is jisun from fromis

Attached: 1538397583880.webm (546x800, 1.17M)

Not amazing but it's an improvement on both fronts

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we like gugudan here

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>The singer lived in Dallas, Texas for seven years and returned to her home state a star. “I visited Texas for the first time in 10 years and performed, and I remember the local fans who danced along with me,” said the singer. She added that she met up with her family members currently residing in Texas and said she wants to return to Texas anytime.

if she comes to dallas i'm buying p1's

>naver dispatch

don't be mean to the frog song it was funny

Attached: 7f27a5da17f422fa413b7b2c5d6ebe9a.jpg (1500x1000, 130K)

fat jisun is best jisun

can’t blame you for being turned off from korean popular music

and this is seoyeon

Attached: 1545782928126.jpg (1333x2000, 351K)

she went to SXSW but that's like 1000 USD for a music pass

i don't.
i give them a descriptive name, and once they have served their purpose, i delete them.

Attached: jooyeji.jpg (790x824, 278K)

>sips listerine™
Ahh I feel refreshed

Best everything in kpop

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it's just dispatch and the src isn't that much bigger

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>waifus and fap

Umm no!

[spoiler] the mu police are always watching shhh [/spoiler]

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her set was only like 20 minutes anyway and i'd rather get the full experience.
Even then just look at W101 final stage. They made them leave the stage one by one. Daniel was the last one on the stage by the end and it is absolutely heartbreaking. Imagine this happening to Wonyoung. Especially since she is the youngest.

top tier waifu

yeah, SXSW isn't very valuable

Bruh tickets were like $65
I went & there were still lots of empty seats on the upper level

nct 127 music is better when you're not watching the mvs for some reason

pic related, show yours bros

Attached: org.png (916x491, 101K)

really? i'm very misinformed on SXSW then

I switched from /classical/ to /kpg/

Attached: Dw4VW9hUYAAJXp6.jpg (1200x1800, 276K)

thank fucking god they wont be disbanding during award season
because then we'd have to go through the whole month of crybaiting videos when they get their final awards

You don't fap to your waifus you fucking savage, that's most basic rule there is

this but all gaypop

i've noticed this too. i always hate their singles when the mv drops and then three hours later i listen to the raw audio and it's not as bad.

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Idgaf about W1
Their end couldnt come soon enough

>we love gugudan
>only posts sejeong/mina

h8 ioi akgaes

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This is unbelievably uncomfortable because of all the people crying behind the camera

i'm just getting into classical now desu

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i've listened to regular on Spotify and it was bearable

I'm still impressed how good Guanlin is in Korean in just, what, 2 years?

no one would give a shit because it's a girl group and awards shows are like 99% girls in attendance.

Attached: IMG_20190402_112549.jpg (1508x2048, 392K)

Yeah, it can be confusing
SXSW obviously pushes to sell $1K passes but theres still lots to see that doesnt require one

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i like simon says now

i like gugudan but only collect minas dbh

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i-i'm in both

Man... I don't even like Wanna One but this imagery is just too sad

Attached: file.png (1142x634, 860K)

watanabe miho wants her face back

maybe in your dumb sect

Attached: 1549201372705.jpg (1077x1567, 162K)

sm entertainment does an evil laugh somewhere in the background

I just don't have the energy for stuff like Mahler symphonies right now.

Attached: snapeunseo_story_3.jpg (958x892, 118K)

??????????????????? i thought their contract was renewed lol

Wonyoung in 2 years

why does she have shoes on

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this would 100% be Eunbi if Iz*One have to leave 1 by 1 on the final stage
I can't imagine it being anyone else but her

She wouldn't even be 18 yet
but she would have grown up so much from where IZ*ONE started that it would hurt just as much


freakin cute

wtf how did you do this🦔

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plus she'll be almost 30 by then and knows it will be too late to debut in a real group

They could reverse the Produce order down to Chaeyeon

thanks for proving my point


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They made them leave by their ranking. Hence Daniel being the last. But given IZ*ONE center is Wonyoung i really hope they are not that cruel. Just have them leave as one.


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i still feel relieved that the likes and shit are gone. it gave me anxiety in a way no amount of kys responses do.🌈

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can we stop talking about iz*one disbanding I don't want to think about this until April 2021 thanks lads


OK then, Kpops (or other classical) like this?

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why do you censor their name what did they do

You got 2 years to master [Heart of STEEL]

i never watched produce or got into ioi i just think she's a top qt. i like the group but i only save pictures of a few different girls, relax

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im gonna go watch yena's show to stop myself from sobbing

Post mmld Jane