Post r8 h8
Post r8 h8
where's your chart OP?
Shit taste
love you user :)
Average album selection. I went through the discography of Black Sabbath recently, and Paranoid is one of my favorite albums now. Doors are a decent band I guess, Rubber Soul one of my leasy favorite Beatles albums. Been a while since I listened to that Megadeath album but I'm pretty sure I remember being very eh about it.
shit taste in most other things, but Twilight Zone is kino.
Objectively good taste, nothing else matters
+Twilight Zone
+egg :)
+Pharoah Sanders
+dolphin bin
+King Crimson
+Vanilla Coke
ymo, nice
I recommend looking into Estradasphere, Ween, and Mr. Bungle if you haven't already.
Who's the pic related in the porn section ?
your mom LOL
You nigger tell me
++++++hot rats and current 93
lol dogshit taste get out
lol what's so bad about it
>second tier nas album
>kid cudi and eminem
>milk and racoons
what isnt wrong with this
>second tier NaS album
It Was Written is dope, it's longer, and is more or less the same story as Illmatic from a different angle. I also prefer the looser flows and production. Illmatic was more influential, but I prefer It Was Written sound wise.
>Kid Cudi
good Emotional rapper, If I ever feel depressed I just put on Man On The Moon 1 and it usually helps
He's a good lyricist, had some pretty good production, and also amazing flows. I don't see all the hate he gets. The Eminem Show pretty much highlighted all I liked about him.
was born there, it's a very beautiful country.
>Milk and Raccoons
Raccoons are cute though
>perfect blue and your name
less than 5 anime watched kek
not bad, maybe a bit boring
+the twilight zone
+based BoC and Autechre
-outside of music pretty meh
+good taste in general
+crime and punishment my second fav book
+anime kino
+cool music taste
+good anime bit ovrted tho
+shrooms nice
-shit music taste
+coons cute
+based music taste
+mulholland drive
+dragon quest
+lets go fooooox
+great taste overall
+dark souls
+cool music taste
+cats cool
-wtf do people actually like ayn rand?
atleast you like my animals :)
i watched hundreds of animes, none of them tops kimi no na wa
if this is true i'm sorry for your shit taste user
Big fan of IDM I see
OP doesn't like anything
Yeah, I rock.
+ Top drug, food, animal
+ Drukqs, bottom drug, food, drink, animal
- Vidya
+ TVU, Future Days, drink
+ ITCOTCK, Long Season (98.12.28 version is better tho), The Mollusk, Yoshimi, drug
- Daft Punk
+ Not Available, anime, porn, drink
What the fuck is that album selection user
+ Porn
Don't know any of those albums but they have nice covers. Names?
+ Nick Cave, TDS, Unknown Pleasures, vidya
+ Die Lit (based), drug, food, drink
Reminds me that i still haven't listened to Gravediggaz
+ Ai Uehara, pokemon, drug
Wrong template tho
+ Late Registration, Hospice, Take Me to Your Leader, Channel Orange, XXX
+ Loveless
+ Spirit, Deaf Grapes, Ambient Works, TVU&N, Madvillainy, To Be Kind, movie, vidya, anime, book
Are you me?
+ Emergency & I, TVU
Oh god it's you again
Diff format, ik, but I'm not about to make the same thing in a different one.
nice injury reserve, how did you feel about the 2 singles from the upcoming album?
what's so bad about my album section?
is it just it being all over the place or the albums themselves
nice hobby and weapon. not a cat guy but i'm cool with felines :)
i thought you played tf2? anyway cool taste in food and porn, but i don't dig those albums
+entroducing, duster, naked city. also a great location. Haven't watched Tatami Galaxy but i probably should
Solid choices for Yea Forumscore. Porn is a bit normie but rest is ok
+Wire, TVU, TMR
+LUM, Sweet Trip
I do play TF2, but that slot in the chart is for "Favorite game", not "Game you've put a lot of hours into"
Really liked them both and especially the production on Jawbreaker. Really excited to see how the album's gonna turn out.
Your album section is based btw.
The albums themselves. Can respect Nas and Kid Cudi even though i don't really like them myself.
>average album selection
>posts complete mainstream shit
R*ddit is boring nowadays, huh?
but user, Kid Cudi's first man on the moon album was based like a movie and is really uplifting for people in their struggle...
A-and the Eminem show had Eminem's best flows, lyrics and production come out...
why does no one listen to my long rants about why certain albums are good?
whats the movie user?
would've been real cool without the pony and marvel shit
What porn is that?
Idk man i've never liked Eminem outside of a few of his early songs. I agree Eminem Show is his best tho. I feel you on the ranting about albums thing. Sometimes i just have so much i want to say about an album for no reason so i write a long txt file that i then delete a couple days later.
I also write reviews of albums
everyone hates my taste in music, people constantly shit on me for liking rap. It's gay
Cecilia Lion & Kendall Woods
Don't mind them user just like what you like. Tried reviewing on RYM once but i didn't like it so i'll just stick to my txt files.
good idea thanks.
Bump by rating and posting
Pyrrhon - Mother of Virtues
Harold Budd - Pavillion of Dreams
Arthur Russell - World of Echo
(in case you havent heard em, tho you prolly have)
Sweet Trip - You will never know why
Paper Chase - Now You Are One Of Us
Todd Rundgren - A Wizard/A True Star
White Noise - An Electric Storm
Been a while since I've posted in these. Had to edit my chart.
+ Food, Drink, Animal, Porn, Vidya, and Anime
Your taste appears to be sincere, too. Like it's not about looking cool or anything. I dig it.
Great music and anime. Good drink and Animal.
Hell yeah, Samurai Jack.