Music theory

>music theory

Attached: 5B950FAD-05BB-4EFC-B175-6ECFF8AC2C9D.jpg (306x350, 25K)

Heh, I guess everyone who likes music theory is now associated with the guy in your picture. Nice one

music theory has what to do with cookie crisps?

Heh. Look at the schnoz on that guy!

what is reddit/onions/cookie crisp about music theory?

B-b-but how will I know what key to play in at the open mic blues jam without muh music theory???

What does this friendly-looking guy have to with music theory?

unf, would throat fuck him so hard

man, that guy seems really excited about that cereal
I wish I could get excited easily like him

So can someone briefly explain what music theory is? it seems totally pointless to me if everyone enjoys music differently