Is Mussolini /ourgirl/?
Is Mussolini /ourgirl/?
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Like if the united states should open its borders indefinitely and have free college and healthcare
jim carrey draws like a schizo
>open its borders indefinitely
> free college and healthcare
This unironically
the imperial core will wither and die. these concessions will go along with it
Fantano be like "you can't defend members of your family just because they're your family"
And then also be like "it's fine for Jews to defend other Jews just because they're in the same abrahamic bloodline"
Look how well that shit is going for the EU. Move your ass to Venezuela if you want "free" government handouts.
>hurr blame the jews
>hurr America is racist and I'm so woke
Everything you lefties touch turns to ghetto third-world shit.
Sweden is a democratic socialist country and is among the richest places on earth
>lynched by degenerate mafiosos and marxists
His greatest mistake was aligning with Hitler.
He's turning into Howard Hughes and should go out like Hemingway or Van Gogh.
i'm not agreeing with the sentiment i'm saying that their lifestyle is in decline and no amount of social democratic posturing or reform is going to stop it
Her father, Romano Mussolini made some great jazz/lounge music, he even played with Tony Scott.
Also Romano Mussolini cucked his father Benito by bringing degenerate negro jazz music into their house while it was banned in Italy because of idiot fascist laws.
Also Jim Carrey is great.
it's a frozen irrelevant Social Democrat -ish shithole reliant on german industry and norwegian oil. not a model society by any stretch. you couldn't recreate that in the united states
Fascist Italy was more lax about that kind of stuff compared to Germany at the time tho. Look into futurism. Although the fate of the whole movement was kinda sad because Musso got cucked by the trads and was forced to keep them quiet. If you think about it both Mussolini and Hitler both were trad cucks and shouldn't have been the ones in power. And this is coming from a self-proclaimed fascist. I would have much rather seen Fiume live on and the Strasser brothers alive.
Fascist-city-pop is BEST POP.
Fascist italy destroyed the jewish community of Rome by selling them to Nazis. There were extremist racist in the fascis
Yeah, my point was just that they weren't cracking down on "degenerate" art as much as Germany was. Although Mussolini had to follow Hitler's plans he wasn't racist. At its core, fascism isn't racist.
Fascism was racist at its very core, you probably never heard about racist laws that were made long before the alliance with Hitler, those were agaainst marriage with "inferior" slavs and abyssinians.
Also if you are talking about fascist attitude towards degenerate art you should read pic related.
While futurism had a brief passion for jazz music, later it was dismissed as negro noise.
Italian jazz players had to disguise it under a folk music suit, like Gorni Kramer
>Look how well that shit is going for the EU
Ah yes because of the unnecessary wars you pay in the middle east. Eat shit magahead