name me a better female vocalist than Janis Joplin. im genuinely searching for a better female vocalist (so far with no success).
Name me a better female vocalist than Janis Joplin...
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>name me a better female vocalist than Janis Joplin
Almost all of them who aren't Kpop, and even some of those.
The Babymetal singer.
ella fitzgerald
Uretha Frankien
I really like the girl from Hop Along, she's got a really nice grit to her voice, check them out you might like if you like Janis Joplin.
Unironically the best vocal performance I've ever seen live was from Weyes Blood, saw her open for Low in a church in Calgary a few years ago and holy fucking shit I have never seen a performance like that in person before. Pretty different from Joplin but she's certainly got chops.
Anne Wilson, if you're talking straight-up female rock singer.
In general there were a lot of female singers in rock and pop that had better range and control. Janis' range was just two octaves, which is impressive for most people, but not when you're talking greatest singers. She had a shit ton of vocal fry throughout her range, which is impressive, but like a lot of people I thought it just didn't sound good. I don't mind coarseness when done right, such as with Bonnie Tyler or Kim Carnes. With Janis Joplin it just sounded ridiculous.
i disagree about the courseness opinion, but otherwise thanks for the well thought out comment brother.
There’s literally not a single goddamn one (singerfag here who has done opera and Mom was a voice teacher)
voice teacher thinks Janis Joplin was elite?
That’s not what I said but yes. The answer is yes. Any singer or voice teacher that disagrees is either a complete idiot or in denial due to their fetishising of whatever style of singing they specialize in. She’s never off key (except at one moment during Mercedes Benz, a rough recording) and the rasp she used, the best opera singers in the world would blow their voice out trying to replicate it.
Grace Slick. Also she was hot as fuck
>blocks your path
Dusty Springfield, Debbie Harry, the girls from Heart. I'm not sure why literally every boomer has a hard on for her. Her voice was raspy and crude and while she obviously had a lot of soul and passion it was far from the best. I'd argue that big brother is the only reason she took off but it's not worth all the (you)'s.
Every soul singer.
we gon gitit muh nukka!🏴
not quite the range, but shes great and i literally never heard of her until this post. thank you very much (sincerely) for introducing me to a great musician i hadnt even heard of before.
her voice was actually quite refined towards the later years. she trully was one if a kind.
bump, looking for more musical odyssey(ette)s.