What do we think of Rivers?

What do we think of Rivers?

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they hold a lot of water and distribute it plentifully. My favorites are the Amazon and the Ganges.

>not the Nile
Absolute Pleb.

he's the sheriff of rock

I really want to see if he can still shred

who? we're talking about rivers here pal

Danube is patrician because it actually has a great song named after it.

he cute

He based

Attached: rivers2.jpg (300x317, 20K)

>He based
Agreed. He's been making a living trolling his fans since Pinkerton. The absolute madman.

i want to kiss him

social experiment

the nile is in a shithole continent and flows north like the dumbass channel of water that it is.

"Photograph" just clicked for me a few days ago. Never liked it before, now I get why it was a single.
I also heard "Negativland" off the Alone 3 album, and it blew my mind that it's a demo for "Blast Off"


pleb detected🌈

He died and no one said a word. Here's why.

>calls someone pleb
>includes universal faggot symbol

we need to have a talk


LMAO what a moron

He keeps an excel document about what randoms say about him online. Surely he has been on Yea Forums at least once.

Wasted talent, wasted ability. He doesnt take himself seriously and never will again after the pinkerton episode

washed up since 96

He is actually a good songwriter, but cares too much about the opinion of critics and fans, and that damages his music, for example, with pinkerton he made posibly his most visceral and emotional album, and tho It became a fan favorite later on, the harsh initial reception really affected him, and thats why weezer hasn't made something on the quality level of blue and pinkerton ever since (with White being the closest they have yet)

And Redpilled

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