why is playing in a band so fucking fun?
Why is playing in a band so fucking fun?
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wtf this is not cringe at all
it isn't fun because my band mates never respect me as the sole voice of leadership like they would if they had any fucking taste whatsoever
Do everything you can while it's still fun. Really, don't take that for granted
I love playing music so fucking much.
Because it’s not a real job
based HE RUN poster🐶
wow same😃
hey this is actually pretty good not cringe at all
good pupper😂
>mfw I unironically have to look up TMM pretty much every time this image is posted and enjoy their video in equal measure every time I watch it
It's because besides sex, creating music is the most powerful connection people can have. Resonating on the same emotional and spiritual wavelengths as your band mates both amplifies your individuality while simultaneously becoming a collective. You would know if you've experienced this state of energy, All I know is that few other things in the world are like it. If you haven't joined a band yet. Learn to play the goddamn tambourine or something and jive with some people who you really think "get it". Everyone deserves that feeling at least once in their lives.
because you're surrounded with like-minded, creative people and just having a good time
It fills the void and gives you purpose
I was gonna say something along the lines as you dont have the slave through retail 9-5 like the rest of us
Shut up Faggot cuz random spam is so fucking funny
I have never been in a serious band, but I've jammed a lot with a couple of friends in my apartment and in my opinion the feeling of getting in on the same wavelength music-wise with another player(s) is one of the most gratifying and joyful experiences you can get in life. All the silent communication when you're reading the vibe of the song and what direction it's going towards feels like a kind of a sixth sense you never knew you had
What song are they even performing in that video?
How tf you even start a band nigger?
BASED human element
It's called "Congratulations".
Why are there so many pew fags online? God damn everywhere I fucking go you shitters are there shilling pew. Is this the minecraft generation? Who the fuck are you? Why do you love pew so much?
It actually is called "Congratulations", it's the third track on Time Machine Modulus eponymous 2012 EP you piece of shit zoomer newfag.
it's fun when you're at teen, in your 20s it's just fucking awkward
It's fun again in your 30's👌
Why are 20-somethings so cringe and bluepilled?
hey this is actually pretty cringe not good at all
I think most of them are alright
Yes, but they usually ACT in a bluepilled and cringe manner, very self-conscious and nervous for no good reason, take themselves and the world too seriously.