10/10 albums

Post them💯

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Sorry mate but The Cure don't have a 10/10 album.

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>not even his best album

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finally, someone with taste

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VERY based


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OP said 10/10 albums not -10/10 albums

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Absolute banger

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All pretty based picks

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>not even the best Genesis album

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This Shit was boring af


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I mean they are both fantastic albums, Lamb and Nursery are also both great, bit I usually end up leaning towards Foxtrot for some reason. Supper's Ready is really a mind blowing track and I love Get Em Out By Friday and Time Tables too

>She said she said and love you to blocks your path

one time I was in a band with this unsufferable faggot bass player who wouldn't shut up about peter gabriel and genesis

i will never listen to a genesis album because of this

Yes Sir


Did you mean "insufferable," user?

Also nice dubs

Also you should check out Gabriel-era Genesis they were really good :)

I Like! this album



this is the only 10/10 itt

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What is this? Google search gave me nothing.

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>this night has opened my eyes

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we need some boomer representation in this thread

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He's right, you know



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holy fucking based


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Make way for the only true 10/10

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trash made by the most overrated, pretentious excuse for a band.

and they fucking bullied nardwuar to boot. seriously, fuck sonic youth. thurston and his cunt ex-wife are worthless hacks.

Cry more queer.

Astral Weeks
Spirit of Eden
Down Colorful Hill
The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

All genuine 10s.

Based, fuck The Beatles


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This one, I guess

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All of you dont deserve my opinion.


Cringe? I'll give you cringe you stupid little fucking nigger!


Beatles haven't even made a 6/10 album, overrated hacks

That's right, they never made a 6/10 because all their albums are at least 8/10.

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But revolver is mediocre and sgt pepper is trash

Very based

I feel I need to take a bath for just reading such a shitty opinion

Ok this is cringe

yes they are


*rapes your opinion*

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The ultimate contrarian pick, it's literally just Sgt peppers but worse.

City Morgue Vol.1: HELL OR HIGH WATER

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Absolutely based, tombers in tears
This is an exception though

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>They hated him because he told the truth

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Prove me wrong

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Says the shittaste beatlet

This guy knows what the fuck is going on

imagine being this much of a gigantic faggot


Idk how Yea Forums feels about Bellion

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>disintegration and pornography shit on every album the beatles made revolver is trash

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>tfw there's people on this board who unironically agree with this
just nuke this place

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funny because beatles is pure leddit, stay delusional faggot

I'm not say not saying either artist is plebbit tier, but your shitty opinion is, you faggot.

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>couldn't take the redpill

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What opinion, it's a fact friendo

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gtfo phone poster


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No such thing as a 10/10 in my eyes, sometimes I really love Radiohead, other times it’s the last thing I want to listen to, same with Loveless, AnCo, TVU, Beatles, Bowie, Death Grips etc

>he doesn’t see disintegration for the masterpiece that it is
>he still believes the Beatles were more important and therefore better
>he isn’t confident enough in his own judgement to cast aside legacies and influence and assess music as objectively as possible

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>wants to be a Contrairan so bad that goes he along with a painfully terrible opinion

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>Low effort
>Sums up an album using a digit rather than actually thinking about its artistic value

based and redpilled

low effort as in terrible bait (You) wanted this right


Beatles are overrated nothing contrarian about that

>two massive bands with millions of listeners
Shut up nerd
Enjoy skipping over those quirky filler tracks while I enjoy a full 72 minutes of uninterrupted excellence


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are you dumb? the Contrairan opinion is that you prefer an album over one that is universally agreed upon to be one of the greatest album of all time. I enjoy both artist, but you have to be gay and deaf to think the cure made a better than the Beatles. seriously how the fuck is it possible for someone think this. it's almost as if you're baiting just to be an annoying fuck.

The biggest badass ever to grace Yea Forums.

Have sex, angry incel.

This. The Beatles being great is the biggest meme that has ever been sold.

>newfags on this board agree with this nigger

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>ughhhh I don’t get it!! Pitchfork and all the other 1001 people I get my opinions from say the Beatles are the best band of all time!! This has to be bait...
Keep crying faggot, I’ve seen through all those trivial little nursery rhymes you circle jerk.
What I’m after is music conceived and recorded with emotion and intelligence, with no room for improvement, not the wankery shitted out every five minutes by two scousers on drugs.

cringe, typical Beatles brainlet

absolute fucking based

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stay mad retard

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>What I’m after is music conceived and recorded with emotion and intelligence

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Why are the Scandinavians so good at creating electronic?

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cringe bro!

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this bad boi

"Downward is heavenward
And we are not alone..."

Btw does anyone have original picture from cover art?

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someone needs to start holding people accountable for posting tourist albums and acting like they're contributing anything. guys, please stop


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the beatles are ebic bro, love those quirky happy songs famalam😂

BIG if true

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