i want a yurigf
Other urls found in this thread:
based and retarded
Rolled 21 (1d100)
highest roll in this thred gets a kgf
7 mins till april fools ends
I guess rape counts😂
I hear if you buy enough copies of HEART*IZ they send you a Jo Yuri
Your fortune: Average Luck
will memer ever do the spinaroonie on stream for us?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Rolled 5 (1d6)
yurigf pls
how do i into perks?
we still have another 3 hours newshit
beating my meat to chen tonight💯
in options field
>roll 1d100
you type the perk in the options box user kekeke
shutup worst coaster💢
well done
Your fortune: Outlook good
with what?🐷
im glad this gay shit is only gonna last for a day
post her ass
fuck you
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
surprise modu girib baksu
deleting = worse luck
Yuri & Chaewon double teaming my
as the final joke on us, he'll make it permanent
don't delete your fortune, coward
where's her trademark mouthpiece?
wow there are more perks than yesterday♨️
will i have a yejigf?
Your fortune: Good Luck
oh no no no
will i have a yurigf?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
hottest fucking girl
>my everglow and mamamoo albums get delayed
>no word about where they are for days
They probably lost them and now I have to bitch about it
will any of us achieve kgf 2019?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
based me
bad bitch
Word, it makes it almost unbearable to browse here and that's saying something
female idols wear those big contact lenses to make their eyes look big/cute, but do gaypops wear them as well? or are there some other type of lenses that gaypops wear?
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
whom dat sloot
female GD
>tfw im not gonna make it to spooky
we still perkin?
i have some albums on the way and the last update is:
>March 27, 2019
>In Transit, Arriving Late
>Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility.
it's over mate💔
this means i have to get a yurigf now
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Looks like basedeon
geez, multiple shows on arirang got new sets. did the korean government up their budget?
how do i meet wendy so i can ask her to marry me
what score is everyone sitting at?
keep asking and you shall receive
i just got my yurigf
will I steal his yuri gf from him
Your fortune: Good Luck
Did a fucking truck with our stuff crash or something? My update is around the same time
solo comeback when?
will i emerge as the sole undisputed slug husband?
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
jo yuri is the one for me
no one can take her from me
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
still no skelly
basedeon sitting on your
i preferred fromis 8
didnt know she was packing
there she is
#1 Mnet (=)
#2 Bugs (=)
#2 Naver (=)
#4 Soribada (-1)
#5 Genie (=)
#16 MelOn (=)
#18 FLO (-1)
I will want someone to explain to me what a FLO is
jongers is a visual
will my yurigf cheat on me
Your fortune: Good Luck
love bomb is a banger
Rolled 73 (1d100)
>mail order slug bride
well that's good for you broastie
Your fortune: Outlook good
fat slutty piece of shit
One day hopefully, her other song is good
I think you get that at 1000?
i only give likes to idols i blast to
her name is slugroastie
the sky is blue
radio host: what was the deciding factor to have you four on this radio program instead of the other members?
hiichan: because we're the cutest
how do I gain more points?
is it just posting or getting likes?
will this be turned into a fullblown h-doujin?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
*urkel voice*
i only give likes to idols i blast to
Chances of Eunbi being milked tonight
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
get fucked cuck poster
you cant take yuri from me
likes, posting, getting (You)'s
it's time..
gahyeon gf?
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
chaeyeon wins
EXO’ unique listeners in 24Hrs on MelOn
1. CHEN Beautiful Goodbye — 605K+ (9 hours left)
2. KOKOBOP — 588K
3. Tempo — 530K
oh w0w
will iz*one have a nip slip this year?
Your fortune: Outlook good
it looks so tight on her omo
What happened to minju? She’s unrecognizable in the new mv
will cx ever promote with wjsn again?
Your fortune: Outlook good
oh no no no
how will eunbibros recover
will my yurigf sleep peacefully tonight?
Your fortune: Good Luck
cough 'em up
Will this spamming retard be finally put out of his misery by a wayward car 2019?
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>getting (You)'s
is this true?
someone test this
reply to me if you love your waifu
i'll make it bros
will yuri die this year
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
word heart*iz is on the way
>tempo lower than kokobop
momo has 100% experimented sexually with jongers
when did jeongyeon turn into twice's best visual??
pls like😃
will OMG ever make it?
i haven't done that in a while tho
CHEN “#Beautiful_Goodbye” - 1PM KST Update
#1 Melon
#1 Genie
#1 Olleh
#1 Bugs
#1 Naver
#1 Soribada
#4 FLO (=)
#7 Mnet (=)
mnet just wont take the stick out of their ass
i like jennie❌
that's hot
>tfw no autistic bully wife
kpop for this feel?
we all know who the real visual is
the hell is "FLO"?
she cute
i was about to ask the same thing, it might be a new chart
idk but i bought mine through a group order so it's going to be a huge pain in the dick to get it sorted out if they don't come
As expected based Xiao always loved her girls no matter what Chinese CEO mom pushes her to do
claim your waifu before someone else does
I claim eunha🌈
FLOp is specifically to make fun of LOONA lololol
forgot the fortune
give us luck, autistic number member!
Your fortune: Good Luck
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
there's hope
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
he basically got a pak, don’t worry about it
nice numbers💯
>Chen thinking he's not a good singer yet
>Chen saying his goal is to sing like Bruno Mars
100% chance that jongers has atleast fingered momo
LOONA's next comeback being a success
Your fortune: Outlook good
is this nigga srs
he sings better than bruno💯
He’s taller than Bruno Mars
shut up wheels👌
He's back to doing Korean news updates finally, how long until LOONA fans get his account banned again
Who isn't?
ban that retard. twitter's more peaceful when he was suspended
they're both really good, but bruno might win this one
chen said he can't sing all of this song youtu.be
for jiho
Orbits sent KBS reports over and over until they DMCA'd his account lmao
KBS got him banned
freaking cute
momo isn't a lesbian but she was seduced by jongers fondling her
what if the catch is that it's banhana only...
momo definitely wants it
post fertile kpops
what exactly happened?
/kpg/ get mad
Yves eternal🌈
roll for wendy wife
Your fortune: Bad Luck
fuck I made a post somewhere else and I didn't track my points
do it again
sorry bro
Orbits and Buddies came up with a plan to report his account to KBS until they figured it was worth suspending his account via copyright infringement, they said if he ever came back they would try it again
this started mostly because he kept saying Naver was bugged (it was)
what's wrong looks like random kpop translator
roll for irene slave
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
all or bust
>He's back to doing Korean news updates finally
bugged in what way?
what, is this fake? chen has way more technical training than bruno mars lmao
but how long must i wait?
Trying to get my friend into it. What albums would fit best for someone who likes Kanye and Gorillaz (he's a bit normie but still)
haha i had a lot of fun playing VR with chaeyoung
the roller skate shoes are dumb
how to get fortune?
roll for chewy wife
Your fortune: Godly Luck
chen is really humble so it's not surprising if he says things like that
>Super Junior Heechul and (G)I-DLE will guest on MBN variety show 'Five Actors'
best news ive gotten all year
rolling to steal your waifu
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
you've got to write
without the escape
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
orbits are worse than army, and i expected better from buddies
the charts will move several times a minute showing inconsistent charts (IZ*ONE was #1 last night but it kept switching between them, Chen and other artists)
Naver is getting phased out now anyway so he was correct but it pissed off Gfriend fans who considered the charts legitimate and felt that he was discrediting their #1s
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
old and plastic
cheer up is a great song
you're welcome
all the waifus claimed so far join my harem
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
800 I think
can you stop verifying
is eunbi pure
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Chen's been saying that for so long, that he needs to be better. He's even embarrassed of his performance when he sang Really, I Didn't Know with Baekhyun because he was "not good" back then.
mother's milk does the body good
our boys
though it was 750 not sure though
is eunbi pure semen?
Your fortune: Outlook good
yeah, something around that⚾
/ fortune
no space
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
he should then compare himself with god tier vocalists like park hyo shin or naul, not fuckin bruno mars
an uggo and xiumin🖤
I'm sure it'll be hard for Chen when Xiumin leaves, they're so close
w2c xiumin's hair🦎
say that again idiot
h: mommy
t: milkCoin Flip: Heads
should i love myself?
Your fortune: Outlook good
he'll have his house when xiumin's in the army
itzy has such huge potential to blow up in the US if their beats are as good as dalla dalla. I showed the instrumental to my normie friends and they all just thought it was a really good future bass track. they just need to stop saying cringey shit like BAD BAD IM SORRY IM BAD IM JUST THE WAY I AM and they can BTFO blink's puny US tour
anyone else think tzuyu is annoying and not pretty?
imagine those hands giving you an extremely brutal hj and pummeling your ballsack♨️
his top three songs were
1. Bruno Mars - Versace on the Floor
2. Park Hyo Shin - Wildflower
3. Cherry Blossom Love Song (because it sparked his whole solo album vibe)
I think Eunbi's the type that looks all classy on the outside but is easily seduced
hows it going nakybro aka slugchad also called yejichad?
irene is old
to be fair, chen is getting mogged by xiumin and that sexy hair
fugly tranny
shut up you fuckin
prove it⚽
mentally ill
chen is more handsome than that rat
>2000 points
damn you niggas spam like shit
i like it
cutest omega in the galaxy
any shark man in?
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
shut up
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
ask Mark
I've posted a bit more than normal and I'm already tired, 2000 is way too much.
damn that does not fit at all🐱
Nakyung is so fucking ugly
blacked waifus
Will early thread loose all hope of kgf?
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
don't at me scorelet
I was banned until 6pm est and I'm already at this many
it's super easy to get points and I'm currently grinding before it ends
chen pak
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
but mnet..
any manslugs in?
Is this person autistic
Day of blunt object will come for you bigot
you jelly