Attached: datassrin.jpg (284x286, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Your fortune: Good Luck

mommy mimi

Attached: 50128962_339668633557494_7346984730512685678_n.jpg (1080x1350, 149K)

>seulgi post
>wow, she's beautiful
>ugly tranny
>freakin cute
>don't samefag roastie


Attached: 6p6txXO vp8.webm (600x592, 293K)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1551699111925.jpg (1080x1349, 147K)

someone help i can't find a specific yeji picture

boomer thread

For me, personally, it's Seulgi

Rolled 32 (1d100)

sluggos visual ranking out of 100

Why does such good luck follow Arin around?

Attached: 1551821537237.jpg (720x1280, 265K)

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: 1552921876465.webm (900x720, 2.8M)

any sharkman in

I dont post girls but Seulgi is cute

based and slugpilled

T-ara has so many bangers. I don't think any group even comes close to how good their disco was. Even SNSD.



Attached: 145469298292.jpg (1280x1727, 184K)


don’t samefag roastie you aren’t fooling anyone

me 2

Attached: 1553359683664.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

imagine mimi turning one of her mukbangs into a camshow...

Attached: pervert.jpg (560x989, 114K)

best voice in k pop hands down

Attached: 1550444437927.jpg (1000x1500, 912K)

Attached: D3G0zPZUYAA2tCj.jpg (1364x2048, 347K)

>try to force a twice dream by falling asleep to their lie v on vlive
>end up dreaming about wendy
i hate myself

Attached: DIA_-_Jooeun1531100726.mp4-[00.02-00.07].webm (498x1080, 1.92M)

oh gosh those delicious fat pits

best era

Attached: D27W45HXcAERkVJ.jpg (1431x2048, 754K)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

since when is posting omguggo allowed


Attached: 8c14bf3b50768fad179dbf124f269ce7.jpg (500x750, 164K)

sana is the ugliest asian women i have ever seen (besides nayeon and pretty much all of twice)



Attached: 6c2ia.jpg (769x574, 192K)

>RV debuts
>meme Seulgi into popularity with Mongol princess, Pringles, Christmas carol, ballet, shakey fingers while holding a drawing, etc etc
>literally everyone loves Seulgi. She's like literally the only girl immune to hate like Yeji is now
>one day some schizo starts spamming her (most likely choafag)
>then another schizo starts the ugliest shit spam (also most likely choafag)
>now everyone hates Seulgi

Man I memed her into kpg popularity for NOTHING. This wasnt part of the plan

Attached: 1259499777.jpg (1432x1790, 346K)

oh we're posting sluts now

Attached: 1550432060343.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

i look forward to her gravure career

Marry me wendy

me 3

Attached: DhnD7dJ3FVc.jpg (1000x1500, 203K)


Attached: 1479537194192.jpg (1500x1000, 167K)

Attached: 20190331_232803.jpg (1080x2035, 1.1M)


Rolled 24 (1d100)

if roll matches digits your waifu dies

marrying wendy in a few weeks look for the announcement in the media

Attached: tumblr_ojy6ewYOtY1ug2hdso1_1280.jpg (635x1100, 171K)

I literally, LITERALLY can't stop thinking about KANG SEULGI of RED VELVET

get out of my head you beautiful leaf

Attached: 99DF9A415BF2ACD22A.jpg (820x1229, 574K)

Attached: 190321 엠카 퇴근 이달의소녀 츄 이브 직캠 loona chuu yves MCD cam.webm (944x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: 1.24.webm (562x1000, 2.9M)

Attached: 1551227788581.webm (530x443, 577K)

freakin disgusting


Attached: unnamed7.jpg (800x1200, 108K)

Attached: D2US5LYVYAEiwOm.jpg_orig.jpg (2130x1944, 563K)

Attached: Eunseo disgusted Vlive.jpg (432x712, 148K)

is slug the maid of honor?

this except yuqi and yeji f**t


Attached: d0d72640523431b20febd9d14eb008a42d6c4d1d_hq.jpg (720x997, 79K)

Attached: 1554131149060.jpg (520x780, 62K)

Attached: IMG_20190401_190941.jpg (1360x2048, 387K)

it was a picture of yeji with the definition of adorable next to it

I can't wait

Attached: restmb_allidxmake.jpg (600x900, 390K)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: reeee.png (800x480, 182K)

>slugroastie samefagging this much


Attached: 170442626762.jpg (567x567, 67K)

thanks. also wtf happened to the download button?

Attached: 1515698950507.png (2400x1520, 2.64M)


defend this momobro

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 1525926075878.webm (1280x720, 893K)

Why she wearing preggo clothes

nuke eunseo is a jew memers


no it's joy but she's on the court

Attached: tumblr_ov9px9juQP1wtdlmeo2_1280.jpg (640x1136, 154K)

what is this ruby gloom shit?


>now everyone hates Seulgi
that's where you're wrong though we love slug here

Attached: 1541104403317.jpg (500x501, 45K)

what's wrong?

drinking with iu

Attached: 1538365131348.webm (508x770, 2.88M)

god freaking damn it... fromis_9 is just too good to be true! ?

ioi wasnt a mistake

Attached: maxresdefault-1.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

she would be so much more attractive if they stopped trying to make her and yeji look like Jennie

are there really jav stars in kpop?

do you ever get tired of overreacting to bad pics

it's the opposite actually

>knowing what that gloom shit is

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: chewy-in-10-years.webm (720x720, 574K)

nuke israel

sana is based

Attached: 1535789789054.webm (1408x1080, 2.78M)


Attached: 160520.webm (800x450, 1.01M)

Attached: CgDIM4iUAAE7zoM.png (600x852, 895K)

god no

nice try roastie but we always have hated this uggo

uh yeah this is a red velvet thread

Attached: tumblr_osul7qT1aN1vvb67go1_500.jpg (422x750, 33K)

Attached: 1529429597656.webm (1516x814, 2.95M)


Attached: 3d3aeaec0f8b15793f6ad057ff94f318.jpg (453x680, 58K)

drinking iu's *****

cant get enough of slug

Attached: 1553295974687.webm (1920x1080, 1.16M)

found the ladies code perk

was expecting a walshart stain desu

its gone forever


Attached: 1514338431972.webm (1436x1012, 2.78M)


Attached: 화사-H1328clwl.jpg (700x1206, 136K)


no it isn’t, ugly granny poster

Attached: _DSC9975 copy.jpg (1200x1798, 212K)

why do good girls like bad guys?
i had this question for a real long time
ive been a bad boy and it's plain to see
so why do good girls fall in love with me?♥️


Attached: 1537868916983.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: D3D8JvsUYAArHVR.jpg (1366x2048, 292K)

Attached: 1532973918186.png (1200x1800, 3.4M)


Attached: jimbo.webm (480x480, 445K)

red velvet has best visuals

besides yeji

Attached: joybrainlet.webm (850x478, 2.99M)

meant for

i gotta find it

Whose thighs are better, Irene or Seulgi? It's hard to pick

An empowered Korean woman demonstrates what to do when approached by a communist. And it's beautiful.

Attached: ezgif-4-0c9f60784b76.gif (624x346, 3.86M)

Attached: 1525285900118.webm (1452x1040, 1.03M)

meant for both

hyewon is meant for 40y/o men

fuck it they're both shark faced

Attached: irenemelon.jpg (700x1050, 122K)


Attached: 7109793392acf6f6f66314821bdced4d.jpg (750x1334, 325K)

the state of this delusional samefagging roastie

post irene's ass


Attached: 1538651432399.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Itzy>Everglow>Cherry Bullet
Change me mind

Attached: 8633ca35093c4d92a32648b2b2ffac28.jpg (900x600, 99K)

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: blackstink (2).png (685x301, 343K)

Cindy comeback when?

take aim

Attached: IU_TV_IU_10th_Anniv._Tour_Concert_dlwlrma._-_HongKong.webm (1108x856, 214K)

Gonna have to go with Irene's milky white for this one

irene's for sure. suelgi is attractive for her personality not her looks

Attached: 1550374936400.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

when does this come out?



Attached: 58357d5f90fd61965703d1fb5a41c77.jpg (1024x715, 112K)


Attached: 1531702598571.webm (862x1080, 1.84M)

good job retard

>reddit velvet have the best visuals
lol this is why no one takes women seriously

Attached: roastie velvet.jpg (3140x2456, 790K)

I'm liking this hwasa posting. could also use some eunha too

>your waifu will never put the fear of god in your atheist commie heart

Attached: yoohyeon tank.jpg (1080x1080, 113K)
Pour it up at the izakaya
Throw it up at the izakaya

Attached: DqCM40HWoAAiH0q.jpg (600x600, 74K)


and visuals

WOW they’re ugly

Attached: 1548965250222.webm (672x786, 709K)


Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: 1525567187392.webm (610x988, 2.89M)

Twice>Red Velvet>Itzy

Attached: wendy says good job.jpg (1000x1500, 838K)

thinking about my exobros💯




Attached: 1519623914290.jpg (2903x4355, 889K)


ugliest shits love to praise equally ugliest shits

Attached: roastieluvs.jpg (900x1201, 224K)

truly the most busted group in the game

where did the kai black meme come from

Attached: 1533684430388.png (1280x1917, 2.39M)

wtf i love rv now

Attached: 1524746430921.webm (1920x1080, 883K)

Attached: D3FSkKWVYAAvDMg.jpg (1200x1800, 280K)




Attached: iu cindy qt glare.webm (1280x720, 944K)

Attached: iu_sudden_attack_2.webm (1000x1297, 2.92M)

delete this

Attached: 1550444246452.jpg (1000x1500, 187K)

Gwsn are uggos


Attached: 9953DEFE-4B7B-450B-9B05-0066ADF06D41.jpg (1125x1409, 147K)

thinking about tickling seulgi's feet

k-pop is a literal celebration of capitalism and militarism

friday, the 5th

based iuposters saving the thread


Attached: 1541333924760.png (1200x1042, 247K)

Attached: 1548445113156.webm (516x696, 153K)


Attached: iu-pantsu.webm (573x1080, 2.66M)

>IU will never look at you like that

Attached: 1498030003847.jpg (2539x2655, 1.06M)

crazy how this post has zero likes but 20 replies
proven samefagging

they're better looking than twice purely by not having chaeyoung

Attached: joy04.jpg (1280x1920, 230K)

don’t samefag roastie


Attached: bts.jpg (1000x500, 121K)


Attached: 160325.webm (300x532, 2.52M)

Rvbros.... it's been so long. May is too far away......

Attached: 1540720572336.jpg (720x762, 65K)


itzy>cherry bullet>everglow

Attached: D3EjJsRU4AAo-bX.jpg (1365x2048, 391K)

wow, she's ugly

>Opinion from a fagshitter

Wow Joy looks ugly there. Also roastie velvet loses because they have the ugliest shit, Sluguggo

boomers ww@

Attached: 1426291116792.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Wait they are really only coming back in May?


Attached: 1538584503769.jpg (1200x1800, 1.59M)

>no likes on this post

fuck you I saw red hair and expected yuna

she's hotter than tzuyu

Attached: joyboobs.webm (1100x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: 1542237224178.webm (1626x1080, 2.79M)

did the stock go flying off?
i should try that with my AK


Attached: f6ce0afab9bc27d49637dfb089794497.jpg (960x720, 140K)


Attached: womanrin.jpg (1280x1919, 205K)



it was pretty popular 15 years ago

yuna mogs chewbot, not even joking

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

hang in there rvchad

Attached: 1553831486893.webm (1004x1080, 2.93M)

Attached: 1529952608381.webm (640x874, 2.07M)


Attached: lFYF0TU.jpg (2918x4378, 1.07M)

imagine sudden attacking those...

literally couldn't even mog a pile of shit

Attached: 1530449710751.webm (720x720, 423K)


Attached: e45744b1317bb0a9789f04e24dc398fc.png (800x1200, 1.03M)

want a bite of that peach


Attached: 11be6b8e43417b2e1193f988af583fd3.jpg (639x960, 71K)

Attached: eunhabed.jpg (1600x1066, 176K)

you're just baiting for THAT pic


Attached: 1549363824903.jpg (1000x1000, 164K)

i want to personally thank sulli for this

meant for

this one?

Attached: 1553441562686.jpg (684x424, 55K)

is she READY?

Your fortune: Good Luck

no fat uggos

wendy just can't be slutty. it's not possible for her. she is 100% wife material

Attached: 1548564339413.webm (800x1000, 2.6M)

Attached: 3482219d91e7588ca714e64201310b76.jpg (1200x1800, 339K)


stop posting iu, i don't want to lose my two weeks streak

how do you figure?

it was meant for slugfuggo aka the ugliest shit but nice try

not that guy but i wouldn’t mind a webm of joy having an orgasm while riding that mechanical bull

nah you've already reposted this one dozens of time roastie


Attached: JBjvJQC.png (1000x1500, 1.36M)

she keeps peaking

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Attached: 1527093984938.jpg (2295x1398, 357K)

Attached: IU.jpg (730x1340, 65K)

there is no purer girl than her in k pop. even yuna is already a whore, she said as much in dalla dalla

Attached: 1548558506261.webm (1920x1080, 1.22M)

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: 1543964646418.jpg (1200x1920, 381K)


literally the cutest gnome


Attached: 7 - oByPnA2.jpg (1000x1500, 545K)

Attached: nancy.jpg (1500x2248, 715K)

Attached: 1549426410023.webm (1414x1080, 2.9M)


Attached: 190215-은하(3).jpg (1500x1000, 944K)

twiceshitters will defend this

Attached: jesus christ jihyo what the fuck.jpg (1024x908, 240K)



Attached: 8_cjdUd018svc1j24v1ec8g3hs_l0pomv.jpg (1200x1800, 170K)

i liked your earlier posts that had wheein in them too

Attached: cca6fa647d2a2c206fec80512e1eab23.jpg (999x1498, 126K)

Fetal alchol syndrome looking bitch

got to go to work
cya IUbros

Attached: iu-done.webm (478x331, 675K)

Attached: 1550394033727.jpg (1050x1578, 331K)


Attached: Wheein plays with pussy.webm (600x338, 2.89M)

Attached: yukiq.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)

wow, they're ugly

Attached: 698e1ab6gw1f8ii4eilndj22o92o9e81.jpg (3465x3465, 1.4M)

based hwasabro has been at this all day

Attached: blackpink is the skelelution.jpg (466x845, 48K)

Attached: maori.png (300x526, 365K)

this is true natural beauty.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (720x378, 69K)

Attached: MS1JET5.jpg (3851x5770, 1.11M)


twice is good

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)


Attached: IU omo.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

Attached: 1544733118000.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)


Attached: 146661281621.jpg (1000x1250, 532K)

Technically not kpop but whatever it just popped in my youtube recommendations a couple minutes ago



enough ugly shit post skelly

>[+782, -70] She looks Vietnamese if you look closely at her face

what white men want

you can really tell who's been here all fucking day

Attached: 1530732152177.jpg (682x1024, 86K)

Attached: [Simply K-Pop] EVERGLOW SIHYEON 'Bon Bon Chocolat' (에버글로우 ᄉ� (450x800, 2.94M)


Attached: C3eb_XzUcAAdl2M.jpg (600x632, 52K)

please fuck me💯

Attached: D3HUTfmVAAEkcou-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 776K)

our guys on the right

Attached: Jennie4.jpg (480x360, 40K)

what's your score

If the trends are consistent IZ*ONE will go down below 19th-20th in 2 minutes

nice try but they still are not good




Attached: 1550878431325.jpg (1200x1800, 1.34M)

rare shrimp🦁

good luck

Attached: 1166.jpg (1000x1503, 198K)


Attached: XnRv8YP.webm (600x338, 2.79M)


Attached: 1545537807395.jpg (876x980, 357K)

You say you want a skelelution

Attached: twice (2).jpg (1000x500, 38K)

freakin cute

Attached: blackpink.gif (144x50, 6K)





Attached: D3DQDz4UkAA4mv0.jpg (1200x799, 130K)

Attached: 1530629480117.jpg (695x801, 52K)


im never going to get spooky🙁

Attached: sadhayoung.jpg (2000x3000, 843K)


Attached: 141925252173.jpg (972x1458, 521K)


Attached: 1548561228713.jpg (1080x1080, 1.23M)


Attached: tumblr_p2rjmvoRcJ1qk12q0o1_640.jpg (630x945, 64K)

meant for





Attached: FavoriteIdol_20190330212609.jpg (746x746, 88K)

>tfw he cried after watching Error MV



april fools


she cute


chen’s visuals are so underrated⚾
