Enter Yea Forums

>enter Yea Forums
>every single thread is shitposting

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What happened to mu?
Why are there gifs and memes everywhere?
I’ve been gone for a while what happened user?


pls like this🙁

>April first passes
>Nothing changes

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just wait a few hours

Just another normal day.

yeah its almost impressive in a way isn't it

Oh it’s April fools day.

I actually forgot that was a thing after like sixth grade, good on you mu

I turned myself into pickle

>lost all his friends in middle school so had no one else to remind him of great times

I feel sorry for you above all, here's a skel

Are you guys adults who celebrate April fools day? Interesting.

Click perks when you're posting, see what you have

Check em

nope we're just making the most of what's handed to us on here. instead of being a pessimistic contrarian. your social disfunction is bleeding through your text. do you see what I see?



I’m just bitter cause I don’t think I can do it on mobile

Even on mobile you can. You just need to use the desktop site♨️


>I don’t like shitposting

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Wew lad

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