Girls can’t into Boards of Canada. For the most part they listen to them because it’s a fashion statement. They think “lol so weird”. Women need constant validation from others so they seek out sub-cultures to be apart of.
What they don’t realize is that Boards of Canada are about masculinity and male dominance. Women are too fucking stupid to even pay attention to lyrics
“Yeah that's right, Orange. One orange (just fantasize). Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine. Orange, yeah that's right.” Women are nothing but a sack of flesh with pleasure holes for sole purpose of pleasuring Michael Sandison and Marcus Eoin.
“Although not a follower of hseroK divaD, she’s a devoted Branch Davidian” changes meaning the true libertine lusts that reside in the male. A good majority of the songs talk about fucking drugged out, unaware sluts and groupies.
That’s only a few examples of their lyrics that show a common theme of male superiority. And for "Christ" sake the members of BoC are males, just imagine being around that testosterone...
Girls can’t into Boards of Canada. For the most part they listen to them because it’s a fashion statement...
Other urls found in this thread:
sincerely, shut the fuck up. you're a piece of shit. boc are faggots like you.
Music has a right to women.
I once sent a girl Roygbiv and she said "that was honestly so lit"
A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence.
Is Roygbiv the least BoC-sounding song in their catalogue?
Midas Touch
Remixes don't count
the entirety of Yea Forums uses music as a fashion statement, you copypasta maymay spewing fuck
Lesbians exist, you know.🌈
speak for yourself
No they don't. They're straight girls who want to feel special.
Not even memeing, the only interesting girls I’ve ever met in my life were lesbians.
shut the up fag
So they avoid dating men... as a means for winning men? I don't get it.⚽
What fashion is BoC? Retro? Lmao grow up grampa.
Your fortune: Outlook good
Alternative, as in non-mainstream
What’s the original copypasta again? I remember this one but I feel like it wasn’t BoC originally
All I'm gonna say is this - if lesbians don't like dick why do they use dick-shaped dildos to pleasure themselves? Checkmate lesbos
>lesbians don't like dick
nobody ever said that. they don't like faggot men like you
eat shit faggot
this slampig bitch in a dress with planets on it once tried to jump my bones for wearing a BOC shirt but I was not having it.
Based women not liking gay shit like BOREDs of Canada
beach boys i think
this is such a weird opinion
deaf grapes, iirc.
t. girl
>For the most part they listen to them because it’s a fashion statement. They think “lol so weird”. Women need constant validation from others so they seek out sub-cultures to be apart of.
christ, this is literally something males do on a constant basis to the point where it's annoying. get a grip of your ego and realize that the stereotypical "NPC" regardless of gender will do anything for the validation of other NPCs around them. humanity itself is just a gigantic wankfest of validation and power. it has no basis in gender, just ego.
And you're the exception right?
gdi, i found MHTRTC on a mushroom trip about a month after I first found aphex twin. Boards of Canada is great stuff, especially that album.
You guys can act all pretentious like its not good enough for you. You not being able to find enjoyment in it is a failure on your part.
Also good is Ceephax Acid Crew
Rolled 1 (1d100)
How many points do you dino fags have?