In less than 2 and a half hours all the fun will be over and our hard work will have been for nothing

>in less than 2 and a half hours all the fun will be over and our hard work will have been for nothing

Music for this feel?

Attached: download (1).jpg (239x211, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

this exercise is an allegory for life itself
so give me a like and shut the fuck uppa your complaining!

this fucking dinosaur and these faggot skeletons are all i have left

Attached: download (6).jpg (224x225, 7K)

Will I get a gf this year

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Will like for bumps

Attached: 1554148983247.png (800x778, 317K)

like this post please🙁

Yea Forums goes on west coast time, silly. It’s not changing back until six hours from now.


it all started at midnight eastern time

Its about the friends we made along the way


Do they automatically give you perks over time? I've posted maybe only three or four times all day and I have all but two of them.

this. stay spooky friends

must have been good posts

i don't want it to be over, i want summer to last forever

Attached: download (1).png (231x218, 7K)

Cheer up, bud, women are overrated anyway.😂

Attached: 15421588804290.gif (393x393, 134K)

you have to earn them nerd

Having feelings is overrated

Last I checked they weren't, I think all day I only got 6 likes total and near the end of the day my points shot up out of nowhere.

Attached: Screenshot (277).png (505x546, 40K)

sorry user

Attached: IMG_0921.jpg (400x398, 18K)

>I just got home from work
I don't want it to end, bros

i think so

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

t-there's always halloween, r-right?

Attached: tyf.png (1127x685, 37K)

penis in my buttt nigger who nigger what

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

same happened to me
dino and spook is the only remaining prestige

oh shit is that where they are?

how much for a dino?

why am i getting so depressed over this, my brains retarded

Attached: 1540528826506.png (474x473, 20K)

i want my dino so bad bros...

>i still haven't unlocked dino or spooky🙁

Attached: dry-desert-man.jpg (900x900, 145K)



Im so sorry

will my emotional abuser kill himself this year

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

rerolling for you

Your fortune: Godly Luck

god bless you user💜

The next person to post in this thread gets a like

fuck that abuser, he getting exposed (suicide)
we got your back user💯

the chances of the next poster getting dubs are

Your fortune: Bad Luck

check em

Enjoy your like

pls gib gf

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

enjoy your dubs

Rolled 3 (1d6)

if 7 this guy gets a gf

Will I finally kill myself this year

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Don’t be sad that it’s over, be glad that it happened at all😂

Rolled 31 (1d100)

73 and you hit me with likes

Rolled 2 (1d6)

if 4 i kill myself tomorrow

Music user, we will always have music🐸

Will I?

Your fortune: Good Luck

Will 2019 be the year of the gf?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

but i thought we was reddit today? isnt that very bad? shouldnt i be going grrrr fuck you reddit mods for today grrr?💢

get out of here, you're a normalfag now

what's music without any feeling

Attached: images.png (205x246, 6K)

tails and we all gonna make itCoin Flip: Heads

guys how many dinos in a row can we post??

it landed at an angle so we have to reflip itCoin Flip: Tails

wish i could unlike a post

just know you did this

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 8K)

we're fuckered!⚾

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1498680450862.png (657x527, 27K)

tails and we're not friends anymoreCoin Flip: Heads

If heads I kill myself tomorrowCoin Flip: Heads

yeah, these tails say we're more than friends...Coin Flip: Heads

tails + dubs and you don't :)Coin Flip: Heads


Will it happen this year?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Rolled 8 (1d100)

If 33 this guys gay

hazy, trying again

Your fortune: Average Luck

here user, have my luck

Your fortune: Godly Luck

if tails your luck is voidCoin Flip: Tails


Attached: pp,550x550.u2.jpg (488x550, 35K)


I've hit 2000, friends. My goal has been achieved

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

enjoy it while it lasts my friend

poasting more spook


I jsut got here lads. Had to work all day as a wagie, finally got home and the fun is almost gone :(

Your fortune: Outlook good

>Music for this feel?
Pic related.
Today will be over soon, so it may seem as though our work was for nothing, but the good thing is that we enjoyed it as it happened. Next year there might be something even better. Just as we enjoy flowers in the moment of their existence, even knowing their beauty will fade away, and new flowers will bloom next year. Just as the leaves on the trees fall so new ones may grow. Even the mountains and the rivers change (very slowly over enormous lengths of time.)
"Seasons will pass you by."🌈

Attached: Close to the Edge.png (600x600, 564K)


have a like, friend!

will i make it

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

i am calling on all skelechads to dab on the scorelets one last time

I don't like that album but I'll listen to it after the album I'm listening to is over just because of you

once more unto the breach


Attached: sry.gif (978x478, 427K)

bless your soul friend. I seem too be making it and that makes me happy :)😂

Can I have a few likes? I'm almost to the skelly!

Attached: 1554144592440.gif (651x758, 1.95M)

will i make it

friend for that reimu you deserve a bushel of likes

Attached: 13901334_1114175141961602_1026788577672209465_n1.jpg (960x718, 90K)

u r gey

pls l,ike thxCoin Flip: Tails

holy shit what anime is THIS?
asking for a friend AKA big dingus

big titties🦀


Attached: 1550133713230.png (800x559, 521K)

give me likes for no fucking reason
i wanna know what it feels like

based satan

will i get a gf this year

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: 8n0solasqxo21.jpg (634x617, 51K)

Touhou is not an anime. It is, however, based and Yes-pilled.

Attached: screen 1.png (640x480, 561K)

will Charli XCX release "Party 4 U" this year

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: screen 4.png (640x480, 486K)

It's our final hour men, skeleton post while you still can.

Attached: ideal.jpg (500x541, 84K)

Will I get rich this year?

Attached: fun.jpg (640x480, 47K)


It's 9 lads.... but still working?✔️

Will I be happy?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Will I get a gf before I graduate this semester?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger


Your fortune: Average Luck

Will I get one?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

we're all so happy for you user :')

Will I?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

>Will I get a gf before I graduate this semester?
What will happen after I graduate?

Fortune favors the bold user make some moves

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Will my relationship work out?

handsome implies it's male

Attached: download.png (242x208, 5K)

Long live Yea Forums!

Attached: 1554060143205.png (1200x1800, 2.26M)

I've been posting since I got home from work and I still don't have a fucking dinosaur.

same :(

And dino-posting is already so yesterday.. I'm so sorry

spooky feel

just imagine you are me friend

it was worth it

>tfw i'll never get dino

Attached: 1531230109018.jpg (229x220, 19K)

>tfw I'll never get spooky

half an hour left, fags🐸

you can get dino tho

LeL I forgot to use the perks til now

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Skellies remind me of my impending mortality.

15 minutes


Attached: 1526059130-202.png (1503x1046, 73K)


it was fun guys

it's been an honor


Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Will I finally learn to play an instrument this year?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: discipline.png (500x500, 393K)

dicks out for skelly

Based fortune teller

you're right, fortune teller... only I can decide whether that happens🌈

2 minutes..

goddamit. at least ill be able to put my script back on


one more spoopy skelly for the day

10 seconds..


Good night, lads


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

see you all on the other side...

It's not ever yet faggots can I get a like

t-this isn't staying, r-right bros?

skelly? you still there?

Well shit

were still goin boys

hey look these are still here

Check pablo song

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck


goodbye user. you never did know the pleasure of dino or skelly, quite sad

Let's do it bros



We out here past april fools

help how do i wear hat




3 more hours bois

Rolled 45 (1d100)

If dice roll is 25, perks live on!

Attached: 1548722751504.jpg (866x1190, 395K)


Attached: dinosaur.gif (451x75, 21K)

no *braps in ur face*

Attached: 1554144754156.jpg (754x1024, 72K)

Help me get the nazi number 1488

Will I get a gf this year

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger


Rolled 53 (1d100)

We out here past April, fools


>tfw mods keep likes and perks for the entire month😂

cringe and yet also based

>satan trips🏴

Attached: 1460735777208.png (500x500, 124K)


you nig nogs in the (((east coast))) are missing out on the most based three hours in 4channel history

I'm on the east coast and still up.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 1445894863772.png (500x500, 132K)

hell yeah

check me dubz



will i get a code red mountain dew in the near future?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

reminder that this was Yea Forums before reddit commercialized meme culture and trolling was psyoped

West Coast Best Coast

120 to skelly. help a brudda ooooout

What the FUCK is this shit


is it done now?

it's not over yet user
here, have a snack🍠

only if you help me🐷

Will I become a successful musician?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!


Will I get a gf this year

Your fortune: Good Luck

I've got a bone to pick with you.

retarded thread

Will I?

I'm gonna get one I already checked on another board but why not try again?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Will i become a musician who is able yo sustain a living with music?

let me help you with that

oh fuck whoops

Your fortune: Good Luck

heheCoin Flip: Tails

Rolled 71 (1d100)

if either my post or dice roll get dubs mods keep likes for the entire month of april

did you anons have fun?Coin Flip: Tails


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


>21 years old
>no friends
>no class
>no job
>not even dino or spooky

why the fuck am i still alive

all you cux with nothing to live for
nor reason to strive
lol hahahahahhahhhahha dino aids faggots

*not really scared

put me in the screenshot

I got class at 9 AM nigga it sucks

aight ur in

>tfw unironically started a reddit count to 'karmafarm"
>have been making dumb clickbait posts all day

okay well wheres the screenshot


>hard work

good, I hate this shitty event!

Attached: 1527969896179.jpg (386x448, 49K)

God i am so lonely

Only latent redditors enjoyed this event. Consider chemical castration if you're in their number.