He was going to help millions

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 8K)

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he already helped millions by dying.

And make billions🦖

do what? buy shitty commercial rap albums glorifying materialism? gee fucking whiz we got the next Nelson Mandela in here...

how do I like this more than once?

Maybe you should die.

I still don't know who this guy was.

normal faggots are crying about this literal who

look at him go


Teaching self empowerment, business ownership, accountability, and industry in the black community.

What a perfect opportunity to read up on him.

every two bit bullshit rap artist claims to be a fucking philanthropist and they all get rich and stay rich while normal blacks get poor and stay poor. Dude was in a fucking street gang for fuck sake he wasn't going to do dick all

>you're a "faggot" if you're saddened by the senseless killing of a human being.

>every two bit bullshit rap artist claims to be a fucking philanthropist and they all get rich and stay rich while normal blacks get poor and stay poor
You're right, but Nipsey was the exception. That's why his death is hitting the hip hop community so hard. He was one of the real ones.

I’m glad he got got desu

Attached: 63CEF720-33CF-4518-B862-9AD94F8BAF3C.png (1242x2208, 1.83M)

It’s kinda a little late


now they want

The greatest of ironies that all the nogs are blaming the government for his death instead of their murderous violent street culture, seems to be lacking accountability

no he wasn't he was just a particularly slick bullshit artist like every famous person. People who want to help communities are out there shovelling shit and spending the night sitting up with people in drug withdrawal and just generally quietly doing the things that need to be done. They aren't spazzing about in front a camera "spitting barz" by a rented Lamborghini and mindlessly promoting the kind of vapid shallow materialistic outlook thats got the black community into so much shit in the first place

He was murdered by a rival gang. He wasn't going to do shit.

>Conspiratorial idiots s on twitter = ALL black people
You can't be this stupid.

>People who want to help communities are out there shovelling shit and spending the night sitting up with people in drug withdrawal and just generally quietly doing the things that need to be done.
This is exactly what Nipsey was doing.

no Nipsey spouted a bunch of bullshit about "da communiy" and (mypersonal favourite meaningless word) "empowerment" (like what are minorities fucking lightbulbs?) and then also owned a few businesses that employed some people. Woop de fucking do the ghetto is still gonna be a shit hole


Everybody bow your heads the black community lost another narcissistic messiah-complexed charlatan today.

Attached: download (2).jpg (223x226, 8K)

What are you doing to improve your surroundings? I'm sure you've done a lot since you have so many criticisms for others.

i don't need to improve muh surroundings i live in a nice neighborhood full of nice people. we don't have to do anything to improve our surroundings because they were made great years ago and we keep them great by being polite, level headed, earnest, achievers. Its literally that simple - just don't turn everything into a peacocking display of "muh respect" and you wont see your supposed community leaders get murdered over apparently fuck all

He has to be the biggest example of no one gave a shit until he died all the sudden hes martin luther king jr reincarnated for talking about some sperg who claimed to have the cure to aids

>being polite, level headed, earnest, achievers
You know who else believed this was the key to improving your surroundings? NIPSEY! Why is so hard to understand?

>no one gave a shit until he died
This may have been the case for you and your echo chamber but he was loved for what he was doing while he was alive by a large number of people.

Noone talked about him before this lol he was the name that came up every once and a while and would disappear right after

Level headed earnest people don't make videos glorifying material excess and pointless sexuality. This shit is so fucking crude if you don't think it's disgusting nonsense there is no hope for you. Ironically this fictional ideal that Nipsey and other rappers present in their "art" is what drives so many young men into the gangs that destroy their communities. None of them are getting into gangs because they want to buy school supplies and you know it. They want chains, cars, women, etc etc. It's Nipseys decidedly materialistic streak in his presentation that sadly ended up killing him

reeeeee you aren't authentic (and therefore "real") unless you grew up dealing drugs in a shitty area. This stuff is a joke youtube.com/watch?v=pwBFOuCrdr4

I wish i could spit inside the hole the gunshot left in his head :(

Based as all fucking heck.

you must not follow hip hop at all if you believed "no one talked about him"

look at em all holding up their fucking necklaces what the fucking fuck is this retard shit?

Proper fucking rolemodel for young black men right here: youtube.com/watch?v=nhcDl3S5sXQ

Nipsey's impact has little to do with his music.

yikes. glad hes fucking minced meat right now.


Believe me it really did. Plenty of young blacks grew up seeing this: like in anons post here and thus the seed was planted "huh, that looks pretty cool". Culture is a tricky beast and a bad culture will destroy any potentially good men it comes across.

FUCK DA POLICE DEY PICKING ON US BLACKS UNFAIRLY (except in the video we clearly see Nipsey rob a fucking armoured car so who's in the wrong? Thats the twisted morality of men like Nipsey)

"yo materialism is insecurity" claims the man with a giant golden chain around his neck draped in branded clothing. Fucking hell come on.....

arent these hip hoppers some modern, laic version of the old church pastors?

now you're dead school

no can't you see he's the next Martin Luther Mandala fo realz?

>Creating degenerate music
>Helping millions


yeah just look at his level headedness:

>claimed to have the cure to aids


i didn't know who this guy or dr sebi was until a few hours ago. searched both their names on twitter now i feel like i've become dumber from reading the comments on there