Synthpop isnt his favorite genre

>synthpop isnt his favorite genre
>he doesnt like new order, ymo, chvrches, pet shop boys, depeche mode, thomas dolby, la roux, knife, gary numan, human league, ladytron

Attached: smuglavren.jpg (740x801, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

give this a like if you think OP is a fucking faggot🌈

Fuck off and die

>he hasn't listened to DIAPER ASS NIGGA by The Swans

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Gary numan is garbage

fuck ladytron

My gf would approve of this thread


>he hasnt been spookey today

Decent band, but not synthpop
Go die

>Decent band

You want that Dino eh?

fuck yeah I do
I'll get there👌

Ladytron is the best synthpop band that ever existed. Prove me wrong.

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You just have shit music taste

I got there

Go get a job

Holy shit that was fast

40 minutes isn't that fast
but you know what's fast? this fucking dino

Fuck Ladyboy

He knows he's being watched, he just won't say anything about it.

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No shit.
Temp banned

Bingo. If he says anything it'll make him look insane.

>Temp banned
Lies, the faggot was just here a few hours ago, attention whoring as usual



You're just a fucking faggot.

Grow the fuck up stupid cunt
Nah, not banned

whats the name of the album that has a landlight in it?

You're paranoid. There's no way he can be posting right now. Bet Brandon wishes him and his bbdoll were cuddling and drifting off to sleep tonight.

Shut the fuck up you obsessed freak.

bb :3



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bb :)

bb :0

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Go die

Grow up montie. Fuck off.

Still samefagging
Still blaming monty
What a waste of carbon

like i said, fuck off if i'm bothering you this much you dumbass

I was into that shit when I was younger, grew out of it

fuck off monty💚