"I support the artist by purchasing music legally"

>"I support the artist by purchasing music legally"
*tips capitalist hoof*
Oink oink bitch

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>I support user by liking his post

you gotta be uber gay to pay for digital audio
at least go physical if you're spending money

Quit shilling your bandcamp here faggot.

I don't think there is anything worse in this world than artist who can't capitalize their band names and song titles correctly on bandcamp

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is it worse that it's an intentional stylistic decision rather than ineptitude

Yes. Anything other than a slow death is too light of a punishment for that kind of pseudo-artistery

laziness and incompetence can on occasion be ignored, bad taste requires extermination

Sounds like they deserve CAPITAL punishment : ^)


>capitalism is bad

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there are apps to download bandcamp songs for free...
im going to download this stupid shit.

>When you pwn the libs EPIC STYLE

Good post user
Libturd OWNED!

>there are apps to download bandcamp songs for free...
In what quality?

>communists are liberals
retard alert

name em

left = liberal/commie
right = fashist/repubkiturds

Center = Big brains

libs are center right

epic style

buhbuhbuhbased (based)

drumpf = all the way to the right AKA Fascist
Bernie = All the way to the left AKA Communist


I downvote your post

ok u little niggaroo

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Back to /pol/ racist

it's our word clown

>paying 1000 to hear to asshole song
Pretty based desu🐶

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American title conventions are pretty annoying IMO. I can't blame anyone for trying to escape that somehow.

>escaping one convention by adhering to another
out of the Pan, into the fire

Attached: why.png (336x99, 3K)

>badly photoshopped hammer and sickle

Lol never noticed that🐸

>screamo album
>titles are all lowercase

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