>"I support the artist by purchasing music legally"
*tips capitalist hoof*
Oink oink bitch
"I support the artist by purchasing music legally"
>I support user by liking his post
you gotta be uber gay to pay for digital audio
at least go physical if you're spending money
Quit shilling your bandcamp here faggot.
I don't think there is anything worse in this world than artist who can't capitalize their band names and song titles correctly on bandcamp
is it worse that it's an intentional stylistic decision rather than ineptitude
Yes. Anything other than a slow death is too light of a punishment for that kind of pseudo-artistery
laziness and incompetence can on occasion be ignored, bad taste requires extermination
Sounds like they deserve CAPITAL punishment : ^)
>capitalism is bad
there are apps to download bandcamp songs for free...
im going to download this stupid shit.
>When you pwn the libs EPIC STYLE
Good post user
Libturd OWNED!
>there are apps to download bandcamp songs for free...
In what quality?
>communists are liberals
retard alert
name em
left = liberal/commie
right = fashist/repubkiturds
Center = Big brains
libs are center right
epic style
buhbuhbuhbased (based)
drumpf = all the way to the right AKA Fascist
Bernie = All the way to the left AKA Communist
I downvote your post
ok u little niggaroo
Back to /pol/ racist
it's our word clown
>paying 1000 to hear to asshole song
Pretty based desu🐶
American title conventions are pretty annoying IMO. I can't blame anyone for trying to escape that somehow.
>escaping one convention by adhering to another
out of the Pan, into the fire
>badly photoshopped hammer and sickle
Lol never noticed that🐸
>screamo album
>titles are all lowercase