>Well duh! Paramore is an emo band, why do you think emos loved then so much?
Well duh! Paramore is an emo band, why do you think emos loved then so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
For some reason as a teenage I would jerk off to Paramore music videos on a nightly basis. How many likes can I get for this?
>jerking to the other three guys
>Emotional pop-punk
>Not emo
Pick one🍼
>My favorite emo bands? easy question.
>Smashing pumpkins, paramore, pale waves, american football.
>what do I think of punks who don't think paramore is emo
>I don't
>>My favorite emo bands? easy question.
>>Smashing pumpkins, paramore, pale waves, american football.
>wikipedia lists them as emo
>b-but they aren't emo
who should I trust, some sperg on Yea Forums or a the biggest online encyclopedia in the world
Chad Jesse Lacey > Virgin Mike Kinsella
Can't hear you over this emo great I am listening to by Paramore.
>>wikipedia lists them as emo
>who should I trust, some sperg on Yea Forums or a the biggest online encyclopedia in the world
Except that Wikipedia should be edited you fucking faggot
great argument.. not!! its not a counter argument and they are still considered emo by everyone who isn't retarded
Give me a detailed explanation of why Paramore isn't emo without talking about their fans or mentioning hot topic or the emo fashion trend in any form. I'll give you food if you do.
On second thought maybe they are emo. I mean Hailey herself said they were.
I don't need food. I need love, companionship, fucking meaning in my life
lmao you just got stumped! Patrick Stumped!😃
Because most of their music is too poppy for being considered emo
>Meet qt "Emo" girl on tinder
>shes an instaThot with the letters "mcr" tattoed on her 4x(one on each limb) not even as a joke
>even though shes a total poser and pleb shes still got hordes of orbiters
Im going to kill myself tomorrow
>killing yourself over a female
>thinking there is someone worth a damn on tinder
I really hope you don't do this.
I mean there was that photo of Haley that got released back then, why couldn't you fap to that instead of the videos?
Jesse Lacey got cucked by the guitarist from Taking Back Sunday. Listen to YFW and Tell All your Friends
>When you sexually harass women, EPIC STYLE
Seriously tho whats up with literally every pop punk / Pop Emo band being reveiled to be literally sexual predators??
bro shut up ur frickin stupid and this spam is gay