The post with the most likes decides the best tinder anthem for art hoes

The post with the most likes decides the best tinder anthem for art hoes

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Other urls found in this thread:

Congratulations- Pewdiepie

children - peter solos

something ironic, like darude sandstorm

to attract art hoes? or are you one
be clear OP

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Anything by NMH
Anything by CSH

EDIT: thanks for the gold!

good solo peter

anything by mac demarco

>mfw these musicians don't even have a song called "Anything"


Tim Buckley - Lorca

Someone post the dude with Joe rogan and mac demarco, i need a laugh

only true arthoes know where to find them.

Harsh noise like Swans

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>tfw that's me

Attached: 388375833462.jpg (212x352, 8K)

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>harsh noise
the absolute state of art hoes

Blueface - Thotiana (feat. Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Chris Brown, YG & Young M.A.)

Attached: thotiana.png (770x695, 512K)


Hey Moon - John Maus
tried and true

>John who???

Certified art hoe here

That album has unprecedented levels of big dick energy

tits or kys

like if u agree

>big dick energy

fucking yikes, hola reddit


Addicted - Deathpile

n-no bully

Attached: IMG_3288.png (232x256, 10K)

I'm afraid I don't follow, listen to the song?

>those guys who put Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars hoping it will get them more pussy
>it actually works

You’re pretty bad at trying to be an art-hoe if you don’t even know who fucking John Maus is

Dear Mr. Maus / John, please don't continue beyond this sentence if you are busy or otherwise distracted with more pressing matters. You kept reading? Great! Well first for introductions. My name's [my name] and I've listened to all of your albums. Pitiless Censors wasn't great in my opinion but Songs really was a gripping listen. I digress. The reason for my writing you today is to inquire as to whether you could provide for me any advice that you would have given to yourself at a younger age when you were recording your first album and no-doubt dreaming of musical (and other) success? Wow, still haven't introduced myself, huh. Well, here's the slim. I'm 23 years old and I recently graduated from university with a degree in Music compisition. Suffice to say I've struggled to find a job but I have in the time I have been unemployed recorded an album that I am confident will have a major effect on the musical world should it find a record label willing to give it a chance. Here's when you come in, John (do you mind me calling you that?). I have discovered your address via legal means online and I am wondering whether you would be willing to receive my album in its entirety, along with the liner notes (I'll even throw in my photo for free!) and first of all give me your feedback on it and then, providing you enjoy it to pass it on to your friends in the recording world (I know how well-connected you folks are) so that I can avoid the dreaded reject pile of doom! Anyways, so let me know asap and I can have the album on your straw 'Welcome' mat by the end of the week. If you'd rather I hand it to you in person and take some time to discuss our respective views on music contemporary and otherwise I would love to visit your house at [his address] and spend a few hours shooting the shit. So let me know John and we can then discuss the next step of our correspondence. Thanking you again and again, [my name].

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fucking kek
I havent seen this in at least two weeks thank you user

wanna suck my cock?

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These and MI.I.A randomly

>art hoe
>clueless on art
imagine my shock


It's almost like a lot of them are vacuous normies who've discovered a new personality to try on but don't actually feel any sort of emotion towards even the staples of the kind of music they're supposed to pretend to love

Linking Park, any song really

I'm gonna use Semi-Charmed Life for mine :)

is she arthoe?

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there is a slight possibility

>install tinder yesterday
>6 decent-ish photos of myself
>bio is an office quote and dates im traveling out of country in the near future
24hrs later
>23 matches, 200+likes
>multiple convos going on
i think i'm going to delete this app again desu having to maintain all these dumb conversations is exhausting and i'm not sure i'm ever going to follow through with ever meeting any of these girls anyway.
it is a nice feeling to know i'm attractive though, i should put myself out there more
at the end of the day, good looks and charisma mean nothing if you never put effort into actually leaving the house and interacting with people socially

this is my anthem btw:

Attached: hnsmwjk.jpg (600x600, 43K)

Are you a woman? If not, then you're experiencing the noob boost

Rolling Stones Beast of Burden did well for me. I don’t even love that song, just thought it would go over well with tinder thots

she just listens to cobaincore

>takes picture
>almost perfect, just needs one thing... hmmmmmmmmmmmm
>ah wait that’s it!!!