Why did he kill himself guys?
Why did he kill himself guys?
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he didn't have a based dino like me
cuz he never got the dino :(
girlfriend did it
because of this💔
he didn't
stay woke
he sad nigga not like me😂
>got into a argument with gf and then stabbed himself multiple times in the chest
>stabs himself in chest
coinflip?Coin Flip: Tails
He was a likelet🏳️
Says the likelet himself
L i k e l e t♨️
His autopsy revealed defensive wounds, so I guess he tried to stop himself stabbing himself
if heads his gf did itCoin Flip: Tails
the coin is april fooling you
it was actually heads
Fuck you
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Who is this nigga for real Lol
does he have any songs about😂
Shits and giggles
excuse me buddy
I stand corrected
lol you are like a little babby
>trained nurse pulls knife out of gapping chest wound
It was murder, not suicide
He didn't die he faked his death
I fucking love this song
he got no likes obviously
Coin Flip: Heads
feels good moo look at him go :^)
How the fuck did she get away with it?
>"suicide" by two stab wounds to the chest
>defense wounds on wrist
>no hesitation marks on chest
>gf was "in the shower"
>her fingerprints were on the knife, and she pulled it out despite being trained in first aid, where she should've known not to pull it out
he was pretty blatantly murdered dude lol
You just KNOW