Musk's hot "RIP HARAMBE" rap is fire

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do you think grimmeth produced the beat?

This is the best meme rap of 2016

what the fuck is this advertisement shit? it's cringey as fuck

industry plant

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I wish he would die

cant he just shoot himself to mars finally

tails and musk dies tonightCoin Flip: Tails

Hi Grimy.

What the fuck

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elon tries way to hard to fit in. harabe is a 3 year old dead meme. or just like that time he was trying to be hip talking about touhou "catgirls" not knowing the character was a werewolf and looking stupid

Like to go back to 2016

like go back to south africa

So fucking epic



grant elon musk his break away civilization in mars.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

doesn't sound like her

tf is this shit?

>"How do you do fellow kids? You know those memes you like? Well I'm way into them myself."


>where my gorillas at

fuck this wannabe reddit zoomer hack

2 0 1 9😂

it took him 3 years to make this

imagine trying to stay relevant this desperately

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Musk is the only time I genuinely hope a celebrity dies

is that even his voice? how can you tell?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Absolute fucking cringe.