You are now aware that the guitar melody of 15 Step is jazzy

you are now aware that the guitar melody of 15 Step is jazzy.

Attached: In_Rainbows_Official_Cover.jpg (300x300, 50K)

wtf i love jazz now

indie jazz

you are now aware that Nude is objectively the best song on the album.

Weird way to spell Jigsaw Falling Into Place

hard no chief

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 6K)

I think you misspelled House of Cards.

>haven't ever heard it
Ha! My ignorance trumps your mindworm.

didn't realize the dudes who wrote this song for twilight made an album around it. pretty cool!

Probably the dumbest post I've ever seen on Yea Forums, congrats.

radiohead fucking sucks

it is NOT jazzy
It is modey
Its a psychedelic pop song

I think you'll find it is actually Reckoner that is the finest song on the album. Don't take my word for it, take the word of the HeadsCoin Flip: Heads

yikes y'all i don't know about that one chief

Most based post ITT


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


newfags don't know how jazz sounds lmao

>this opinion

No (YOU)

We'll see about thatCoin Flip: Heads



Nigga I grew up with my dad's Blue Note record collection and I'm one of the few people that actively discusses jazz on this board whenever possible, don't tell me how jazz sounds you fucking retard.

Attached: coltraneharp.jpg (418x595, 44K)

then you should be able to hear the jazz influence in that melody.

Explain how it's jazzy then. What about the guitar part that uses completely functional harmony sounds jazzy? What about a guitar part that doesn't use any notes outside of the F# major scale and has no chronology to it is jazzy?

You mean house of cards

lmao everybody gangsta till the theory come up

bro.... that's kinda cringe.....

trash opinions, weird fishes best song