Rank their albums.
Rank their albums
They’re all so cute!
this is so GAY
like if you disagree
Like if you agree
best to worst
>strawberry jam
>sung tongs
>here comes the indian
>centipede hz
>campfire songs
Spirit > else
sung tongs is the best one
>not plebeian
you had one job
>not trash
spirit to jam
mpp onward
philistine is worse than plebeian
they all definitely smell horrible
kirby is a faggot
How do you identify a bad smelling person?
you can't tell me you don't smell pure dick cheese when looking at this man.
Blue Album
Everything Will Be Alright In The End
Green Album
White Album
Pacific Daydream
Teal Album
Red Album
Black Album
Make Believe
if this is worst to best you are correct.
pacific daydream that high?
aaa they're so cute :3 my favorite boys
Here Comes The Indian
Spirit They're Gone Spirit They've Vanished
Campfire Songs
Strawberry Jam
Merriweather Post Pavillion
Danse Manatee
Sung Tongs
Centipede Hz
Tangerine Reef
Painting With :c
Marry Avey, Fuck Panda, share a beer with deakin kill geo
mm i wanna lick it off him