What kind of music does he listen to?
What kind of music does he listen to?
Literally who?
Some tranny freak that retards like OP like to watch to feel special and less hollow inside.
dino rock
If you're gonna post, at least make sure you get the right image. You clicked a pic of Natalie Wynn instead.
Probably some patrician shit, but unironically
I like Metokur and rebeltaxi they’re okay
I like Neely
The guy legitimately believes the ok hand symbol means white power so he probably listens to the standard soiboy rock
He's not a pseudo-intellectual he's just a memelord
woah that's a rare one🐽
i'm very sorry to admit i like razorfist a lot
also who's the bird guy i forgot
Probably dadrock. He strikes me as someone who is both unhinged and still, with an undercurrent of intelligence. He's clever crazy.
Pan a cute.
You mean "she", OP.
Sam Cooke.
Why the transphobia user?❤️
It's cool to be transphobic now.
Where is philosophytube
Why would chad do that to himself?
for you
why would decent philosophy channels be there?
But Natalie has studied Philosophy. She's not pseudo.
It's a mental illness.
But Natalie has studied Philosophy. She's not pseudo.
He still hadn’t properly started the transition in the right scene. He was playing someone who wasn’t supposed to pass
ContraPoints has a masters in philosophy and nearly completed a PhD program before losing enjoyment and becoming an adjunct professor at a university you failure.
losing enjoyment lmao
first off, use some fucking punctuation. Second off, how the fuck does that not make him a pseud? Even being a student of philosophy makes you a pseud, never mind a PHD. Not to mention getting a PHD in just about anything also makes you a pseud (but in particular liberal arts). So he's like pseud^2. Like if you agree.
>all of those achievements aren’t real or impressive
The word psued is so fucking meaningless
You're making jokes but I'm entirely serious, and you suck for saying what you've said about education.
Basically, yes. She talked about it in a video. PhD programs for philosophy are dreadful and you basically have to come up with some bullshit to pass.
I love how a post like this gets so much attention from Yea Forums
Never change fellas
It would be impressive if he were actually a girl since they are incapable of logical reasoning. But since he's running off a male operating system he's basically at the level of your average Yea Forums poster.
she listens to jakob ullmann. isn't that obvious, user?👌
I.E. the moment you have to write something genuine instead of studying others work for the sole purpose of name-dropping he fucked off
Automatically assuming bad faith is a sign of personality disorders.
Le 41% face
Trannies? This is where they go
The irony
I don't think you know what that word means.
What, have you even been to college? Getting a bachelors alone is not exclusively about studying others work
Yeah this guy is obviously still in high school/a drop out lol
>I hold a whine glass I'm so smart
who hurt you
I'm not joking. PHD is the height of overachievement. It basically makes you over-qualified for anything except academia. And dedicating your time and money and your one shot at school to learning philosophy is something only trustfund stoners have the luxury of.
Ahahaha she's basically a genius and got in on a huge scholarship, fuck yourself.
>basically a genius
If that's what americans consider genius then maybe there is something wrong with that country.
Your fortune: Outlook good
There are many things wrong with this post that we need to unpack.
The closest Sam Hyde gets to being intellectual is life advice
Go away Contra, AltHyp has BTFO you so many times its not even funny anymore, just sad.
He was very intelligent before he started tranny drugs.
Nothing wrong with being a overachiever or a trustfund stoner, even though both of those statements are wrong. Unless you think that what you're doing is so much more important? You can be bitter like that all you want, but in the end people will still do/learn what they want to
Yet he can't figure out how that he's a man
People whose entire existence is talking shit online really truly suck.
Sorry bud, I work for a living. Have a great day.
How can you even tolerate e celebs if you have that opinion?
lol i dont
e-celebs like contra points are not entirely based on talking shit online, it's more educational. Maybe try opening your mind and watch some videos of her? Hell, there are way more e-celebs that are not based on talking shit online in general
>People whose entire existence is talking shit online really truly suck.
nigga you watch youtube ranters
So you wouldn't tolerate contra then?
Since when was pan ever a pseud? He never acts like an intellectual or claims to have great taste, he just does his own thing
You told me, I see you rise
But, it always falls
I see you come, I see you go
You say, "All things pass into the night"
And I say, "Oh no sir I must say you're wrong
I must disagree, oh no sir, I must say you're wrong"
Won't you listen to me
You told me, I've seen it all before
Been there, I've seen my hopes and dreams
A lying on the ground
I've seen the sky just begin to fall
And you say, "All things pass into the night"
And I say, "Oh no sir, I must say you're wrong
I must disagree, oh no sir, I must say you're wrong"
Won't you listen to me
Good-bye horses I'm flying over you
Good-bye horses I'm flying over you
That dude is actually a genius. Some of the connections he makes between datum are phenomenally insightful. I don't even agree with his politics completely but he's the smartest youtube pundit by a large margin. And in second place in that ranking would be Black Pigeon.
But most of the shit contra says is retarded, that traps video she made was especially hilarious because she made the big mistake of assigning the word with trans people and not crossdressing dudes.
i also have a masters in philosophy, it means literally nothing lmao🏴
This. Some times, she even corrects herself or changes her opinion on things. She's not a liberal propaganda channel, just some facts.
No, opinions. Facts is a real word with its own definition, you can't just misuse it like that.👌
>who could be behind this post...
I haven't watched much of Althype but Black Pigeon? Come on hahahaha
He has shown multiple times that he uses limited information of soures to push his own agenda, you can do better user
Except the fact he has a dick and XY chromosomes
lmao fuck off
>That dude is actually a genius
But, she cites sources and then reaches different conclusions from them, even right wing. It's up to you to decide which is most logical.
Contra did talk about crossdressers in that video, the word was assigned for both
>Mike & Jay
>Sam /ourguy/ Hyde
You know if you don’t like Yea Forums, you don’t have to spend your time here friend
RLM are great and TND can be decent too.
Not even going to watch it?
>He has shown multiple times that he uses limited information of soures to push his own agenda
Literally EVERYONE does that in the pundit community, whether on youtube or CNN. Most saliently in this case, Contra.
You know if you like sucking off e celebs, you don't have to spend your time here friend.
It was mostly a bait post but I’ll go to bat for the major idea. The PhD is terminal because that is when you’ve achieved actual notoriety within the field as is dictated by the academic process leading up to it.
It is operating at at least two levels, none of which are the ones you are (assuming) I am trying to address
Including some blatantly false conclusions, at that point you may as well just research things for yourself if you actually care about truth at all. Why choose to rely on people for truth who you know aren't always telling the truth? I'm not saying you can't enjoy your favorite meme channels but be more critical and preferably seek out people you know you disagree with so you aren't just reinforcing your own biases.
>Limited information
Not really. She cites sources for every claim
Come on user, you can't deny that he has used this tactic to push for his own political agenda, this has been shown numerous times
I have watched his videos before, he's one of those people who talks a lot without saying anything
Anyone can cite sources for anything, the point is you have to go investigate those sources. Most cited sources by anyone are total bullshit or completely misleading at best.
even though we all know traps are crossdressing men who identify as crossdressing men, in reality a lot of people think trans people are also just crossdressing men, like for example who doesn't think trans people exist. for doot doot skeleton, they're the same thing
basically we've got to dumb it down a little bit for morons who can't tell the difference between two similar but different things and the word "traps" doesn't dumb it down enough
>you can't cite sources while having an agenda
Black pigeon has litteraly used half the information of his sources to push for his own agenda. Contra talks way more about psychological reasonings, rather than "facts based on research, oh btw Im only using half of the information of the research for my own agenda"
Don't you forget about me.
we're all just calling him "she" as a joke, right? lol😂
Penis = man
Period (which you can't get since you're a man)
Reliable ones. If they were unreliable she'd be tore open by other right wing commentators, but they can just say the stats came from Jews and their audience will eat it up.
why are you like this
contrapoints got so buttblasted by his debate with blaire white that he cried for a week and swore off any more debates with right wingers
contra is such a coward he gave up on debating for life since blaire white destroyed him
Don't drag the Minotaur into this. He was a true scholar and a gentleman.
Much like what you're doing now
you're a man
Do you honestly think right-wingers are the only people that disagree with Contra? Are you actually that stupid? You are literally defending your inability to look into things for yourself by saying if the things you believed were wrong, somebody would show you but because you refuse to look into criticisms to begin with, this is clearly impossible. What a pathetic echo chamber you must live in.
discord trannies get out
i know
For people who don't think trans people exist, they call them men far more than they call them traps. Does that make man a bad word? No, it just means some people use totally acceptable words in mean ways because they want to.
ok post leftists who expose contrapoints😂
This is a terrible premise for a thread op.
Does any one else find this whole "one person just talking into a camera for a Youtube video" phenomenon pathological? I mean I can deal with it if they are doing something/showing you how to do something or if there are multiple people having a discussion but if it is just some dude alone in their apartment talking to an inanimate computer camera the shit just creeps me the fuck out. It could be because I am old.
I'm not a fan of her, or a communist or something. I'm just saying she is very thorough. I have looked into the things as well. I don't have any real reason to think she's misleading, so I listen to some of her commentary mostly on social issues.
so is this kid trolling?
i bet you're a scorelet too LOL
show your score, coward
I just have trouble trusting people who applaud talking heads that go on about topics you can investigate for yourself and get a more accurate view. I put people like that in the same category as people who watch a video telling them about "Yea Forums".
Calm down, you are right that research can be used in any way, to push for a agenda, which is done by pretty much everyone. But even then, we will also have our own biases when looking into things. This is part of the reason that people watch figures like contra points or louder with crowder, most people don't want to look in it themselves because we have busy lives to lead.
However, the way that Black Pigeon has forced his own agenda was entirely wrong, so don't use the argument that "everyone does it" to defend him
I'm referring to and btw
the only reason "guy talking to the camera for 30 minutes" is a huge genre on youtube is because those videos land in your recommendations more often than shorter videos with more actual content, like music videos for example
You know, everything you read is mostly opinion, right?
>normie problems
Yeah, I can't feel pity for people who take pride in knowing things that they refuse to learn for themselves since their ignorance is what leads to most problems in society due to the nature of mob rule.
pathetic little worm💯
This. It's all part of Russian strategy to divide the country by advertising these people.
Yes. That's why I want to make sure other people understand that as well. Certain issues being treated as settled because people confuse opinion for fact has led to a lot of unique problems in my personal life as a result of society's one-sided perceptions on things.
Didn't want your pity, just explained the situation. Be bitter about it all you want, what I said is true. People don't want to read hundreds of papers about social issues, deal with it
Then stay out of it. Nobody needs the mass of normies to decide rules in society based on things they don't have an interest in understanding.
it's bizarre
people who can't make anything entertaining or of artistic merit on their own and yet are still drawn to a site like youtube for some reason so they end up giving their boring opinions about minutiae or macro-level political topics well above their weight to feed into whatever telemetric bubble of false consensus they're coming from and extract profit from illiterate chumps
Hahahaha don't worry dude, I'm an engineer, not a politician :) Take the lead, entrepeneur
you'll cowards don't even
fuck you internet guy!
Politicians don't decide shit, you know, they are simply mindless tools for whatever the mob wants. It's the mob who is the problem, not the robotic husks that represent them for a living.
I don't always like boomers but when I do, I click on the Sargon videos in my recommendations. Other than that, I've never watched any of these people. Am I too old for youtube?
Yeah it's tiring to be so woke :/
they do what their financial backers tell them and give concessions to the general public. western imperial powers don't operate under mob rule
Not really. I do get suicidal sometimes but that's for a ton of different reasons.
youtube is a waste of time
>posts on Yea Forums
"bread tube" content goblins are a bunch of cowards and social democrats that never make anything other than weak clapbacks at right wing content goblins and lukewarm takes on dumb american cultural shit. fucking waste of time
>candy is a waste of time
Don't talk to me.
Those “e celebs” are apart of the culture of this place. Are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable on Reddit? There’s no shame in going back there. Heck, those fellas might even think you’re a pretty swell and edgy guy!
let's plays and advertising are a waste of time yeah
youtube isn't candy it's toilet paper
>Those “e celebs” are apart of the culture of this place
Only one of them is of relevance to Yea Forums and he's utterly shit, sounds like you know what reddit likes and dislikes pretty well though, maybe you should be the one to take leave?
So.... does he still had his dick?
>didn't even read the posts
no you don't lol
Probably, he's considered a male by the trans community.
you'll never be a woman lol
At least contra is educated. Sargon is the most painful dribble of the lot and is obsessed with feminism
based reddit falseflagger
I don't know, he points out some painfully obvious things that everyone ignores. It's not his fault other people give him credibility by refusing to engage with reality.
Contra isn't really educated, s/he dropped out of a non top-30 graduate philosophy program because it was too hard
She's just well spoken lah
Obvious should be the key, the same content over and over again. It isn't compelling listening to him cherry pick and break down an article while also making videos without reading most of his sources on the side
She listens to Billie Eilish, Grimes, and Cardi B according to Twitter.
Sargon's a dipshit reactionary manchild. His takes are misinformed and not based on reading. He should stick to vidya.
There's literally nothing wrong with being reactionary.
I agree but I also don't think anybody watches all his stuff. It's a difference in perspective on the youtube algorithm, you either make well-produced videos rarely or churn out less well-produced videos constantly.
Rolled 4 (1d6)
This x10
Mac Millar
>Philosophy Tube
>which is most logical.
whichever one wasn't made by a tranny
I'm proud of my score
as opposed to painful dribble about painful dribble
if she was so intelligent she'd figure out how to convey her political angle in an entertaining way without giving airtime to these dumb faggots she spends all day trying to argue with. same goes to her little clout gang
scorelets rise up!
>back to /pol/
the vid is fucking atrocious. just say suck the blacks if that's what you have on your mind ffs
>I like Metokur
18 and up
what's a score
t. butthurt furfag
>underage edgelord is mad that I insulted an edgy channel
That is pretty much how left youtube started. Contra doesn't really go there anymore but talks about mainstream groups instead
Describe the experience in detail please
I'm FUCKING waiting.
E;R is based as fuck
>E;R is based as fuck
Neely, E;r, YMS, and Pan are pretty alright. This image is just "You mentioned a popular internet personality so your opinion is wrong", which in the long run is just posted to bait responses in a thread.
"wow im so enlightened" -me, enlightened
how to unlock spooky?
Probably like belle and sebastian or whatever
ContraPoints is a she and you should fuck off to reddit for misgendering her, you cunt.
settle down sir