Anyone else noticed that most critics this board care about are Italian? See Fantano and Scaruffi for example

Anyone else noticed that most critics this board care about are Italian? See Fantano and Scaruffi for example.

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I thought liberals were against the death penalty?

Like this post if you think communists should be deported.

anybody else notice this dino running around

From a helicopter. Into the ocean.

From a train. Into an oven.❤️

fantano is such a fag

That's the exact sort of story a family who fled justice post-war would make up. That's why you cant trust em

>your grandfather indirectly affected my grandfather, go to hell

what the fuck is wrong with this idiot.

one like on this comment = you get one girlfriend irl❤️

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lol Mussolini and the Fascist party drove the Mafia out of Sicily that's why they worked with the US government to bring him down. Grandpa was probably a two bit thug

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Yeah but think about all the wonderful cuisine we'd miss without them.

i stopped cared about fantano when he got political. Real shame

This. Mussolini did nothing wrong.


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do you have more than 2 examples?

Yea Forums only cares about 3 critica anyway. 2/3= majority of critics.

Why do people even dislike Benito Mussolini?

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because orange man bad you fucking nazi
bernie 2020

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Your fortune: Outlook good

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t. likelet

RLM and metokur are decent

If you're a White person in the year 2019 and you're not a Fascist/Reactionary you should just kill yourself
Prove me wrong also give me likes

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better than jews

who cares there are FUCKING SKELETONS

fascism and nazis bad
communism and socialism good
man i'm starving👌

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If you're a White person in the year 2019 you should just kill yourself

Southern Italians are Jews who weren't smart enough to give trade in their hoodlum murder gangs for things like banking, media, and politics

Cucktony Fagtano

Much like Hitler, his autism caused him to embroil Italy in a catastrophic war.

so fucking insufferable

Joe Rogan too

DigibronyMLP is decent

So people dislike him because he lost?

Porco Dio

suck my strong seven

When will Fantano review this?

Wait, you're telling me Alex Jones gets banned from all social media and the granddaughter of fucking Mussolini is still out there defending her family. Christ almighty.

no reason to ban either of them.


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imagine actually having to cope with being a fascist lol

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>everyone who opposes communism is a fascist

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leftists hate fascism like roaches hate raid

Communists/far left are the socialist authoritarians seeking power in the west and trying to rip away out our civil liberties, and they must be purged

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Wow, the wild unhinged delusions of conspiracy theorists really are shocking.


>your grandfather sucked, fuck you
l m a o

I am Italian

sorry for the CAVERNOUS DELAY

There has never been a good right wing musician

>S E E T H I N G

>must be purged
>they're the ones wanting to curb freedom

Not really an argument. sorry pal

>S E E T H I N G


Sounds to me like this cuck isn't grateful that we liberated Europe.

>fuck amerikkka!!
>yeah get walled whitey lmao xD
>burn the constitution now! lenin TODAY

>b-b-but what about my constitutional rights
Chapofags will get what is coming to them

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pls ignore the pol teens they don't understand materialism and their arguments are not consistent with history or reality🐰

>their arguments are not consistent with history or reality
>regurgitates corporate media propaganda

Why do communists deserve the rights granted in the constitution if their whole existence is destroying the constitution? You voluntarily gave up what rights you had, congrats

Because the constitution would be rewritten eventually. Are you retarded dude?

What a delirious retard.

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The Bill of Rights is a sacred document and will not be "rewritten", faggot. Deal with it.
just wait until the gloves are off red scum

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Why do fascists deserve the rights granted in the constitution if their whole existence is destroying the constitution? You voluntarily gave up what rights you had, congrats😂

How is Prozac onions? Having a mental illness makes you a onions boy?

Trips dont lie

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3rd position or die
Capitalism and communism are both Jew schemes
We need syndicalism with nationalism, like Chomsky but more authoritatian

fresh outta /pol/? fuck off

Sicilians aren't human

I like when people say weird shit like “what we need is ba’athism, except with regional militias and all retention ponds should be regulated at the federal level”

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sorry im not smart enough to understand the nuances of the joe rogan podcast🙁

You want National Syndicalism or Sorelism, not freaking Chomsky.

ahem.. have sex

>muh dick

Get a job

unironically this

t. likelet

Fantano enabled fascists himself. Hyde and Sargon anyone?


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He was a good man.


Association with Hitler due to WWII

He thought Hyde was an accelerationist until he realized he wasn't being ironic

Dago wops are opinionated and pretentious as to the importance of their opinions.

>kill baby kill
>grand belials key
>marty robbins
>black magick ss
>peste noire
why are lefties coping so hard?

>garbage metal and country
of course lmao😂

this list lmao

Help kickstart WW2. Germany imitated them Millions died

Funny, that. What is also funny is that Mussolini called homosexuality 'the German vice.'

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Not really helping your argument.

Black Magick SS is definitely a good band. They're not for onions-infused likelets though.

Critics who review as honny.
Example: Scaruffi
Critics who live from reviewing
Example: everyone else

>S E E T H I N G

Italians did all the things that Jews get blamed for and scapegoated the jews
italians get out

>"Hmm maybe our country should be founded on ideals of reasoned thought rather than meaningless dogma perpetuated for the sake of propping up corruption and tyranny"
>"I'm sure the generations that come after us will appreciate our protection of their liberties and right to question authority"
>"The Bill of Rights is a sacred document and will not be "rewritten", faggot. Deal with it"

>this is what rightoid "culture" looks like

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didn't read lol

>more than 200 likes
go outside lol

>go outside lol

fuck I wish I had the dino to be fair

>go outside lol

lol what a pussy fantano is