Is it possible to get a husband who looks like this and listens to extreme metal when you're a very feminine twink trap...

Is it possible to get a husband who looks like this and listens to extreme metal when you're a very feminine twink trap top?

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tits or gtfo

>tfw no cute metal boyfriend

kill. me.

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Through Christ, anything is possible.

should a guy grow their hair to this length? i'm growing it right now i think i'd cut it before it reached there

you can grow it if you want to :)

no but its possible to watch my dino run like hell (pink floyd)

holy. shit.


Attached: ganjadragon2.jpg (1400x1400, 501K)

Please do, long hair on men is severely underrated

When I had hair this long, everyone would take me for a girl


I have big eyes, small nose and porcelain-pink colour face, so it's almost impossible for me to have long hair and use male toilets >_

Well now you have to post a picture of yourself with long hair you cute bastard

i have hair this long and i'm so used to it now that it's pretty based. like said i get mistaken for a girl too, but only when people can't see my face or have poor eyesight (e.g. really old people). i have a lot of girls comment on it and ask if they can braid it.

hell no get a haircut

t. ex-long hair

>feminine twink trap


Attached: jerkcity2859[1].gif (588x588, 51K)

your fortune:

Your fortune: Outlook good

Feminine top masc bottom fetish

Too specific taste. You'll remain virgin/single forever

make sure to lift though

i wish i wasnt able to understand what this means. fuck you

just do not be a complete twink get some okay muscles. you don't have to go full bodybuilder but just a bit of muscle will make you look great

>Too specific taste
Forgot to mention: he also should be a trump supporter and hate leftism

He look like a gorilla

Story time

>15 years old
>hair down to my shoulders
>have job pushing carts at the local grocery store
>arranging some carts with coworker
>some granny behind us has a cart she wants to give us
>she starts saying "miss...miss..."
>i keep talking to my friend hoping he doesn't notice and gives up
>she just gets louder
>my friend is already laughing so i just turn around and respond to her
>she only half realizes im not a girl

And that was the day i realized long hair only works with a masculine face

Not even gay but i'd blow this guy

>long hair only works with a masculine face
Or very fem face to perform as an androgyn

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>feminine twink trap top
You have no hopeCoin Flip: Tails

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i like ur dino posts a lot friend :)
keep it up!