
Post your favorite ambient albums in here.

Also, does anyone have any reccs similar to Tired Sounds and to a lesser extent Refinement? I've been listening to these two for ages.

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Other urls found in this thread:

not a big fan of ambient music but this one is sweet

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theory of machines ben frost

Love these threads. Would be happy to give more recs if asked.

Try listening to A Winged Victory for the Sullen - s/t and Eluvium's Lambent Material

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That's another favorite of mine along with Diminished Composition. Do you know of anything similar?

Have you listened to the album in the picture? Echo Park by Willamette

New Tim Hecker record

have you listened to A Winged Victory for the Sullen? It's Adam Wiltzie from SotL with Dustin O'Halloran

I listen to their self-titled a lot
>pic related

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See then

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Yeah, I was actually referring to Echo Park when I said >that's another favorite of mine.

I like your other choices as well though. Cheers.

Skullflower - werecat powers of the crossroads at midnight is some excellent guitar based ambient drone

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Ahhhhhh. Cheers then! Maybe check out The Pearl by Brian Eno and Harold Budd too when you can. One of my personal favorites.


this but unmoronically. some nice albums by them

whats this one called?

Not an album, but beautiful nonetheless. Reminiscent of Rhubarb.


I don't know much/any obscure ambient so I'd just be posting shit like Apollo or Structures From Silence so I'll rec pic related.
Came out just in 2017 and I'd call it either ambient or ambient pop because there's a voice but it's more of another piece of the ambiance and the lyrics aren't really understandable (and if they were they'd probably be in Polish since the artist is a polish dude).
Anyway I'd HIGHLY rec it, one of my favorites from 2017 and a really nice listen.

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willowed wit - our imagined empires

Not purely ambient but very good

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rate my first ever ambient piece

listening to this right now

nice, usually whenever I suggests this album people just ignore me

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user i gave u a like

listen to the dead texan

Have one back💚

i've listened to that album before but i just bought it on bandcamp so listening to it again, it's lovely

Bing & Ruth - Tomorrow Was The Golden Age

1. Paysage d'hiver.
2. Burzum Rundgang
3. Rymdborg
4. Thursday afternoon

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name a better ambient album (pro tip: you can't)

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rly like this so far thanks

This one is my person favorite.

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There's something about this album that just makes me want to love in it.

Anyone else know that feeling - what albums do you get it from?

Can I have one too, friend?

is it ok that Eluvium is one of my favourite artists of all time?

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more harsh noise/drone but yeah

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Such an underrated album

I love the blanket of warm grey the album coats you in. His discography has a couple of others like Harmony in Ultraviolet. I'd also rec the album linked above. Love is a Stream by Jefre Cantu Ledesma.

good shit

Bloodstream Sermon excellent as well. more drone-y tho


This recent master(bate)piece

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