OMG my favorite emo band Paramore!!!

>OMG my favorite emo band Paramore!!!

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All male paramore fans are soibois

Have a like, my friend

This aint funny
Nobody cares
Emo bands are for fags and paramore is for girls

Threads like this is the cancer that's killing Yea Forums.

>people suddenly think Paramore is great
why the fuck did this happen? weren't they a joke for years?

The soie boie raid thats how
Really want to round them up in camps

14 year old girls*

Do 14 year old girls go on Yea Forums?
Girls in general shouldnt even be allowed
(Yes that includes trannies)

wtf i like paramore now


I’m asian.


I don't get what the labo is supposed to be doing in this pic.

are you ok, op?

Same shit with Aphex Twin

>the basedjak's crying
for a moment I thought it was bleeding blue and I was trying to understand what obscure /pol/ meme it was referencing


Dick poo

Ignorance is your new best friend♣️

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i thought that was obvious, but then again their fans think their shitty pop punk is emo



they made some well-written bangers kys
