GREAT AMERICAN Nipsey Hussle has been shot dead at his store in Los Angeles. We must stop violence in black communities. Big problem!
GREAT AMERICAN Nipsey Hussle has been shot dead at his store in Los Angeles. We must stop violence in black communities...
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rest in power young king
taken too soon, he's dining with 2pac and dr.sebi now sharing ancient knowledge in heaven
was he killed by another black
Violence is being stopped. He was a promoter of violence and got what was coming to him.
nah, govurmints got my nigga
I mean at least you guys have something interesting to talk about. Can you imagine if white folk like myself were just overdosing all the time and that was plastered on Yea Forums. That would be torment.
was killed because he was working on a documentary about Dr. Sebi
>never heard of this guy till i saw some twitter post from local news since I live in the general LA are
>look him up
>"hustle was currently involved in community rebuilding but once had a storied history with the Crips"
Can't escape the gang life i guess. Did he even have any good songs?
This reads like a Trump tweet.
>Did he even have any good songs?
of course
this is unironically a good nipsey song. rip my nigga was bout to cure aids
He's been around that long? Damn. Doesn't sound too bad.
Reminder that it's been confirmed the assassin was a right wing gun nut, upset over his verse on "FDT".
fuck conservatives and their backwards gun laws
Source? Genuinely curious
literally who, OP?
XD lol
he's bullshitting, some random gangbanging nigger admitted to shooting him on periscope
source? i believe the other guy desu
>involved in rebuilding his community for the better
>promoting and investing in a STEM program for black youth in cities across america to go further and rise higher than just grinding in the streets
>likely includes kids in the shooters own family
>shot dead at his business
>those kids are now back to being destined to sell crack before getting stabbed by a tweaker instead of becoming programmers or doctors or something
what a classic "bite any fucking hand you see fuck it nigga" moment for the streets
just a clout chaser.
>another shitskin nigger dead
what a time to be alive :)
Post his music
my dino? he doesn't care (cause he is racist)
my dino listens to Dido, dude
lying or not, this lil nig is probably dead soon
Ah, he was one of those "rappers" who used a process called sampling, which is a hood word for stealing. Not a big loss for music.
Ay for real tho
We lost a real one
What gang did the nigger who shot him say he was from?
Was he underground or what?
>Playing music without headphones on in public spaces
Why the fuck do black people do this? They always do this shit on an iphone that COMES WITH HEADPHONES, so don't give me the "they can't afford them" bullshit.
yeah playing music on speakers is such a bullshit douchebag move unless you're at a club or at home
Because they're assholes user. It's the same reason it's impossible for a black person to take responsibility for their actions
If any libtard wants to prove me wrong and show me a black person apologizing and feeling sympathy, go ahead
>it's fine to be racist because some people from that race do bad things
shut up you seething white pedophile
they're all potential djs and aspiring rappers
>We must stop violence in black communities.
Banning Black people is the only logical answer.
degenerates like you should be gunned down in the street
>no contradictory evidence
lmao. And you fags would clal me waysis or cracker despite how i feel anyway so i dont give a fuck. Start the war pussies white power
Honestly, this made me sad
nipsey a bitch and he got blasted on
Checkmate, racist!
Don't argue with /pol/, as if anyone can convince their twisted minds
this is Yea Forums they're trannies
predictable comments incoming about how he's still some deadbeat nigga going to jail
I remember hearing this 10 years ago and thinking he would single-handedly bring back 90's west coast gangsta rap. He really did the style justice.
Don't tell me what to do, fascist
literally who
what am i looking at
when has a rapper ever been killed by a right winger or the government? Now compare that to the amount of times a rapper has been killed by another nigger......
arab man pretending to be ghetto
>be antagonistic shitstain
>die young
You ever seen that scene in Goodfellas where they explain how some people just go round literally begging for somebody to fuck them up?
he's literally in cuffs in front of a judge. thats feeling sorry for yourself not feeling sorry for the person you wronged
>that production
I only know who is he from nardwhars odd future interview
give scott walker one first
Got them almonds activated all over slauson
Never said that this video displays an absolute, moral feeling of regret. Only said that it's impossible to argue with people that say stupid shit like "all black people don't take responsibility" on Yea Forums
will this user die tonight?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
yo my nigga nipsey is dead tho forreal wtf gang gang
>It's the same reason it's impossible for a black person to take responsibility for their actions
>Da JOOZ ! Theyre destroying our culture!
>Those damn liberals keep pushing diversity! That's why he had to shoot up the church!
>Fukkin coalburners are the reason I don't have pure qt gf
really? there's no way that's what OP intended!
All these but unironically
fake news
good riddance
damn this sucks. Victory Lap was a great album with good production.
check em
>it's another "the government did it" episode
then you're a literal moron
if a rapper gets shot there's a 99% chance it's a nigger doing it for clout
what did Jared Sawyer Jr. mean by this?
except he was one of the biggest peacemakers and unifiers in recent LA gang history, constantly advocating against petty gang violence.
but ok
Oh wow if this is real I'm glad he's dead
Just post a video of a black person having a moral feeling of regret and there will be an end to the horror
Stop making shit up reddit
go listen to his music you homosexual faggot
>wikipedia pic is literally him throwing a gang sign
WOW SUCH AN UPSTANDING CITIZEN. Why are cucks so fucking stupid?
The unity in the community right now.
nigger gets killed by another nigger
>>but who was surprised?
trump curse strikes yet again
get got ghosted for being a nigger gangster
nothing to do with his silly documentary
Dr Sebi
Doctor of what?
Nigger was pure pseudoscience
nipsey told a snitch nigga from his own set to go away. nig came back and blasted him, walked up to him when he on the ground and shot him in the head and then kick them in the head.
does it actually matter?
jejeje "he made milquetoast comments about da crimmunity in his shitty rap songs can't you see hu wuz a peace maker - mo money fo dem program" How about you disband the fucking gangs?
As of my post literally no one is able to find a single example of video evidence of a black person showing remorse for their actions because its the right thing to do.
That’s what they want you to believe. He found the meaning of life and the cure for all disease and they took him out.
no you retard, it was a white supremacist conservative upset over his verse on FDT (great suck by the way)
*great song
he looks like one of the guys i used to buy heroin and crack from
who is selling those white people the drugs they're overdosing on?
jew doctors
based boomer
Donald trump
Tried to uplift his community instead his death will result in at least two blacks getting murdered in retarded retaliation shit. And /pol/ worries about these people
wtf i was literally about to type this exact post but with a lower case o.
good thing i checked the replies first.
not even kidding, word for word.
wrong, the docs get them hooked. then they go to jamal on tha corna, who cuts his shit with fentanyl to make an extra $2.
why do people think rapping nonsense and donating a nominal amount of money to an innefectual charty program will "uplift" jack shit? You gotta strip it right back to the bare bones and fixes the culture, the family, the mind set, etc etc. Rappers never do any of this bullshit they just do some nominal pointless thing so they can claim they fixing shit while they get fucking loaded and blacks stay fucking poor.
That’s retarded go educate yourself on the jew
They hand out opioids like candy with no regulation or standards and have congress in their pockets and the media focus on irrelevant bullshit like Kim kardashian to distract you from their kikery, all races need to rise up against the jew
it starts at changing the environment and thats exactly what he was doing.
one kid getting into a STEM field is an entire generation that is going to grow up out of the streets
it starts at mastering the environment fool. One kid dong STEM is one kid who moves out of the ghetto and is instantly replaced with 2 fatherless babies who get raised like shit and the cycle continues. There are other communities that have raised themselves out of poverty entirely in no time at all and none of them did it on charity hand out degrees
The problem with /pol/ is less that you're wrong, and more that you're all just giant projectors.
The world is fucked up from many different angles.
niggers die everyday. it's not news if it's ordinary. only interesting things should be on the news.
where is the footage?
Barr: not exonerated
Bro where’s the footage?
what the fuck does trump have to do with now that the other user mentioned it i don't think i've ever seen such footage. "muh /pol/" is not a comeback
black "people" lmao👌
>you're not wrong but youre a meany head!
Thanks, we know. Obviously the solution to this is to keep demonizing white people.
Cucks STILL havent found evidence of black people apologizing and meaning it, just admit /pol/ is right
okay i will
His """music""" was shit. Ding dong, the nig is dead.
Sounds like your typical bix nood fare. Nothing of value was lost.
this dude tried to make his community better by opening up a store there
too bad his community is shit, literally got shot up in front of his store
If it was a Tarant, it would be all over the Mighty Wurlitzer.
Blacks, like animals, have no self-consciousness. They can't think that they're doing something that irritates others, they think somebody is just bothering them for the sake of bothering them.
Oh you told people to shut up and called them names, what the hell, now I am With Her. Please remember this highly effective strategy in 2020.
Oh, so like black criminals demanding that I give up my lawfully owned Arisaka Type 99?
this sounds like some Yea Forums pasta
It becomes one when Crossedword Man evinces butthurt and then goes on Yea Forums to call for the Day of the Rope.
Thing is, Nipsey's post -- encountering travail in real life, then griping about it online -- actually reverses this. It is Nipsey who is butthurt and seeking to cope with the internet of feels.
Why would anyone state the obvious?
Black people are their own worst enemy.
I saw an interview clip with this one rapper who put it into perspective this way.
He said a rapper's most likely to die in the town their from because the people who they grew up with who didn't make it get jealous when they see the kid they were in the same 3rd grade class make it while their still at the bottom.
>The world is fucked up from many different angles.
People especially here like to see problems as if they're a 1:1 result of causality where every issue has one certain cause.
The truth is the world is like a web of randomly interconnected actions.
Chaos theory is very much a thing, and sometimes it just happens to fuck us over.
Can niggers stop lighting our kids on fire? Is that really too much to ask?
>jealousy, even violent jealousy, is exclusive to black people
Black people historically have just been barred from mainstream employment to the extent that they're more likely to engage in flipping packs and busting guns
That being said... underworld people generally only fuck with other underworld people. Nobody is trying to "take over" a cul-de-sac. However. Letting (young) people who don't understand hip hop believe that drinking lean or selling heroin is fun or funny is not doing due diligence. Nipsey was an icon for some people and not others, and that's ok
Enlighten me, where do blacks get "barred from mainstream employment" because if hiring people is anything like acceptance rates into college, blacks are in demand. I think you're just a cuck
>where do blacks get "barred from mainstream employment"
I said "historically"
>because if hiring people is anything like acceptance rates into college
Paying USC $400,000 isn't required to survive. Making money at a job is
>blacks are in demand
Again, I said "historically." But if you have facts, please enlighten me
Someone has announced a $2mil bounty on Nipsey's killer(s).
They get a.kick out of pissing whitey off. That's why you can never show anger around them.
Nigel Benn cried after seeing Gerald McClellan years after their fight.
The US (majority white) elected a black man as president twice, niggers have zero excuse.
Go to school and get a job, dumbass.
In this video? where? I really enjoy how overly british Nigel Benn is lmao
I was telling my family how I don't feel bad that he died since he was a thug, why should I feel bad about a gangbanger dying because we share the same race? No offense, I hope every gang banging rapper is killed in a similar fashion, they ruin lives.
Me and my friend Lil' Smell were making fun of the white kids with two parents and mayonnaise sandwiches in the parking lot of Tam's Burgers and next thing I know the CCTV goes off and my probation officers was on it telling me to report to the back alley, I go in and my uncle Darnell plowed threw three niggas standing there and who I havent seen since I was a toddler was standing there with this look of emptiness and shit. “Get in the ride dude,” he said and I am thinking the worst has happened. Well I ask what was wrong and he just looked at me and said, “Dey got Nipsey, man,” and I asked him who the fuck that was. He took out a burnt CD and popped it in the detatched CD Player, cranked the volume up, and passed me a sherm stick even though he knew I never smoked wet before. We took off and 'YG ft. Nipsey Hussle – FDT' played all the way thru, we were both wilding our on sherm flaying the skin off out nutsacks while silent the whole time and my mind was completely blown. “That nigga is dead now man,” and from there on out I have just had this insane outlook on life.
turns out his community outreach program was a front for a large scale drugs operation
the children were being used as mules, a rival killed him
>I'll slap yo ass jus cuz of slavery
Say it with me...enterrrrtaaaaiiiinnnerrrr
you spelled nigger wrong
Good, fuck those gangbangers. They don't deserve shit, that community outreach bs doesn't change the past violence he inflicted on the world
[citation needed]
There's no doubt that there is great power in diets, and whether that man could cure AIDS I don't know. But there is no illuminati shit going on here, all this does is bring more attention to it than ever possible. Especially a death brings incredible amounts of attention to something, the only possible conspiracy is that he was killed in order for the word to get out about it. Not the other way around. It was just gang shit.
His clothing store was looted during his vigil. Speechless.
Justice restored.
I support this post 100%.
You're full of shit he was shot by a black that Nipsey called out for being a snitch
pretty based if you aks me
His IG is literally nothing but ghetto niggery and gang life flaunting. Take the dick out your mouth.
laughs in poindexter
>in his 30s
>still wearing colors and throwing up gang signs
>it's real
he was probably killed by that guy