Wow what a great rock album, I never knew it was this good

Wow what a great rock album, I never knew it was this good

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I think the reason it gets overlooked is because it was pretty much a straight up glam rock record, which is a genre that never really caught on in America. I don't think Americans knew what to make of them until they went full hard rock with Destroyer/Alive!

Destroyer is a great and really weird album, it almost feels like a broadway production or some shit


Pictures only begun

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Its not

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You don't even rock, dude. Go back to the Kanye thread shitty homo. Your kind not welcome here.

Clairo fan

I like KISS

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Ok Dad

Ok fag.

fuck off Chaim

KISS fucking sucks. No one would have ever heard of them or their music if they didnt dress up in clown costumes.

Kiss is garbage. Why is people pretending they were any good?♦️

This. Kiss is good❌

Thats Bob Ezrin. He did all the classic Alice Cooper albums too. And The Wall, which Ill forgive him for. If Bob Ezrin produces your album, regardless of your sound to begin with, at some point it will have a) a choir, b) strings, c) children, d) really fucking weird noises, e) at least one anthemic hit that will last for decades. The guy is a fucking genius.

That said, first Kiss album is actually really great.

Fuck off

You type & express yourself like your reading from a terrorist's cue card

Fuck those corporate clown rockers.

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after years of being a pretentious jaded hipster i finally took the kisspill and was pleasantly surprised as well. the solo in 100,000 years kicks ass

Fuck you faggot, you don't rock. You suck cock. You listen to Kanye Westeezy my sheeezy lemon breezy, yeah fuck you faggot, I'll kick your ass in the heart of Detroit and call you a nignog, now what?


>merch is bad

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one of my favorite solos ever. the one on alive! is even better but it's overshadowed by peter's solo

Based. but Peters solo sucks