Post your favorite album and the worst thing you've ever done
Post your favorite album and the worst thing you've ever done
nice try fbi🐃
post your mom and the worst thing shes ever done
im a crushing artist, meaning i was part in crushing "porn" where i crushed small animals (baby rats, rabbits, cats) with my high heels. these sold for quite a lot of money. stopped after a while because it didnt feel right.
>Didn't feel right
like this post and get one girlfriend this year
your sister, op
fuck off stupid
how much did the porn sell for
like 100 for the rabbits and rats 300+ for small cats
i stole probably thousands of dollars from my parents by buying video games on xbox live years ago. they never found out which is alarming for their financial awareness, but i feel awful to this day. fun games tho
well now i have a dino and you don't who's stupid now jerk
thats a lot of scratch and a lot of bad karma🐰
>be me as a little kid
>Parents go over to another families house for dinner and bring me and my brothers
>The other family has a kid my age, seems like an alright dude
>Anyways we all hang out then go eat dinner
>I finish my dinner first and find myself wandering around alone in a strange house waiting for everyone else to finish eating
>Go into the other families kids room and find a game boy with a copy of pokemon yellow in it
>Turn it on, look at his file. He has all the gym badges and is very close to the Elite Four
>Suddenly an evil feeling sweeps over me
>Delete his file
>put the game boy back where it was
>Everyone finishes, we hang out a little more, and leave
>Never see him again
>To this day I have literally no idea why I did it, he was a pretty nice guy🐸
drink irresponsibly and end up being taken to the hospital and worrying a lot of people when i first started drinking
it was my first blackout experience in fact
also havent been around here for a while, whats with the emojis?
wait since when has there been a perks menu??
nevermind looked at the datw
moar girl pls
I once stole a pair of my friend's mum's underwear. Not really guilty about it but plenty would consider that bad.
Stole three bucks from my brother one time.
Almost the same for me
not the worst but I came buckets on step-sister's bed and panties while she was gone,
she slept on the same bed that night.
I cummed on my own face
Neck yourself, faggot
Emojis are here for April Fools Day I reckon
Post step sister.
When I was five i told a black guy to clean all the mud off himself because it was the first black person id ever seen and i thought he was just a dirty white guy
i said the f word
I killed myself
nobody has ever liked me
Taylor Swift
Last time I did this you assholes told me to rope my neck
Awful. What's your favourite album tho?
no, you didn't cletus
Speak Now
no you weren't lmao
>>To this day I have literally no idea why I did it, he was a pretty nice guy
You were jealous, clearly.
Got addicted to porn, ended up getting a humiliation fetish and watching so much I even watched a few scat videos
I’m past it now and I’ve quit porn for 3 months but the shame still hurts
sexual assault when I was 12
executed the 4th largest cryptocurrency heist in history
I snitched on fellow gang members I paid to do hits for me.
uhmm is it like this
I once sold a lot of items of a Neopets account I saw logged in a computer school.
I dont know why I did that, it was a cute girl's account.
>be me
>like 4 or 5 years old at the time
>had a big house when i was kid.
>2 bedroom
>had a giant fucking basement(with carpeting) that made the house effectively be 4 bedrooms
>parents let family members stay with us
>used to go through my Aunts clothing and wear her underwear
>used to wear my dads neices underwear
>one day my grandma knocks on my door while im crossdressing
>would not go the fuck away
>she just decides to barge in
>catches me being gay
>has never said a thing and never treated me different because shes based
>one day we're watching Family Guy with my parents
>episode about Quagmire's dad
>randomly talking about stuff and I utter "I have to tell you guys something"
>she gives us this shocked look of horror
>tell them I have to work that weekend
Btw i'm totally not gay
>getting pussy from thots
>posts their sexts on Yea Forums for the hell of it
OP is too based