What are some Paul McCartney influenced artists? We all know John Lennon influenced ones.
What are some Paul McCartney influenced artists? We all know John Lennon influenced ones
idk lol🐰
Check out Gilbert O'Sullivan's first two albums.
the beatles were pretty influenced by mccartney. try them out
Bill Campbell
Most power pop
Brian wilson
guided by voices
RAM and Band on the Run sound incredibly modern, but idk who specifically were influenced by them.
I think Panda Bear has mentioned youtube.com
Holy fuck I don't know how I forgot Daniel fucking Johnston
Y'all should check out some of McCartney's 70s demos, they're like a cross between Syd Barrett and Daniel Johnston:
John Mayer
Queen for sure
fountains of wayne and basically every rock band that knows how to write tunes
The entire first Of Montreal album is basically a tribute to granny music
a) of Montreal sucks ass
b) granny music is not inherently bad
c) of Montreal is not granny music
panda bear
Fountains of Wayne is unironically beatles-esque in the best ways. Their small collection of albums feature a wide variety of sounds and lyrical content. From halley's waitress to cemetery guns, fountains of wayne, much like macca and the beatles were storytellers, with song content far beyond love songs and 4 chords. user has good taste and so does anyone else who see's past the STACEYS MOM LOL meme status that has long served as a cheap facade to stop others from listening to a truly unique band.
Panda is way more Brian Wilson
The Pillows
t. the guy from fountains of wayne
Elliott Smith
yeah right if anything it was the other way around paul was influenced by john
pink floyd
alice cooper
are you retarded or something
lol just read the post again hahahahhahah what a dumb ass i am. i just woke up when i read that but i still think i have dyslexia
literally everyone
emitt rhodes
no one said emitt rhodes wtf
If you listen to McCartney and his ballwashers he’s responsible for all modern music genres.
>of Montreal sucks
Shit taste