Post your charts and get the approval of other anons through likes to find how based or unbased you are
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Both albums by FELT
that font is really hard to read
Mazzy Star if you haven't tried it yet.
Some recent favorites
Mountain - Climbing!
Steel Mill - Green Eyed God
Electric Light Orchestra - Eldorado
American Music Club - California
Codeine - Barely Real
Neat Beats - Cosmic Surgery
Rolando Simmons - Walk On Strawberries
Jóhann Jóhannsson - And In The Endless Pause There Came The Sounds Of Bees
Tomita - Snowflakes are Dancing
Bailter Space - Wammo
Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense and Peppermints
i feel like you are a very nice chill guy who is into metal but never brags about it 7/10
most of these are classics that i also very much enjoy 8/10
Tourist here
Liking the chart
Pink Floyd - Meddle
Quasimoto - The Unseen
Earth - Earth 2
wrong generation autist
equal proportion of extremely based and extremely shit albums
third day on Yea Forums
I believe you'd like
Paper Mache Dream Balloon by KG&LW
Sakura by Susumu Yokota
and A Divina Comédia ou Ando Meio Desligado by Os Mutantes
You would like
>Torture Wheel - Crushed Under...
>Arovane_Phonem - AER(Valid)
You would like
>Ecstasy of St. Theresa - Susurrate
thx for recs frens
no problem!
im going into work, but i will come back and give recs as i enjoy some tunes before bed
Based if you ask me. Kate Bush - The Kick Inside
Unironically the minecraft soundtrack
Iggy Pop - The Idiot
You should try "Plague Mass" by Diamanda Galás. I have a feeling you'll like it.
IDK but your chart is nice
Cocteau brothers - Heaven or Las Vegas
Everything everything - Get to Heaven
St.Vicent - Masseduction
Wtf, no Uchu nippon setagaya?
Flaming lips - Yoshi battles the pink robots
Life of Pablo
Definitely JPEGMAFIA-Veteran
tarkus and moody blues; based
>Träd, Gräs och Stenar - DJungelns Lag
Rustin Man - Drift Code
really good chart I like all of those albums
Crescent - Collected Songs
Blanck Mass - World Eater
valium eggelein is duster under pseudonym, playing dronier heavier stuff
you'd also like devendra banharts rejoicing in the hands
The Music Tapes - The Orbiting Human Circus
Based Nickelback fan
i'm not good at recs but give me lesser known stuff
was sorry I shouldn't lazypost
Try some Memphis rap in general
Drive like Jehu
just keep rym-core diving
ONLY post your chart if you are a teen pseud
ONLY give snark comments/remarks to plebs
ONLY give recommendations to fellow teen pseuds
poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas
dm me for recs no plebs allowed
yikies af cringelets
based and redpilled
based, keep it up
if see at joji please talk me i'm kill myself
which of these is your favorite album?
im a big fan of the Roof Leaks self-titled and Plague Year is dope too.
can anyone tell me what the album in the 6th row, 3rd column is?
I've been able to figure out most of the rest but that one is alluding me.🙁
have sex
it keeps happening aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
that doesn't even make sense...
oh fuck yes, thank you user
based TF2 soundtrack
listen to stars of lid on shrooms
dreamworld is epic
give him a like!!!!!!!!!
you're absolutely right.
apologies for bad form, idfw social media so it never even dawned on me.
you get one too for reminding me!!
my dino > gay charts
you'll never be a woman m8
Hey there! Thanks for the like. You get a like back :)!
it's the only way to push back.
some recent favs, reccs pls :3
George Clanton-slide
Morton Feldman- three voices
Pan sonic-kesto
stop listening to sufjan stevens joanna newsom animal collective talking heads lcd soundsystem richard dawson parquet courts radiohead kate bush everything everything tune-yards andrew jackson jihad julia holter hella death grips st. vincent bjork mgmt daughters kero kero bonito
leave Everything Everything out of your shitposting.
Get to Heaven is a masterpiece.
ive already listened to repeater, its good but 13 songs, red medicine and In on the killtaker are way better imo
i don't know much by them besides that album and Cough Cough (which i also love).
how do any of their other albums stack up to GtH?
1. get to heaven
2. arc
3. a fever dream
4. man alive
a fever dream is a bit more downbeat and ambient (king of limbs-y) so its more hit and miss, can't decide if its tied with arc
Listen to anime osts instead
please give me reccs
Lycia - A Day in the Stark Corner
nice chart. recommending the dead texan - s/t
elliott smith - roman candle
american analog set - the golden band
you have a nice chart too! dead texan is good but i like stars of lid better desu
thanks fren, much appreesh. Get to Heaven is such a solid record, I've heard the rest of them are a bit uneven, but I liked the first track of Man Alive which I listened to last night. I'll check out Arc before I listen to the rest of Man Alive.
I really love Cough Cough, it just sounded like nothing else I knew when I heard it back in 2014 but for some reason I never checked out the rest of the album or any of their other stuff until pretty recently. that was clearly a mistake.
lazyposting cos I used up all my effort/empathy last night
am this person
Angles 9 - Injuries
Bobby Hutcherson - Stick-Up!
ゆらゆら帝国 [Yura Yura Teikoku] - ミーのカー (Me no Car)
Rec me baby. These are my faves in order.
New Kurt Vile album
Courtney Barnett's wife's s/t
Amen Dunes
can anyone help with row 8, #1, 3, and 7-10 please?
I made it through the first 7 rows myself with no spoonfeeding minus drab majesty.🏳️
imagine copy + pasting from rym
cute, try the music tapes - 1st imaginary symphony for nomad
mili if you're a weeb. scott walker- tilt
swirlies - blonder tongue audio baton B)
the first cleaners from venus album :)🙁
is there an issue with copy and pasting from rym
imagine roasting someone for copy pasting from rym and then posting this equally entry level chart
imagine being so butthurt that you reply twice and insult my chart while doing so
im a completely different user lmao i posted my chart earlier, i was just making an observation
please don't think this meanie is me I'm a good soul
ok, retard. nice chart :) (assuming yr the dude i replied to originally)
fellas lets all just calm down and go listen to the avalanchesCoin Flip: Heads
god that's a really good fucking idea
based optimistic user
Somehwat original non-cliche charts
that Music Tapes album is really blessed user. love u to bits.👌
thanks, TMT are my favorite band
mostly recents
thank you for calling my chart of albums that don't actually exist somewhat original.
my real chart is pretty cliche and surface level.👌
Blur, post-The Great Escape
Polygon Window - Surfing on Sine Waves
You have exceptional talent for underground album art creation no lie.
Is creating something if even just an image out of non-existance not original though?
thanks user. i just started making them recently. i make them from screenshots of movies and youtube videos. none of them are really more intricate than cropping and adding text.
i want to make them a bit more involved with cutting and pasting pieces of pictures instead.
is right, its not completely original since i dont take the pictures myself. so i suppose somewhat original is fairly accurate criticism.
cliché not so much.
THIS is cliché.
Hate when I get here late, almost nobody going here anymore
Deltron 3030 - s/t
fuck i love your chart, listen to CLPPNG by clipping.
little simz - grey area
JPEGmafia - veteran
based tesseract
You know but it's honest so...more power to ya user. Keep it up with the ficitious album covers though, they're p good
woah i listened to that last year because theres a track called "i cannot fucking wait until morrissey dies"
i originally started making them cuz i wanted to """trick""" Yea Forums into thinking they were real. but i kinda gave up the ruse after one post.
there's some more honesty for you.
and here's a grindcore cover that didn't make it on the chart.
I sent this to a friend and asked if he liked War Crimes or not
waiting for a response
that's hilarious.
kek i hit enter instead of delete.
let me know if it works✔️
The bitch did his google research before deciding to respond, what a punk move.
pretty clever guy.
reminds me of when i sent my friends a link to no love deep web and told them "yooo you need to check out this album"
they knew i was too enthusiastic and only one of them actually clicked the link and told them what it was and now none of them click the links i send.
Bowery Electric - Lushlife
Songs: Ohia - The Magnolia Electric Co.
13 & God - s/t
This is just my favorites of 2019 chart so far. I'm sure I've missed a few things, so I'm still looking for stuff.
Hey gamers. The first 5 are ranked and the rest is random