Attached: 9980943A5B8FBBDF2D.jpg (797x550, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:😃

Attached: 1552473949925.jpg (1000x1679, 251K)

Attached: 가현.jpg (1000x1250, 780K)

whore thread?

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

my gurls

Attached: 99577D495C47259A14.jpg (1334x2000, 1.36M)

this is what i want

Attached: chewy perfect body.webm (664x1080, 3M)

binnie time?

Attached: 1552941231400.jpg (935x1600, 138K)

binnie begging for more dicking


Attached: Jang22.jpg (800x1199, 166K)

oh no no no no

Attached: 607513_293744_4919.jpg (860x1376, 122K)

shut up you piece of

hmm 276, and I've been posting normally

more like hey pop lol

2 hours and 31 minutes

Attached: 1552842295333.jpg (720x720, 191K)


Attached: jp_dreamcatcher-881693979267416064-20170702_220000-img1.jpg (1500x1000, 340K)

>Error: Max limit of 150 image replies has been reached.
You fucking like whores

Attached: 1420007802886.jpg (600x589, 28K)

Don't forget to use up the picture limit early and often😃

Attached: 1542084816313.jpg (1080x1350, 66K)

oh no no no no no

Attached: 607486_293711_3616.jpg (860x1376, 138K)

Attached: nx4iu93rt9n21.jpg (1200x800, 82K)

literally made for one thing

Attached: OMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg (1000x1905, 1.01M)

this but also arin

>that chin

yes i love oh my girl

fucking based

Imagine naming your group Bulletproof Boyscouts and your fandom Adorable Representative M.C for Youth

Hi /kpg/, Yea Forums here, who is this fucking goddess?

Attached: 1552103829109.jpg (1000x1000, 190K)


you got to pump those numbers up

i love gahyeon's thick thighs

Attached: image_readtop_2019_125640_15514362603654327.jpg (500x764, 365K)

what changed


Attached: 1550342893337.jpg (960x960, 743K)


Attached: tumblr_o0veo3Jjkh1qg5nyao4_r1_400.gif (268x200, 1.93M)

ugly whore and cancer poster, name a better combination

me on the left

Attached: D0Mt3vcWwAAXBU3.jpg (1333x2000, 312K)

Attached: EVERGLOW SIHYEON 에버글로우 시현 190323 BY 147Company 철ᄋ (576x800, 2.57M)

posting, liking other posts, or people liking your posts


the cutest flex❤️

Attached: gahyeoniflower-1105663764114759680-20190312_225558-img1.jpg (2048x1364, 346K)


Attached: 3568312.jpg (2370x1764, 711K)

it's that easy huh?

Attached: 1541285272915.webm (652x584, 477K)

why are chinese girls so powerful?

Attached: eunseo_nails.jpg (960x720, 110K)

You look upset

Attached: 1550370517894.jpg (773x562, 57K)


Attached: hyojungback.webm (900x958, 2.92M)

gahyeon is so much shorter than yoohyeon

Attached: 1552189639601.webm (1080x1920, 473K)

i love her so much

Attached: 1551598501628.jpg (1364x2048, 310K)

Attached: ChmnUmIUoAU0-Va.jpg (768x1024, 80K)


do you think they...

Attached: GahyeonWantsIt.webm (670x800, 2.87M)

Attached: 1531886222129.jpg (1800x2657, 1.15M)

why did you help memer you fucking retard

tfw haven't gotten a like in at least 5 minutes

Attached: 4107267435.jpg (700x700, 85K)

good opinion

Attached: XLadrVs.jpg (1000x1331, 252K)

Say ah~

Attached: E8A1BF02-F3A3-4B8B-8173-B0F2AF75D1E4.jpg (2005x1106, 227K)

Attached: bunny waifu 1.webm (1630x540, 2.82M)

oh no wizbro cant wait to fap to yujin

Attached: FB_IMG_1547110022251.jpg (452x678, 27K)


Your fortune: Excellent Luck

DC hours?

Attached: 1553326009716.webm (868x720, 2.92M)

kpop is cool! like this comment and your kpop idol will end up in your bed

they all do

Attached: CFcHMIx.jpg (1200x900, 211K)

POW right in the kisser

Attached: sumSmash.jpg (720x960, 126K)

i like twice and think they are incredibly talented...



Attached: handong 482.jpg (1000x1491, 313K)

piggy looks good in dc only because every other member looks so fucking ugly especially sua

don't even @ me

any wizbros in

Attached: jo_yuri.jpg (532x785, 74K)

arin as the end part of omg human centipede


what the fuck

literal faggot

wtf the like cooldown is so long
how can i like every post i like at this rate

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

momoland eye contact is monkaMEGA

any alienman in?

Attached: 1553922683649.jpg (1383x2047, 357K)


Attached: DglmW8RU0AUimro.jpg (2000x1333, 437K)


Attached: [Simply K-Pop] EVERGLOW SIHYEON 'Bon Bon Chocolat' (에버글로우 ᄉ� (450x800, 2.94M)

10 0 10 10 10 9 9

Attached: yuri.jpg (1152x2048, 423K)


i have to hard disagree with half this post

*piano signals*

do i win

Attached: 1501245593938.jpg (1280x1848, 188K)

whos at the front

the only ugly dc member is dami

i want to disagree but trips are truth
i have deluded myself into thinking dc is attractive?

Attached: 1549698880647.jpg (4095x2730, 2.22M)

any blobby shits in?


Attached: 12 - IjqJMKA.jpg (5328x4000, 1.48M)


Attached: 1488642875488.jpg (1388x1500, 272K)


Attached: 1553928378359.webm (660x1080, 2.47M)

Travis Scott is K-Pop right?

Attached: Travis-Scott.jpg (790x395, 29K)

bedtime for me bros cya🙁

Attached: gahyeongudnite.jpg (1200x900, 141K)

posting cub for likes

Attached: 1520768377298.jpg (1500x2250, 514K)

cant wait to fap to yujin bro

remember when this post triggered the autist

Attached: 1553066899486.webm (640x640, 2.89M)

10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

>granny hands

Attached: E0Q8aRC.gif (442x388, 2.58M)

>still no dislike button

missing half the fun

Attached: arinsad.jpg (837x1000, 149K)

10 7 8 10 4 10 6 whore 8

Attached: D3AFE8jU0AErsKQ.jpg (1000x1500, 313K)

if you saw dami in real life you wouldn't even be able to talk to her

Attached: Dami (4258).jpg (860x1075, 58K)

dont wtf me wtf

Attached: 1554050506719.jpg (1000x1000, 132K)

who is this and how old is she

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)

Y'all stop shitting on this fine lady.

Attached: FavoriteIdol_2019-03-30-21-26-09.jpg (746x746, 88K)

goodnight dcbro

Attached: 1538790554467.jpg (1200x799, 167K)

what happened?

she's sad because there's no protein to extract🙁


Hello bunny boy.

Attached: 1 - 4GkZVhh.jpg (5328x4000, 1M)

Attached: screen-shot-2019-03-13-at-110604-ampng.png (592x889, 574K)

lmao whores

Attached: 1543212205621.webm (1088x1920, 1.58M)


Attached: 1552273676793.jpg (750x1000, 165K)

my witchfu

from all the retching, right!

(im memeing dont get angry)

Attached: 1552914468399.jpg (2048x1365, 376K)

anyone like trot?

I wonder what kiwibro is doing

now that's a post I like


why does ahin's skirt have nipples?

Attached: 1552977614272.jpg (4096x2730, 998K)


Attached: Dami (4348).jpg (2048x1364, 347K)

Attached: Ps7BpEB.jpg (1000x1500, 188K)

she's so pretty

Attached: DiuOPE3VAAAFUGL.jpg (955x955, 166K)

why are rice farmers so pwetty?

Attached: ricefarmer.webm (506x900, 2.94M)

everglow yiren, 18

because she dont have one

Attached: FB_IMG_1553920567411.jpg (719x352, 30K)

how much longer

Attached: 1528604198569.jpg (1148x1583, 388K)

is it that obvious

Attached: 1554063443043.jpg (1000x1500, 648K)


Attached: 1536791357304.jpg (1365x2048, 341K)

Attached: 1553909556609.jpg (800x1200, 154K)

oh she looks so different there, very fierce

Attached: 85.gif (300x512, 2.03M)

yeji's feet

twice = bad

>come back to kpg after a month
>fotm underaged itzy thot ie yuna is nowhere to be seen
>only yeji gets posted now
good work

Attached: 6ad0152a64f9e7b222ed5a5c511cfacf.jpg (736x1104, 89K)

*feeds gahyeon*

for my d___

all of omg lined up on all fours

Haven’t even unlocked likes yet
Help me out bros

Attached: 49DB4B5C-C89C-4B45-B4A3-5491737F0545.jpg (541x541, 66K)

what's the spooky emote

Attached: 1552546134144.jpg (860x1200, 226K)

who the fuck are you talking about

wonder how soft those lips are

Attached: 1545386828420.jpg (2048x1365, 385K)

i want to moon her byul iykwim


Attached: 1535778847683.jpg (799x1200, 286K)

she grows

Attached: 7a3d5u64p7p21.jpg (4096x2730, 1.6M)

>make posts
>like! with my phone


Attached: 1552709686329.jpg (1406x2048, 401K)

The real Dreamcutie is JiU

Attached: D2_qX5dUYAAXv_N.jpg (719x960, 98K)


is she pronounced jew?

is this a good tummy

Attached: CrerCT9VYAMXgxz.jpg (2252x3378, 621K)

gonna feed all my likes to fat idols

some user started to rage about idols being fake when meeting fans

it's been 2 years since dc debuted and i still genuinely can't tell apart any of the members apart from gahyeon and yoohyeon's butt

gahyeon giving birth to triplets and eating one of the babies


Attached: 246_DuXIZUIUwAAUuRh.jpg (721x960, 120K)

Attached: _G4A7378.jpg (2000x1333, 1.51M)



Attached: 1553365633639.jpg (913x1200, 142K)

Attached: D3CHisVU0AEn8RT.jpg (1365x2048, 396K)


tbf, nugu groups have to meet smelly uncle fans so it'sno surprise they have to fake it
onces are qts so it's no surprise chewy enjoys interacting with them very much

you can try

Attached: 1554007017089.jpg (1080x1349, 78K)

I sexualize all the idols I like

give us back thicc eunha

Attached: 1532079979703.jpg (1195x1920, 477K)

Attached: 1531542475848.webm (514x720, 2.87M)



Attached: D3C_ossVAAEk2p3.jpg (1400x933, 193K)

is that a hint of cleavage

Which idol would be the best at simultaneously pegging you and jerking you off

it is going to happen she just sent me this

Attached: facetime.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

Attached: 1539278025226.webm (400x942, 2.95M)

Double word

Attached: 1088_DMGlL4vU8AAtQik.jpg (1052x1052, 94K)

pure and innocent

Cute nail art.

Attached: 1552615403214.jpg (1536x2048, 350K)

can i try if i look like this?

Attached: DwdkupLXgAEwcvJ.jpg (800x1200, 99K)

muh d*k

Dr. Kim could've done better here


Attached: DBuCAxZUQAAsNkc.jpg (1000x1500, 231K)😃

does he/she expect that everything is real? lol its like believing that the role of a person on a movie is his real personality

give us back thicc jennie

Attached: 583816_261009_3656.jpg (550x880, 121K)

Attached: yikes.jpg (497x500, 77K)

was meant for her

Attached: 1554010759745.jpg (1383x2048, 740K)

that's our rin


are they back in korea?

triple word

Attached: SF9B7Rh.jpg (1280x853, 171K)


Attached: DzKCU1CX0AErElM.jpg (682x1024, 83K)



Based conventionally attractive twicebros

you dont have to try

Attached: 1553906068007.jpg (1280x898, 198K)


Attached: binnie seduce.webm (660x1194, 2.44M)


damn solar can go zero to one hundred real quick

i wonder what performance this is from

Attached: 1553237010463.webm (1280x716, 2.34M)

Attached: esl.png (591x797, 338K)

went outside for snacks
the stupid shitskin at 7/11 got too close to me

Attached: 01jiwon-571x800.jpg (571x800, 59K)

will /ourgranny/ ever comeback?

Attached: gain 13.gif (268x400, 1.98M)

hwasa obvs

Attached: 1550035835581.jpg (1000x1253, 393K)

Jennie milking your prostate while twisting on your cock like the Vietnamese hooker she is. You just know she’s perfected it by experience. She loves taking major rope

Attached: B9E63064-F9A1-48A3-AEA6-0AB807EF786F.jpg (420x746, 44K)

omo but why the second one looks like in slow motion?


Golden Disc Awards 2019

Attached: DldYAuFUcAAPOsp.jpg (1200x800, 160K)

How do you emoticon?


this chick looks old af

fuck, my one and only chance to kidnap lia...

post some🐰

you have to buy a Yea Forums pas😃


Ooh watching thicc mama’s tiddies jiggle while she fucks you in missionary sounds hot

Attached: 501F419C-7297-4FB6-8F89-3A6805E15AC3.jpg (1200x799, 100K)

Attached: 1550141621487.jpg (850x1275, 93K)

Treasure this post without a pic in it.

smile :) ?

Attached: D3DD2mBUcAYDoXK.jpg (1364x2048, 458K)

no i mean the one from the picture in the posted i replied to


Attached: binnie knows exactly what she's doing.webm (500x495, 2.9M)

Attached: DpUfZJAUUAAhHRf.jpg (1365x2048, 249K)

she's 18

Attached: Cherry_Bullet_QA_Jiwon_1.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

>barely debuted
>plastic as fuck already



Attached: 1518761909867.jpg (4096x2730, 952K)

Quadruple word

Attached: 020_DNWdI3hUQAE8_fR.jpg (1500x1000, 328K)

that's the breakdown of a pure girl

i think i have asperger's syndrome
kpop for this feel?

Attached: tumblr_pigj6s40zI1rggxt1o1_540.gif (540x540, 2.53M)

meant for


Looks like a slightly better looking but almost identical version of my borderline personality disorder Vietnamese quarter French ex

binnie is pure

Attached: 9985B84B5C9B214927.jpg (474x474, 98K)

binnie is so pure she doesn't even know what she's doing when she's being lewd

coulda fooled me she looks at least 40




he looks those dudes that are jacked but are pussies when shit goes down

Attached: 1553998774440.png (1920x1080, 911K)

i want to hug the slug

nooo the chance has faded..what are you gonna do after youve kidnaped her?

reminder that the sluttier they are on stage, the purer they are irl

by that logic arin and candy are definitely the biggest sluts

sick tat moonbyul

retarded logic


Attached: TH924JR.jpg (1600x2400, 462K)

Duck fuckers
Cake fuckers
Chimp lovers
Used good lovers
Frog bullies
Are you all ready for izone?

yes but we are waiting

I'll take that as a compliment

Attached: IMG_20190401_030740.jpg (919x1021, 137K)

Like my post and you'll meet your kpop waifu😃

Attached: yoonji.png (760x720, 571K)

Attached: 1550339854811.jpg (1152x2048, 192K)

who is she?😃

Likey likey likey

346 masterrace

cute piggy

hyuna super pure?

Attached: 1531372223793.webm (460x816, 2.72M)



Attached: D3CZItHU8AMX46v.jpg (999x1500, 224K)

was waiting for the past 18hrs bro

Attached: 1554021884767.png (640x960, 775K)

nice abs

she's cute


Attached: 53597472_608690622876843_2044540154567615114_n.jpg (960x960, 88K)

gahyeon have a fat p or a standard p?


quintuple word

Attached: ea49e35e6f95826628f391f393fc6a47.jpg (1000x663, 97K)

I wanna make some bacon if you know what I mean

Attached: 391_DhajFKjVQAAanLd.jpg (1334x1334, 330K)

this girl is hecking ADORABLE

Attached: 1553745579907.jpg (1200x800, 190K)


Attached: file.png (1037x402, 82K)

solar is ridiculously hot

I miss her🙁

Attached: cosmopolitan-philippines-momoland-img-9691-1534502928.jpg (467x700, 112K)

wording this

Attached: D3Atv_lUcAEgcr0.jpg (1176x1960, 170K)

yeah look, she doesn't even know when she's getting hard fucked prone bone style head pressing against the pillow so cute!
Happy goes in all fields😃

kpop has encouraged me to practice smiling

they need to style dami like this again

fat p..enis?

please do not cook our maknae🐷

Attached: 1550886112629.jpg (633x1024, 84K)

whats this?? why theyre second😃

I encourage you to kill yourself💚

realtime sales

barnyard babe

where can i watch this

Attached: D3DJSibUgAAR47x.jpg (1024x844, 134K)

Sextuple word

Attached: 1031_DgQugBvV4AAjBYZ.jpg (2048x1539, 479K)


Attached: 1532079933217.png (935x1500, 1.95M)

Your fortune: Average Luck

how the fck that first got this gaon or what shit is this

make it a feet thread

Attached: 1549990366974.jpg (1080x1440, 163K)

love this pig

make it a omg thread


Attached: 49664412_246966126197483_6256639765712302330_n.jpg (1080x1349, 147K)

average joe is average

septuple word

Attached: qPPULvs.jpg (2048x1220, 366K)

Attached: 1456325389652.webm (403x577, 1.46M)

I think it's like 20 perkpoints per like

where to see the like button

>that spic shiteater


I wouldn't know since no one likes me🙁


based phoneposter


>17th of May
AB6IX (BrandNewMusic Boys/Wanna One Daehwi)
Jeong Sewoon
Cherry Bullet

>18th of May

>19th of May


next to the post count, doesn't seem to appear with 4chanx😂

U+1F621 Forums-x/raw/master/builds/Yea Forums-X-beta.user.js

>that seething pedo

post a slug and I'll like it

I was going to get really mad if fromis didn't get invited, thank god


how do u use perks

type in options🐸

I've always used beta for this kind of thing and nothing on my end

cant use computer while walking😃



>that ugly loser with no chin and life