Itt: post your favorite pornstar

recommend music based on other anons' favorite porn stars

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cadey mercury was boiling hot man she should've done more videos

Who down with the chocolate?

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what's the appeal?

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Rolled 6 (1d6)

Napalm Death


Such a shame she retired

To Ana or brown in general? Idk I’ve always had a thing for darker women. I blame my ancestors they owned a large number of plantations in the south

Jade Jantzen really did it for me today

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does your last name end in -stein, -berg, or -man?

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Mia Khalifa - Ravi Shankar
Asa Akira - BTS
Dillion Harper - Pussy Riot
Stormy Daniels - "Donald Trump" - Mac Miller
Riley Reid - OutKast, Three 6 Mafia, Lil Yachty, The Game, 50 Cent, Coolio, Blueface, Mike Jones, Migos, Wiz Khalfa..


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1000 dicks

ava addams (like my comment if u not gay)

like this post to nullify this curse

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No I’m a pure Amerimutt
>Irish, danish, Bavarian, Scottish, English in that order
The plantation is still around, one of my ancestors fought with Jackson at New Orleans

I change my recommendation to Rebel Son

Holy fucking kek

Even though I’m not a redneck in any way, my friends always joked about me living in a trailer and putting out ten kids by 5 differant women

Tommy Guerrero
Luxurious Bags

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one like on this post = one girlfriend for you this year

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but I only want one

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I think it'd be unfair to her to say anyone else is my favorite pornstar since she graciously featured me in one of her onlyfans videos.

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I like enthusiastic pornstars but this woman has done so much nasty shit i cant watch her normal videos anymore

Like and she gets back to porn

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been enjoying xev bellringer's work recently, any recs?

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I pissed on her. Shit was cash.


Stop supporting this jewery!

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sara bell atm. she's pretty broken. not much in there... except cock.

my score?

i don't watch porn

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literally a rapist

dont have a favorite porn star, but i have a favorite type. basically short, stocky, curvy but not fat redheads with huge tits. recommend me some music or some porn stars.

sure thing jew

she literally admitted to raping a dude on twitter

god i wish that was me

then she should be stoned in the town square

don't have a fav but i think i blew my best load to Yui Saotome

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What's with the numbers next to Anonymous on your posts?

it's a glitch

For me, it's Janey

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I’m going to have to go with MatPat’s wife Stephanie. She really does it for me.

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I only watch amateur

excellent taste

Dua Lipa
Fitz and The Tantrums
Melissa Etheridge

thank you user


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Oh, are you black? Because you know MatPat only gets hard when cucked by black cock.

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i am basic

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I was gonna say this is a nasty dick cheese smelling neckbeard thread but Lily is indeed sweet

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Eva is love, Eva is life

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I’m brown. Is that close enough?

i can't wait til isis beheads all these whores lol



t. white mgtow incel

don't be islamophobic bro

Yuuna Hoshisaki.

She’s looking rough there

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Stop watching porn

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my sweet potato lady

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stop posting this this primitivist farmer faggot in yellow jacket attire.

Finally some good taste ITT

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Good choice op, here's mine

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for me it's Ayyynie Clark

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i am my favorite pornstar.

Yuu Shinoda is also a favorite

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Shame this girl does porn cause she's fucking adorable.

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Break your bad habits, user. I believe in you.😃

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She goods but
>dear god that FAS face

Did she fucking die? Omg

No she just stopped doing porn

whoa didn't realize she had a nosejob, looks better now

Aria Alexander?



Who is it?

Looks like Adriana Chechik

Samantha 38g
Her scenes with Manuel Ferrara are kino


Good taste
Based Stephaniefag

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recommend music instead of just posting 'bump'

bitch we're in a porn thread, nobody here actually cares about the recs lmao

Krissy lynn and Aj applegate

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Shame about all the plastic surgery but performance wise she’s one of the best ever

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Reminder that if you're into trannies, you're gay.
It's okay to be gay, don't worry about it. But just know that about yourself.


Traps aren't gay

Absolutely based.

This lad. His name is Alexandr119

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Traps actually usually are gay, but you're right that sometimes they aren't. But I'm talking about the people who like traps, who are definitely gay.

I would say they are only 50% gay. Trapfags only like dick. Once you like the male body, you are 100% gay.

fags deserve the rope

Chanel Santini

neckbeard rage😃

Nah liking traps isn't gay

fuck off with your shitty /soc/ tier thread

Whatever you say, Liberace

its actually gayer than liking twinks because of how insecure one has to be to prefer a mangled eldritch abomination to a naturally gorgeous boy.

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That literally makes no sense


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Actually, it makes a lot of sense.

Sure it does. Only a fag would be embarrassed about appreciating male beauty.

back in the day it would be Belladonna, but she's retired now. today it's pic related

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how do i like posts? help an autist brotha

>Only a fag would be embarrassed about appreciating male beauty.

I appreciate male beauty but i still wouldn't fuck a twink, a trap on the other hand if it's pretty enough sure

You don't

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you're in denial if you'd consider fucking anything with a penis but not this

i'm definitely not in denial, there's nothing sexually appealing about a twink like your pic related

Traps have boobies and sometimes curves, they feel more feminine, idk traps attract me twinks don't

>3DPD porn stars

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>2D "porn stars"
lmao name one

Literally any major character in a cartoon or anime

Very nice. I liked her better with short hair tho

Lexi Belle!!!!
recommend me something pls

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Not the weeb you are replied to. But hentai is a thing. He probably beats off to medical diagrams of fetuses tho.

I love seeing homophobic people get their knickers in a twist. yes. I'm sure you wear knickers :)

she was hotter as Taco Belle

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name ONE (1) hentai character that appears in multiple videos (that aren't from the same series)

Knickers are comfy

Studio Collaboration works has lots of characters from their previous series in the background of new anime

damn she's one of my favorites too

Twinks can be curvy. I can't get a picture right now because I'm in a public space but there are some curvybois. Obviously curves develop naturally so every tranny that has them would be just as curvy had they remained a boy.

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damn forgot how chubby she got

yeah more meat to grab onto. I'd love to fuck chunky Lexi.

Literally everyone watches porn. My married friends and I often joke about the latest shit we've watched.

And this is your example? Are you fucking kidding?

I think you underestimate estrogen/hormon pills when it comes to traps

>I can't get a picture right now because I'm in a public space but there are some curvybois

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ummmmmm no. everyone masturbates (99%) but not everyone watches porn.

It's about the same percentage for both

Who dis

Queeny Niagra

Jezabel Vessir

Maserati xxx

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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

Haley Cummings. I would post a pic with this but then I would have to fap.

weakness disgusts me

i'm not gonna like either post!

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Your mom lol
Give me likes now

> I am forgotten

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Kek always made this connection when I saw this bitch

I can't like posts on clover.
Sorry bro.


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Who that

who please

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uh oh

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mods please delete the post and leave our thread in peace

+1 great taste

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Yeah I don't really agree everyone masturbates as much as they joke about maybe 25% of women 75% of men but when everyone masturbates they watch porn except the deal with women is their shit is so intricate they have to hold a dildo and vibrator with some nipple clamps and then pinch their thighs and its this entire dancing process they really can't even concentrate on the porn sometimes.

None of you probably know who this is or what type of porn she does. For those of you who do, you my nigga.

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studies say that 70% of people viewing humiliation and extreme torture porn are women....

Greta van fleet

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I don't look at porn I like at pictures of my girlfriend naked which isn't the same thing as searching for pornography

If i had to guess I'd say handjob specialist


Traps is double the gay, you are fucking a male thats into femenine things and dresses as a woman, the polar opposite would be tomboys

she's just insane, even though she only has solo vids as far as I know

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Funny enough, im getting into synthpop as of late

Not even close. It's fetish shit.

what bands


Pic didn't get posted for some reason

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Mostly M83 and MGMT

good taste

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Marilyn Manson

where should I start with m83?

start with M83, retard


Hurry up, we are dreaming is what got me into them, specially reunion