
Other urls found in this thread:🖤💙

anime is gay

Attached: 첫 키스에 흥분한 강미나의 호랑이 꼬리 주목 (뒤에 블랙박스..)2.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

give me likes losers

like this post if you think blackpink is trash

Attached: 190323 EVERGLOW 시현 직캠 (에버글로우) - 봉� (450x800, 2.91M)


Attached: 1524696476641.jpg (749x823, 60K)

hello gook worshippers i have arrived to collect your likes

plastic alien

Attached: aisha13.webm (684x592, 2.14M)

Attached: fishqt.jpg (801x1200, 122K)

Attached: svd781hcwyl21.jpg (1370x2437, 451K)

how come we can't like the op?

Attached: D3BdpRGU4AApBAP.jpg (1364x2048, 331K)

Attached: le-exid-khoe-than-hinh-nong-bong-dien-bikini-showbizvn-12062018-7.jpg (600x900, 118K)

This is a perfect lineup

Attached: IMG_20190401_073234.jpg (680x960, 128K)

whats up with this nigger shit of deleting the op file?

triforce or get out

Attached: 1554060819290.jpg (1455x1080, 217K)

Attached: angry.webm (910x512, 1.95M)


Attached: 1553352334085.webm (574x858, 2.95M)

because op is a faggot

Attached: 1455902959272.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Call Me Baby's chorus is so shit...

she almost looks like a negra here

Attached: ClosedShorttermGreatdane.webm (246x480, 761K)

if you post an imagine that makes it move i'll give you a like

Attached: DisguisedAthleticAustraliancurlew.webm (810x1440, 2.84M)

Attached: seulgi.webm (1920x1080, 1.16M)

Attached: 1553156374161.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

can you post other members



Attached: 1550192144876.jpg (1000x1500, 427K)

>an imagine

Attached: andtheresthefaggot.jpg (1614x1500, 471K)

imagine arin

Attached: img (17).jpg (1500x1000, 892K)

Attached: 1531542297406.webm (584x1080, 2.9M)


which ones?

Attached: 1553351088666.webm (1264x914, 2.84M)

is the tall girl from everglow hapa or something?
how is a korean woman that big?



Attached: 1542842837448.jpg (850x1275, 93K)

oh lord

Attached: [4K] 190323 EVERGLOW 시현 직캠 (에버글로우) - 보 (450x800, 2.94M)

what now

Attached: ghostrin.jpg (600x545, 37K)

Attached: cocotongue.jpg (736x920, 65K)

onda and the white one


She's fully Korean

Attached: aisha15.webm (476x936, 2.96M)

still no oh my girl comeback...
haven't seen binnie in months...


Attached: momo kissu.png (1320x1286, 1.68M)

Attached: 1553096174969.jpg (786x933, 54K)

t. gay faggot

damn uggo hours never end do they

i need to know who this is

How would most anons act if they met their waifu?

binnie cumming

i'm getting some mixed messages here

Attached: D2LCTUaXQAEN2qm.jpg (1350x1797, 362K)

here is a binnie

Attached: 1531542365845.webm (1000x1004, 1.06M)


Attached: omg_show_jpg-99.jpg (2000x3000, 541K)

Attached: 1553384901056.webm (480x480, 1.14M)

onda and the white one


Attached: 1549086734978.jpg (1206x2048, 227K)

did someone say binnie?

Attached: 1552889117723.jpg (2000x3000, 906K)

dc comeback when?

Attached: handong 163.jpg (1365x2048, 376K)

>haven't seen binnie in months...
I saw her one week ago tho

coco. she was in cocosori now she's solo

Attached: orig[1].jpg (1365x2048, 420K)

>Twice and TxT
absolutely based

that's it

Attached: 1536629419231.jpg (1366x2048, 368K)

shut the fuck up roastie


Attached: 1535331342213.jpg (3276x2457, 3.88M)

keep seething roastie


Attached: D2A-IXbU8AA2AcL.jpg (1300x2084, 355K)

i just realized i'm as tall as him i can use him as measure when he's next to other idols

peak femininity👌


Attached: 1548748245280.jpg (1200x1800, 280K)

Redpill me on the blonde. Her name is something dumb I forget, EU?


Attached: IMG_20190401_075144.jpg (3276x2184, 1.47M)

Attached: D1r-hGBUcAAJHig.jpg orig.jpg (960x720, 101K)



Attached: omb.jpg (591x1920, 571K)

trotfu and absolute garbage

Attached: D26IIzoVAAEDm8g.jpg (1350x2048, 229K)

soon hopefully. also nice party hat

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: hf_dreamcatcher-1112339352892235776-20190331_090222-img2.jpg (2048x1536, 602K)

is this everglow? damn

>tfw solving twice the captchas now

this is uh... wow

i would shake her hand with semen in my palms

thanks friend
i miss binnie's iconic haircut

Attached: D2zG-89U8AAJ1_D.jpg (1200x800, 106K)

Coco. Former idol of semi scandalous repute and current twitch streamer/vlogger.

She's an Internet living amerifat so she very well have been to these very threads.

Attached: cocosori2.jpg (960x640, 44K)


Attached: 1537672724335.jpg (600x709, 152K)

and he somehow looks less chad than bangchan

moot please reduce like cooldown i have a lot of binnie posts to like

Attached: jisun handy.webm (916x776, 1.74M)

>mfw kpg is offcially dead

she's the group leader and rapper. i do like other members more though

those are our girls

Attached: D2BGiNlX4AMRGT7.jpg (1014x1535, 145K)

Rolled 65 (1d100)

Attached: 1549084743846.jpg (1200x1800, 314K)

Attached: orig[1].jpg (3890x2628, 1.94M)

peak heterosexual man

i know sori but not coco

RM looks like an 80s coke dealer

Attached: 1550198792868.jpg (1200x800, 104K)

Attached: =3.jpg (1280x853, 249K)

>this is uh... wow


Just wait for my like cooldown, chub-stuff. I got something for you.

what killed it?

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Attached: EVERGLOW ONDA 에버글로우 온다 190330 BY 147Company 철이 - 음.webm (608x1080, 2.95M)

do we like momdong?

Attached: uAQFr1M.jpg (2048x1536, 399K)

that is what fortune does?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: handong 498.jpg (1364x2048, 343K)

>unironically look like a poor mans jiho
why does matthew have such bad taste

Attached: C801380C-5360-491A-BC23-088216728CA7.jpg (1342x2048, 622K)

rolling 69 with binnie...

damn I haven't seen/heard the debut yet but they seem based.

>“TWICE’s earnings from Tokyo Dome is beyond expectations.” From tickets alone the profit is estimated to be about 540 million yen, but with sales from the cinema broadcasts and Tower Record’s live, preorders and sold out merch, profits are expected to be enormous.
Based ourgirls

Attached: 5.jpg (2048x1534, 456K)

Attached: [4K] 190323 EVERGLOW 시현 직캠 (에버글로우) - 사 (604x800, 2.88M)

we love momdong here❤️

Attached: hf_dreamcatcher-1111882213744766977-20190330_024552-img2.jpg (1442x1920, 501K)

gaypop mod and twitter roasties

that's from a burzum song though💔

he's clearly quoting burzum, the least reddit human on the planet

any update on the somi comeback

Attached: 1483044496359.jpg (500x805, 493K)

the MV and choreo are great

Attached: D1EFd3hUYAEzzdR.jpg (1500x1000, 347K)

Attached: 190322 에버글로우 EVERGLOW 데뷔 첫 뮤직뱅크 출근길 4K 직캠 (이유 시현 미.webm (326x546, 2.94M)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Attached: 1467688016665.jpg (1000x666, 86K)

wtf is that somi? her eyes look a lot bigger

kamsahamnida chingu~


i have some lewd binnies but i don't like to lewd omg

Attached: 1492029762367.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 1492891598189.jpg (1278x1920, 1.16M)

We have killed kpg. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?

Attached: yves__loona____new__2_by_mar96ra-dbv48wu.jpg (894x894, 74K)

re-watching samurai champloo, it's not as good as i remember.

Attached: 19960326com-1112324187593408512-20190331_080206-img1.jpg (1365x2048, 348K)

>whahhah waaah waaaah wah
>woooahh wahh wahh wah

good lyrics👌

is anyone actually waiting for this still
it’s gonna be bad because she can’t sing lol

did the japs made a documentary on twice? how do i watch it

Attached: 1462133199016.jpg (530x805, 83K)

probably because tv/anime is way more artistic these days

sounds like bathory

Attached: Dyzz1UiUUAAOypN.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1920, 316K)

Attached: JGPi1uoq0wno2_1280.jpg (1280x1830, 735K)

Cuz baby you're my star~

Attached: ohmystar.webm (926x600, 2.91M)

honestly arin could straight up admit she watches x rated movies every night on tv and she'd still be as pure as the white snow


Attached: 180214 트와이스 (TWICE) 레드카펫 Red carpet (쯔위) Tzuyu 직캠 Fancam (2018 가온차트� (800x450, 2.89M)

Gahi kind of makes me feel weird. I honestly have for a long time thought of her as one of the hottest girls in kpop. But I follow her instagram semi and she's turned into such a mom.

Attached: jULTD9d.jpg (1365x2048, 397K)


200+IQ: waifuing Hani

Attached: 44316655_197199437873099_2668583807456058635_n.jpg (480x480, 28K)

powerful dong

Attached: D3A9ty0UkAAIDSf.jpg (2048x1365, 223K)

sana bangs omo

Attached: 1486454455384.jpg (1200x1166, 176K)

This looks dangerous
I’m gonna come back tomorrow when everything has gone back to normal

Attached: E95B0C71-BE36-442C-B5CF-2E162D0FB380.jpg (960x720, 84K)

this guy gets it

Attached: arinthumbsup.jpg (871x847, 217K)

cant wait for them wizbros

Attached: v1lt4wo2sep21.jpg (3072x3072, 1022K)

Attached: 1550770567347.jpg (564x1002, 69K)

Remember when someone tried to kidnap Taeyeon?

Attached: 1554050309363.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

Are words superfluous in a world of likes?

Attached: hanirin.jpg (540x675, 57K)

300+IQ: waifuing BoA

Attached: boa (2).jpg (1280x1656, 470K)

can you like your own posts

Attached: DpjqEEGUYAE-bOY.jpg (1174x1440, 284K)

how to post emojis

being a good mother is the hottest fetish of all

where the FUCK are my momobros at

Attached: 1515652743996.jpg (800x1200, 85K)

Attached: D2lWss7VAAUgZHC.jpg (1500x1000, 180K)

as long as she has a supervisor there to make sure she doesn't fall into temptation

Attached: 1496742233215.jpg (740x493, 81K)


What is this concept

Attached: IMG_20190401_080424.jpg (3614x2551, 1.88M)


Attached: 1550339496679.jpg (1500x1814, 388K)

yeah, shame he couldn't do it

moms can be hot

Attached: IZONE yena rumor.webm (1474x1980, 2.42M)

Attached: [MPD직캠] 에버글로우 시현 직캠 '� (450x800, 2.94M)


good mother who still has the *goods* is some based shit

she seems cool

just type them, like : ) but together😃

im eating

Attached: 1519456602819.jpg (1080x1080, 1.08M)

imagine marrying arin on a private ceremony in busan and the night before the wedding you find her cheating on you with chad hani

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Attached: 1509388753536.jpg (2000x1223, 1.26M)

>there are no tall Koreans because the average Korean is short

Attached: rowoon.jpg (540x810, 76K)

is that true or a meme?

Attached: D2L3pueU8AEdvEl.jpg (1450x2084, 420K)

Nice Dong

Attached: D3Cm0rSUgAA_eRi[1].jpg (3000x2000, 1.62M)

Attached: momo finger.png (405x800, 331K)


she does watch x rate movies

Attached: 1533007825430.jpg (865x4046, 910K)

illusions of whores book 1

still pure, so it's ok

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Right here

Attached: D8956225-EBD8-43AC-8313-B64006FB5B4A.png (577x1024, 535K)

brothel lighting concept

Attached: honda-hitomi-team8-20470918-police.jpg (560x792, 88K)


She looks pretty in that yukata.



Attached: D2fP2RSUgAAW7Zq.jpg (2048x1556, 494K)

saving for proof that chaeyeon is prettier than wonchin

I always thought it was kind of overrated. It got hyped up because it was the follow up to Cowboy Bebop and had great production values/style.

The character designs were such wasted potential. In fact nearly every character in the series was great including side characters, but the series could never use them right.The story a TLJ level meandering pointless mess. Not that it isn't good mind you. Just not legendary.

The baseball episode will however be forever eternal.

Attached: 1539909526057.jpg (1242x655, 107K)

nice yoohoo

Attached: D11J955VAAAHs0g.jpg (4096x2730, 1.53M)

i love jiu

Attached: jiusw.webm (396x720, 1.66M)

Attached: 1510703046563.jpg (750x1078, 64K)

Attached: 1531891041786.jpg (1280x716, 240K)


Attached: 1525330834333.jpg (720x771, 74K)

Thanks breh😃

Attached: 1550365581667.jpg (750x1212, 100K)

>arin is trash

Attached: jiho binnie do it.jpg (875x500, 146K)

there's a lot to love

Attached: 1551838431408.webm (405x720, 2.98M)

At first glance from a distance I thought that pic was some chick getting throatfucked while hanging upside down.

imagine if clover weren't dogshit

post something worth liking ffs

Rolled 59 (1d100)

damn, some perks are much better than others

I'd honestly understand. I feel like me and Hani could be good skin brothers.

Attached: cutie arin.jpg (1152x2048, 358K)


Attached: 1484306819634.jpg (960x527, 91K)

Attached: EVERGLOW SIHYEON 에버글로우 시현 190330 BY 147Company 철ᄋ (434x800, 2.94M)

Attached: BinnieSexDemon.gif (425x425, 3.97M)


Attached: IMG_2837.jpg (1500x2250, 1.56M)

>please be considerate and do not redistribute
you rude

Attached: pocarisweat.webm (1280x720, 1.05M)

If only

wait til you see spooky saw some guy post it it is crazy

Attached: 1531754808159.jpg (683x1024, 98K)

ahin looks so drinkable here

Attached: bubbles.webm (800x450, 2.99M)


Attached: 1511841373794.jpg (2000x1333, 389K)

They look gayer than usual another amazing achievement for Bangtan Sonyeondan

Attached: IMG_20190401_081219.jpg (4096x2369, 1.94M)

Attached: 1551321860065.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

like and heart are the same thing? hmm

Attached: 1531533234458.jpg (1080x1920, 958K)

lul OMG don't stand a chance

It peaked when they smoked weed

Attached: 1553327939036.jpg (1046x1915, 783K)


what are perks

Some scenes are good, but you also get a lot that look like this.

Attached: Samurai.Champloo.E09.1080p.ENHANCED.BluRay.10-bit.Dual.Audio.AAC.5.1.x265-bonkai77.mkv_snapshot_07.2 (1920x1080, 814K)

Attached: thicc.jpg (630x1136, 117K)

only if she's lactating

arins perks

lul, i wish i were the guy that pushed the fuck out of Yeojin

that's a ram retard

>tfw still sad no daisy🙁

Attached: d930d7c4fdd77014f43bcb802bdc54d0.jpg (1600x1200, 195K)

like porks but with an e

putting binnie in charge of sex ed for all of omg

Attached: 1553157097189.jpg (2023x3027, 1.42M)


arins perky ones

we like omg here

Attached: 1537153127092.jpg (874x898, 153K)

Attached: 1464283825495.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

Attached: 1552114151632.jpg (1772x1994, 237K)

how to show arin's perks?

lmao slut

>Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.

>Consider posting constructive criticism / an explanation when you downvote something, and do so carefully and tactfully.

I liked this post for the pits

Attached: chengytwintails.webm (954x720, 2.93M)

If I go to an asian food store and buy Pocari Sweat will they know it's because I'm a Twice stan?

Attached: 4 - r31fMsj.jpg (4000x5328, 1.01M)

that fat fuck better let him keep it vlue

cheer up is a great song


Attached: 1543792158379.jpg (1000x1500, 317K)

Attached: 1554099312953.jpg (1600x1200, 210K)

Attached: 1517385798737.jpg (2587x4096, 2.53M)

no theyll just think youre a weeb
esp if you look like one

schlick, schlick, schlick.

Attached: DuuWuMiUYAAYbZd.jpg (1000x1500, 221K)

post her ear

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Attached: CkRcYWkWkAALR2c.jpg (900x1200, 115K)


Attached: candy bunny.webm (396x446, 967K)

how do i dislike this post

Attached: 1470992142838.jpg (2100x1400, 765K)

>tfw she's taken too💔

Attached: R4DwMuV.jpg (1007x2458, 915K)

Attached: 1554001267463.webm (854x480, 2.98M)

Refresh the page. open up comment window. to the right

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-31.png (1348x1012, 203K)

eu's cute braces..

Attached: D2teEOdXcAI2cl2.jpg (1200x511, 47K)

cute candy😂

Attached: 1536371169210.jpg (553x1000, 110K)

they will know you are a faggot

damn girl

Instagram thots get thousands of likes
but how many can we get for our maknae in blue?

Attached: MnetKR-1104988534937595904-20190311_021251-img2.jpg (1600x2400, 484K)

Fat slutty piece of shit.

candy grool leader

Attached: Dl2QxJjU0AALHxb.jpg (1200x1800, 188K)

>our girls supporting our other girls

Attached: D27WPQeUYAAMTMT.jpg (960x593, 100K)

are those drinks all for her?

I wonder what went through their minds when they were deciding on the giant upside down grass monstrosity. I like it.

>tfw 4chanx
>tfw cant see perks

i wish jiho would do this

gahyeon is only good for one thing

you don't like trot noona?

they're for both of you

did you guys know Yeojin broke Yves nose? damn, what an idiot

retards you wasted all the image posts

Swiss girls are the best


That's nice

you right, selling to SEA businessmen


wheres the dislike button🖤

did momo create momoland?


Attached: binnie with arin's eyes.jpg (1100x1247, 365K)

h8 her

4chanx beta just updated to support the likes

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

me too user🙁

binnie thread

why would you downvote our most beloved seulgi bear?

next op pic is a huge whore

Your fortune: Outlook good



for some reason that looks like stop-motion💙





Your fortune: Godly Luck

what happens if i like my own post

hope bts are in an snl skit


make a thread😃


2.5 more hours

you get banned😃



Momoland started out as a sasaeng cult but eventually drifted into a legitimate organization. Like Mormonism.

its like sucking your own dick

episode 11 was my favorite. how I feel trying to save all these nugus

What a beautiful soundtrack Samurai Champloo had.