

Attached: 1550727375469.jpg (540x810, 40K)

*drum and bass machine starts playing*


Heh....what's up my fellow industrial teens? Any of you kids remember Ziggy Stardust? Ask your parents, that was me

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"Heroes" was objectively the worst of the Berlin trilogy


If all of Low was like side two then you might have a point.

You're wrong

*drum and bass machine starts up*
hello, fellow industrial kids. do you remember me? the "thin white duke"?
i'm done with that pop shite, consider that phase of my life over! i'm hip now, check out and listen to my new album, earthling

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The duality of the lengths and styles of the two sides is what makes Low better than "Heroes" though. It's generally a better album.

that's not true, because lodger exists, user.
my higher score even proves it. low is the peak of the trilogy

Ziggy Stardust, the Thin White Duke, the Goblin King... I've lost count of how many times I've died...
*drum n bass machine starts up

Attached: Earfling.jpg (452x640, 75K)

Lodger is better than "Heroes" though, userπŸ–

I heard you enjoyed the "Low" album, well check this one out
>twist and shout starts up

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Did he bang Jennifer Connelly?


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none of the peak lodger tracks touch anything off heroes, user

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

I really like it

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Impressive. Very nice.

dishonest, was clever about marketing himself to people with higher iqs and had a few songs but definitely not an artist

>Ayy wot if we get dat dere nine nails guy? He prolly knows lots about drums, maybe bass too

That's fucking rad!

Your blade is no match against mine!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(οΎŸβˆ€οΎŸ)━━━━━━ !!!!

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>now Ziggy Stardust, now that was a good album

Still miss him lads

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*obscures your passage*

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Rolled 72 (1d100)

I'd say the opposite, user

Hmm lets see if I've got any messages from that fellow, what was his name, darumb en basse?

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