Post your favourite Beatles song

post your favourite Beatles song
the song with the most like is their objective best song

Attached: the lads.jpg (960x540, 104K)

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John Lennon beats wife good :)

Rocky Raccoon

in my life

Tomorrow Never Knows

Run For Your Life

Strawberry Fields Forever

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back in the ussr

Woman is the nigger of the world

Why Don't We Do It In The Road

A Day In The Life

Fixing a Hole

Don't Let Me Down

blue jay way

Octopus's Garden

nowhere man

Abbey Road b side medley. Don't care if it's cheating, it's meant to be heard together.

It's not their best, but anyone who says it 'ruins' Abbey Road is full of it, it's a solid track, and the guitar work is great

She's Leaving Home though

Either In My life for sentimental purposes or I Am the Walrus just because of how different it is.

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Twist and Shout, preferably a live version. It perfectly encapsulates how and why they became so huge.

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Eleanor Rigby

Strawberry Fields Forever literally altered the course of popular music forever and you can't argue that.

maxwells silver hammer