It's April. How are you holding up, Yea Forums?
It's April. How are you holding up, Yea Forums?
its been four months since new years
This year's april fool's joke sucks ass though.
It's pretty fucking awful. And the mod post is so shit too. Has nothing to do with the board's culture.
not good, not been getting very many likes tonight
That's a shame, user. Have one on me.
this shit sucks
i was hoping for gr15 to be lifted
how about you, /moo/?
I’m studying something I don’t care for and it’s really starting to weigh on me. Albums don’t stand out for me like they used to, but I still enjoy music.
Moving out of my apartment at the end of this month. Been pacing around the place lately whenever I'm drunk just looking at everything that makes me feel nostalgic. I remember when I first moved in 2 years ago and being excited to have my own place to myself and not have anyone bother me. In the end I just ended up feeling lonely and wasted a bunch of money on rent. I decided it was time to move out of this place and back in with my parents so I can save money for university and get my life back on track. In the meantime, I'm packing my things and cleaning up the place. I'll probably invite my friends over one last time for drinks before I move out. I might marathon the first 3 Silent Hill games again like I did for Halloween 2 years ago. I also wanted to have one last movie night and order from my favourite pizza joint in town. I feel kinda sad leaving this place but also happy that I'm moving forward and going back to school hopefully next Fall.
Anyone else ever feel sentimental when moving out of somewhere?
thanks user😃
It's so hard to let go
You can hear me but I'm invisible
But if you dig out your eyes, maybe pain will subside
The worst that could happen is you never see me again
But the worst is yet to come, my friend
This path I walk is comforting
But now I'm left to sing this song alone
I'm fading faster now
I left so long ago
You never noticed I was gone
Now that you don't have eyes, maybe now you'll realize
Within your own head, you're creating these lies
For what it's worth, you're still beautiful
But beauty lies within the eyes
This path I walk is comforting
But now I'm left to sing this song alone
I'm fading faster now
It's time to walk away with nothing left
Nothing left in my soul
I've faded into myself
This path I walk is comforting
But now I'm left to sing this song alone
I'm fading faster now
It's time to walk away with nothing left
Nothing left in my soul
I'm fading faster now
im leaving my parents house soon i'll be going to vermont job hunting i feel sick to my stomach ive never been away from my parents before
I'm so miserable and I can't squeeze even a drop of pleasure out of my favorite activities anymore. My friends are all starting to go their separate paths from adulthood and I sit in my room getting drunk every night. I thought I was going to kill myself last month but I don't know If I can keep going anymore.
Nice!, I went to Vermont many years ago during the autumn season and loved it. I remember feeling sick to my stomach also when I first moved out of my parents place and into my college dorm. I sat there thinking "fuck, I wanna go home..." but I went out and met people and it made my whole college experience great. Good luck with the job search, I dunno what you're after exactly but don't be too picky. You can always work some shit job temporarily until something better comes along, I've been there a few times.
as always
Hey man here
I liked your post can you like mine back
Im holding up. things are looking good. and i love y'all i hope y'all have a nice april
what are you doing now? working anywhere? stuck with the parents? haven't picked a career yet?
I can't wait to be 21 next year. Then I can slowly kill myself with alcoholism.
It will be okay, user. G*d will give you a sign. We can all start new.
I'm still in March
turned 21 last week. I'll let you know if I succeed.
Depression year 8, probably suicide this year.
i can't make a lot of noise in my apartment, so i can't make music unless it's via MIDI, which is OK but I want to sing and my neighbors won't let me :(
Wish I wasn't a chad autist. I could've had sex or gone out with so many girls in my life by now, and yet I'm a fucking virgin because I'm so scared of women. Why are women so intimidating? Flirting is impossible, and no matter how many tinder matches I get, I never even try to talk to them. I'm such a failure, what's the point in being tall and good looking if I'm just wasting my god-given benefits like a fucking loser? Fuck, my manlet best friend gets more pussy than me, and I'm 6'2". I don't want to waste my 20's as a fucking loser virgin and yet here I am, wasting away everyday obsessed with pussy and yet never acting on it. I jack off a least 3 times everyday, my prostate has been inflamed for about a year now because I abuse my dick so much and my groin area is in constant pain. I don't know what to do. So I don't think it'll be a good April for me. Worst part is I know I'll never kill myself since I'm such a pussy, all I can do is dream. Why live when I won't let myself live? I'd cry if I could, but crying is something I haven't been able to do for years and years now. I'm so sick of myself. Fuck. I want a hug
Just go gay until you build up the confidence to approach women.
I feel you man, I've had horrible luck with women and I've basically had to re-learn how to have confidence in general over the past year. It fucking sucks, especially since my roommate fucks on the regular. For me right now its just about taking baby steps and really making an effort to ask that scared part of myself to step back and be willing to try talking to people. What I'm saying is that its so easy to give up, but you have to do little things to build yourself up as a person. I can't say anything for sure because I'm essentially in the middle of this shit too. Hope some of that makes sense, I'm a little scatter brained. I hope things get better for you.
Please don't talk like that! Please hold on and stick it out! Things will get better! I love you user!💜
Not too well. Will probably become an hero next month.
Thanks man, I hope things turn out for you too
I’m alright. I’m just living my life and occasionally fantasising about MatPat’s wife Stephanie.
this is the worst year of my life🙁
How come user?
surviving but barely
my b;alls hur t
It's not even a year for me
is it a roommate or a neighbor? why do you hate them so?
im asian
It's been three. No wonder you're so depressed
January - 1
February - 2
March - 3
Where's this mythical fourth month?
you forgot second february
I'm trying to fight my extreme fear of failure and live like an average person. I should probably quit smoking weed for good.
the thoughts that I'll never "make it', I'll never be happy and that life is too much for me so I should kill myself don't go away
I don't know what I'm doing