Whats it like to be good at guitar?

Whats it like to be good at guitar?

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Pretty awesome but it comes in handy a lot less often than you'd think. My parents stuck me in lessons when I was a little kid and I'm extremely grateful they forced me to stick it out because now I have a good basis for making my own music

like coins and salty milk

It's like having a second mouth, that can siiiiiiiiiing

this, but a salty milk purse

Its like wishing you got good at piano instead

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man i wish mi parents would have done the same thing with me

What's it like to be good at anything?

you can get "good" faster than youd think. play every day. thats the only thing you need to do

I'm good at guitar........... until I have to play for people
What's it like to not having crippling self-doubt and insecurity?

if the guitar general is any indication lonely and miserable

I don't know. The drums are better so I went with those.

nobody notices if you're actually good at guitar unless you can play like a virtuoso; honestly if you know the chords for a few good campfire songs and some licks people will think you're good at it

Everyone always says that, but I don't know what to play! Do I just play random chords and strings for hours?

like never feeling like you're good at guitar

learn basic songs
learn which combinations of chords sound pleasing to you
pluck out random little melodies

scales and chords mostly. try making songs. try learning songs you like

Basically. Just look up tabs and play songs you like until you get good at them

I don't know either but I'm happy being good enough at piano and guitar to write songs
Get the basics down and then branch off and do your own thing. Learn by doing.

This, but for every instrument. Sometimes you think you're getting pretty good, others might even tell you so, then you see someone so much better and feel like shit again.

really? you should be getting hella pussy from that

getting good at anything is pretty fun. Alot of people have a guitar they dont play so its nice being able to mess around when youre bored at a pal's place. It doesn't get you pussy but it can be a huge plus for some girls, but being good and passionate at anything is pretty attractive. Its also a great way to exercise your brain in your free time instead of vegetating.

t. pentatonic chad

How many times in life realistically fo I have a guitar in front of me though. 95% of the time it's when I'm at home alone practicing or recording. I havent been in a band since high school

i can't explain it to you

it's more fun to be good at bass


I only learn tabs and couldnt come up with something to save my life

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I couldn't give a shit as a kid to learn how to play guitar. Something about it pissed me off, but i love muh music

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i just want to be able to improv fingerstyle and sound like John Fahey

Basically just learn songs and do some theory on the side. Sort your technique with your picking hand out early on, I know one or two players that are self trained and are overall good guitarists but are kind of limited by their right hand because they never wanted to learn finger picking or tapping or even more percussive kind of playing styles. You don't need those things to be good but it'll make you a more rounded player and they're easy to learn at the start.

get good at a better instrument bro, like a piano
guitars are dead

lol at all the yards saying piano

you can’t bring a piano camping, or to your room with you. it doesn’t fit as carry on for flights either

guitar is based but piano is worth knowing ofc too


Guitars shaped like a woman - but unlike them, it will never leave you, it's always there for you.

nobody cares, girls don't care. i wasted my youth and now I'm a dead end job loser.

ask ry cooder.

Guitar is way more fun to play. Bass is more fun than guitar though.


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It doesn't apply to gays, obviously.

you'll get better eventually user, i believe in you

bump, help me


t. retard

guitar general is absolute horseshit man.
as much as i usually prefer Yea Forums over any other platforms to discuss topics facebook groups are actually better for discussing gear/guitar unless all you wanna talk about is your strat

Just keep doing it. Go play around your buds when they're just hanging out playing video games or something. You'll get used to it. i used to have the same problem.

At my workplace a dude started playing a popular local song thats pretty damn easy to play and everyone was like dude you are a guitar god!

Then i played a fucking hard solo i learnt and everyone was like hmm ok kid

In conclusion only guitar players can see if you are good or crap at it

>tfw my parents never forced me to play any instrument at all when i was younger

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My parents stuck me in bagpipe lessons
I did 15 years
If only I spent that time on guitar I would be really good... But instead, I'm just good at bagpipe, wich is the worst instrument to attract pussies ever

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Am I good at guitar if I can pick a tonic and play e.g. major scale up and down the whole neck more or less?

Neither did mine. I was interested in music.

There's nothing worse than playing in a band in high school and having to lug around a big old clunky keyboard with you everywhere you go.
>"Hey, here comes the cool kid everyone."

>playing the same 5 notes in only 2 different positions, sounds like every other boomer's shitty coverband
>playing all 12 notes across the neck, highlighting chord tones and being able to play over any song
take the theorypill bro, i went from sounding like every other buttrock soloist to actually unique

It's also shaped like a penis but unlike yours it is long.

Atleast you can play an instrument

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Guitar was a mistake to be honest. Everything I do on guitar seems basically easier on piano, despite my childish piano technique and rather advanced lead guitar technique. 16 years wasted. I’ll be alright but yeah, just play an electric piano. Profit endlessly

>Lived with grandparents and NEET guitarist uncle
>Grandparents refused to get me guitar lessons because they cost money and my uncle can just do it for free
>He doesn't actually give me any guitar lessons and would get mad any time I interrupted vidya/football/his own guitar practising to ask him to teach me.
>Give up guitar at age 10

wanna play in my bagpipe martial industrial band ?

>not carrying one of these bad boys
It's like you don't want to drown in pussy

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like bags of sand

I like my coins in a glass of milk

my guitar left me

I've played professionally for years. I still get keyed up before a performance. When I first started I'd literally be shaking before walking on stage. Those days are long gone, but I still feel it. Why do you think so many musicians have a couple drinks before/while playing? I remember one tour when I would drink an entire bottle of wine (poured into a couple Solo cups) during every show.
As others have said SONGS are the currency. Learn songs. Play with others who know those songs. Then figure out how to put your own spin on them if required.
Bear in mind that there's a difference between making good music and displaying command over an instrument. Look at masterful guitar players people actually know and you'll find their angle was always showing their mastery in the context of music that anyone could like. As opposed to great players who only guitarists care about because they were so focused on being great guitarists they neglected the bigger picture. Look at Eddie Van Halen - he instinctively knew he needed a solid party rock vehicle to propel his great playing because great playing alone wasn't enough. Compare that to a guy like Yngwie Malmsteen who assumed great playing alone could get him by. Only guitar nerds listen to him. Then take a cat like Steve Vai who's probably a better musician than both of them - what's he remembered for? That one minute he hooked up with David Lee Roth. Great playing is nice but without context it means nothing.


i'll never know...🙁

>bought an acoustic guitar two months ago
>play every day
>been practicing finger picking
>can feel myself getting better
feels good bros

>tfw you become aware of your improvements
been playing bass for 10 years and it's still the best feeling

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>tfw good piano player
this thread made me feel good, thanks user

Just mix up the tabs, and pick notes that work within the scale the song is in. If you know enough of other people's music, you can warp and combine it all into your own. That's actually a fairly common and respected thing to do, you can see it as progressing on other people's ideas.

You know you are good at any instrument when you don't enjoy it nearly as much as you did before. At the beginning, you suck so its not fun to play. In the middle, you're starting to impress yourself, learning fun new things, and its enough fun to the point where that's all you do for hours at a time. At some point, you continue to learn new things, you are still impressing yourself, but the fun has been sucked out. Whether you are professional or just trying to occupy the time before you die in some meaningful way, once you can only pick up your instrument while playing in your style for 30 minutes a day, you know you've made it.

You can suppress or even slow this down by learning new styles, instruments, or just taking breaks for a week or two, but it always seems to come back in some capacity unless you've got the Steven King gene. My advice to you is to make music if you want to in your free time, but focus on something more important, like something you can actually make a bit of money off of.

Fahey is a tough one as he was a once in a lifetime songwriter with a distinctive style. Practice enough to where you can fingerstyle fluently and then start learning his songs (preferably by ear). On top of that, listen to a wide variety of americana (folk, blues, country, etc) as well as a dash of classical (Fahey liked Bartok but took inspiration from musique concrete and other avant grade stuff). I love playing Fahey’s stuff and I love playing it but I won’t pretend there’s an easy way to play it.

Of course user, where can I contact you

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like this:♥️

My sister is less intelligent than me, and she taught herself the piano in about 2-3 years. I always wish I practiced as much as her, if so I'd be trying new melodies all the time. I'm a depressed lazy fuck, she actually worked for what she has. Intelligence gets you literally nowhere.

intelligence without hard work*